Monday, February 5, 2024

BCHL Facts Any Fan Can Easily Understand – Supplied By The BCHL

Lets review the reasons why the BCHL left the CJHL & Hockey Canada.

Here is the story from,

BCHL Facts Any Fan Can Easily Understand – Supplied By The BCHL (


  1. Why you continually promote this moron is beyond me, the BCHL is awesome, they do not do what they do blindly.

    You should accentuate the positive, not all this guys negativity. You have a great blog please, keep it that way.

  2. As soon as I seen this post was from thejuniorhockeynews, i knew I would not read it, too much negativity towards our fantastic league, the BCHL.

  3. thejuniorhockeynews is a JOKE!

  4. Dont read this article from thejuniorhockeynews, not worth the time of day!

  5. TheJuniorHockeyNews guy will bend and twist the story line until it fits his narrative!

  6. VDHF... firstly, Thank You for this outstanding Blog!!! Also thank you for providing the Death Pool articles on our BCHL. I DO NOT think you are "continually promoting this moron" by posting opinions that differ from some of our Viper fans. You are being fair and impartial by including these. I don't recall you having a negative comment or opinion on this person's stance, you merely provided it. It is up to all fans and readers to agree or disagree, good debate is healthy. PERIOD.

    Secondly... I read & enjoy these articles, I am neither for nor against them. I will say though that I DO see some truth in some of what is said in these latest articles. He has obviously done some research and has numbers to back up his point. I do not see "top end" European players, rather 3rd or 4th liners who do not make much of a difference on the ice.

    Death Pool comment from a previous post states... "Six of the top ten in BCHL scoring are American players. Thirteen of the top twenty scorers are American. Only ONE of the Canadian born players in the top twenty of scoring is from British Columbia. The other Canadian players in the top twenty are from Quebec and Ontario".
    He goes on to say... "There is only ONE European player in the top fifty of BCHL scoring. There is a total of FOUR Europeans in the top one hundred of BCHL scoring. Where is the access to high calibre talent? It doesn't exist and will never happen".

    Numbers & Facts don't lie, no interpretation is necessary, it is hard to twist the story another way.

    Lastly... to "Anonymous", "Anonymous", "Anonymous" and Paul. It is perfectly fine to disagree with Death Pool but please show some credibility for YOUR comments. What do you see that this reporter got wrong? Are his facts incorrect? If you disagree please correct the numbers. Again, please show your Data to disprove Death Pool's article.

    Hopefully the BCHL stays strong and we can enjoy many years of good hockey. Go Vipers Go!!!

  7. Ya, right, like I’m going to give any validation to an anonymous such, as yourself Geezer or admin, from thejuniorhockeynews.

    Any credible article one reads online comes with a journalists, I use this term very loosely for Admin from thejuniorhