Friday, August 28, 2015

Exhibition: Salmon Arm 6 Vernon 1

For anyone who could not attend or watch tonight’s Vipers game here are my thoughts and views from tonight’s game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own view and opinion on any game we watch. This is my opinion and my thoughts on how I saw tonight’s game. I try to be unbiased and give a fare recap on both sides. Thanks for stopping by & visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Silverbacks pre-season game as Salmon Arm defeated Vernon 6-1 in front of a pretty good crowd at the Shaw Centre. (Didnt announce tonight's attendance)

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Jarrod Schamerhorn
Salmon Arm: Zach Dyment

1st Period: The Silverbacks playing their second game of the pre-season jumped on the Vipers who were playing their first exhibition game of the season early and often.  Salmon Arm got the play deep into the Vernon zone off the opening faceoff, come out hitting early and often.  The Backs with a great forecheck early had the Vipers pinned in their own end.  Twenty five seconds into the period Aidan Salerno with a quick shot from the point forced Jarrod Scahmerhorn into making a big save less then a minute into the contest.  Vernon who struggled off the opening faceoff had all kinds of trouble with the Silverbacks attack and physical play as the Vipers had troubles clearing the zone.  It was all SA early and often as the Backs with some good pressure dominated the play early.  Just over five minutes into the frame Salmon Arm with two quality chances couldnt open the scoring.  Schamerhorn made a big pad save off a shot from the slot before robbing Aidan Salerno in front who had a wide open cage.  On the following shift Callum Volpe come up with a huge defensive play breaking up a Backs two on one keeping this game scoreless.  The Silverbacks would then get the games first powerplay, come close once again to opening the scoring after a quick shot from the point just missed the far corner.  The Backs with some good presure couldnt capitalize.  Salmon Arm carried most of the play as Vernon had all kinds of trouble getting into the offensive zone getting just three shots on goal in the first half of the 1st period. The Vipers would eventually get their first scoring chance of the night with about seven minutes to go.  Joey Cipollone wheeled from the corner out front couldnt beat former Vipers affiliated goaltender Zach Dyment with a ton of bodies in front made the save keeping this game scoreless. Steven Jandric would wheel into the Backs zone shortly after tried setting up Ryan Cooper in the slot couldnt handle the pass on a missed opportunity.  About three minutes later Vernon would get their first look with the man advantage, but the Vipers struggled as SA would kill off the minor.  Just after the penalty expired the Vipers couldnt clear the zone, two turnovers inside the blueline allowed veteran forward Josh Blanchard to walk in went high glove beat Vipers starting goaltender Jarrod Schamerhorn giving Salmon Arm a 1-0 lead at 16:24 Taro Hirose with the lone assist.  Vernon would get a late PP in the final minute that would carry over into the 2nd period.  It was 1-0 Salmon Arm after 20 minutes of play.  The Silverbacks outshot the Vipers 14-8.  This was not the opening frame the Vipers were looking for as Salmon Arm dominated the first period totally outplayed, outworked and outhit the Vipers in all departments.  Jarrod Schamerhorn played very well made some big saves when needed too to keep his hockey club in the game.  The Backs move the puck well, play very physical and have a strong forecheck.  The Vipers with one quality scoring chance couldnt get through the neutral zone, had very little offensive zone time.  SA was winning all the battles along the boards and winning the races to the pucks.    

2nd Period: The Vipers started the middle frame on the powerplay that was carried over from the 1st period.  SA would kill off the remainder of the PP before jumping out to a two goal lead just as the penalty expired.  Aaron Aragon put Salmon Arm up 2-0 at 1:42 with Nick Hutchison & Colton Thibault picked up the helpers. The Silverbacks again looked sharp and carried the play early and often.  Sam De Melo with a shot from the point forced Jarrod Schamerhorn into making a big pad save before Vernon product Colton Thibault burried the rebound at the side of the goal giving Salmon Arm a 3-0 lead at 5:39 De Melo and former Vipers defenceman Ryley Booth collected the assists.  Joe Sacco would take a shot to the head in his own end needed help from the trainer before getting up slowly and looking a little woozy going to the bench.  Sacco would sit out a few shifts but stayed in the game.  The Backs would change goaltenders just before the halfway mark.  Daniel Toews replaced starting goaltender Zach Dyment who stopped all 15 Vernon shots.  On the following play the Silverbacks would get their second look with the man advantage getting a four minute powerplay.  Salmon Arm moving the puck around had the Vipers hemmned in their own end for most of the full four minutes as Vernon's penalty killers managed to clear the zone just once in almost three minutes without getting a stoppage in play.  Schamerhorn had to be sharp was quick on his feet made some good saves on the PK as the Vipers would excape and kill off the four minute minor.  On the following whistle Joesph McLeod would replace Jarrod Schamerhorn who allowed three goals on 31 Salmon Arm shots.  The following play the Backs would get back on the powerplay and capitalize.  Nick Hutchison put Salmon Arm up 4-0 at 13:32 Ryley Booth with the assist. Joe Sacco would get Vernon's best opportunity of the second period graized the edge of the post on a parcial breakaway couldnt get the Vipers on the scoreboard.  Vernon would then get their second PP of the night but it was the Silverbacks who held more control of the puck shorthanded would kill off the minor.  Just as the penalty expired Salmon Arm would jump back on the man advantage and make the Vipers pay with a second powerplay goal.  Sam De Melo's point shot looked to get redirceted in by Viper defenceman Callum Volpe giving Salmon Arm a 5-0 lead and full control of the hockey game at 19:23 Ross Heidt picked up the helper.  It was 5-0 Silverbacks after 40 minutes of play.  Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 21-10.  Another strong period by the Backs who scored four goals in the second frame to pull away with a comanding five goal lead.  For a second straight period the Vipers were outhit, outplayed and outworked.  Vernon with very little puck possesion and zone time couldnt get through the neutral zone getting just three shots in the final twelve minutes of the 2nd period.  Vernon with very little scoring chances again struggled defensively and getting pucks out of their own end.  

3rd Period: Vernon come out of the gates with a little more bite and edge to their game, carried the play in the opening few minutes.  The Vipers finally getting the puck into the Backs zone were getting pucks to the net, played with a little more jump.  The Vipers with several good strong shifts played their best hockey of the night in the first five minutes of the final frame.  Vernon would get an early powerplay just less then five minutes into the period.  With not alot of pressure the Silverbacks were able to kill off the penalty.  Two minutes later tempers heated up in a hurry after a scrum along the side wall deep inside the Vipers blueline some pushing and shoving occurred before Mitchell Oliver dropped the gloves as several players joined in on the scrum along the boards.  The scrum was eventually broken up after Oliver was tossed from the game with a game misconduct.  Vernon would come out on top after getting a PP out of the scrum.  The Vipers who struggled with the man advantage all game couldnt capitalize before going right back to work with the powerplay as Salmon Arm was getting into penalty trouble.  Once again Vernon struggled and couldnt get on the board after the Silverbacks would kill off another Viper powerplay.  Just after the penalty expired Nicholas Rasovic would get stopped by Daniel Toews before Callum Volpe riffled a quick shot from the circle went upstairs getting the Vipers on the board at 14:24 Rasovic with the lone helper.  But just over a minute later veteran Josh Laframboise put Salmon Arm up 6-1 at 15:27 Ryley Booth with his third helper of the night & Josh Blanchard picked up the assists.  A few shifts later tempers boiled over after former West Kelowna Warriors d-man Mac Ferner jumped Josh Laframboise dropping his gloves going after Laframboise who didnt drop his gloves tried skating away from the scrum before Nick Hutchison come flying into the scrum jumped onto Ferner before a small melay broke out with several players getting into the mix.  Lots of punches thrown, gloves in the face as well as pushing and shoving before the scrum was broken up.  Mac Ferner would get tossed from the game as well as Griffin James who also dropped his gloves getting into a fight.  Josh Laframboise and Nick Hutchison were both ejected from the game while Hutchison was given a game misconduct as well as an extra game misconduct for being the third man in.  Late in the game Elijiah Barriga would take a high hit from Reece Soukoroff giving the Silverbacks a late powerplay.  Salmon Arm couldnt capitalize on the man advantage come away with their first win of the pre-season taking the first game of the home & home series 6-1.  Vernon outshot Salmon Arm 10-8. The Vipers with a much better start to the 3rd played a little better but still didnt look very good overall.  Vernon looked to fire more pucks towards the net and had alot more zone time didnt give up as many scoring chances like the first two periods.  The Backs up 5-0 heading into the 3rd sat back, looked to take their foot off the gas in the teams second exhibition game.  Tempers heated up in a hurry in the 3rd with two scrums-altercations.  Three fights in all all started by the Vipers in a very physical-fiesty game.

Top Players: (Vernon)

Jarrod Schamerhorn debuting his newly painted Vipers mask allowed three goals on 31 Salmon Arm shots couldnt be faulted for any of the goals played very well this evening.  Returning for a second season with the Vipers, Schamerhorn kept his team in the game especially in the 1st period and then come up big in the 2nd making some big saves on a lengthy penalty kill.

Steven Jandric I thought was Vernon's best player tonight.  I didnt notice him much in the 3rd but liked his game in the 1st and 2nd periods.  A smooth skater, moves the puck up ice in a hurry, is quick and tallented.  

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

I dont think the Vipers coaching staff with be too pleased with tonight's 6-1 loss in the first exhibition game of the season.  I was very disapointed with the Vipers effort & performance.  I thought Vernon was outplayed right from the opening faceoff.  The Vipers were hit and hit lots through out the game, looked scared to go into the corners were losing close to almost every race for the puck.  I didnt think Vernon worked hard enough, alot of players out their were just out for a skate.  I didnt see alot of compete or jump in the Vipers game.  The Vipers struggled getting the puck out of their own end, clearing the zone, getting the puck into the offensive zone and creating scoring chances.  Didnt play with alot of jump or intensity.  I counted maybe three or four scoring opportunities all night.  Other then a few good shifts in the 3rd the Vipers struggled offensively to get any kind of offence going tonight.  Very limited zone time.  The powerplay struggled as well.  I didnt think any of the Viper returning players from last season looked good, and a few of the rookies tonight struggled at the Jr A Level.  Vernon dressed twenty players for tonight's game.  I counted twelve scratches sitting in the stands at the start of the game.  The second game of this home and home series goes tomorrow night in Vernon.

Top Players: (Salmon Arm)

Aidan Salerno I thought looked good on the Backs blueline.  Was getting pucks to the net, got involved in the play as well as was steady defensively all night.

Ryley Booth (3 assists) The former Vipers d-man picked up three helpers looked good on the backend.

Sam De Melo (1 goal & 1 assist) I thought was another Silverbacks defenceman that played very well.

Josh Laframboise (1 goal) Opened the scoring played well through out the game.

Nick Hutchison (1 goal & 1 assist) I thought played well up front, was working hard all night.  Made a poor decission to jump in a fight during the 3rd will now be out for one game.

Ross Heidt (1 assist) Was flying all night, this kid has some wheels and was hard to contain at times.

Game Thought's: (Salmon Arm)

The Backs were coming off a 5-2 loss to the visiting Langley Rivermen Wednesday looked very strong tonight coming away with the 6-1 victory.  SA got off to a strong start off the opening faceoff and took it to the Vipers all night.  I really liked Salmon Arm's compete level, they worked hard all night, every shift, never quit skating.  Had alot of jump and played with alot of intensity through out the game.  The Silverbacks looked like a more veteran team, seemed to have some systems in place.  Played physical, were hitting the Vipers on almost every chance they had. Have a very strong forecheck, won most of the battles and races for the puck, a very quick team can move the puck up ice in a hurry, they also have some size.  The Silverbacks were by far the better of the two teams, outplayed, outworked and outhit Vernon most of the night.  The game got chippy-fiesty at times with two scrums-mini brawls in the 3rd to make things interesting for tomorrows rematch.  


No scratches were announced

Three Stars:

No three stars were announced

Here is a look at both teams lineups-rosters:


Jarrod Schamerhorn "95"
Joesph McLeod "97"
Griffin James "97"
Reece Soukoroff "98"
Chris Jandric "98"
Callum Volpe "98"
Mitchell Oliver "97"
Mac Ferner "95"
Steven Jandric "97"
Jagger Williamson "98"
Blaine Caton "97"
Jordan Robinson "99"
Michael Roberts "95"
Zach Sullivan "97"
Joey Cipollone "97"
Nicholas Rasovic "96"
Ryan Cooper "99"
Linden Hora "96"
Joe Sacco "96"
Hunter Zandee "96"

Salmon Arm:

Zach Dyment "96"
Daniel Toews "98"
Brody Valette "95"
Ryley Booth "96"
Damian Chrcek "96"
Cameron Trott "97"
Sam De Melo "98"
Aidan Salerno "95"
Ross Heidt "96"
Jake Simmons "96"
Marcus Mitchell "98"
Nathan Plessis "98"
Taro Hirose "96"
Nick Hutchison "95"
Elijiah Barriga "96"
Cam Coutre "98"
Josh Blanchard "96"
Colton Thibault "95"
Josh Laframboise "96"
Aaron Aragon "97"

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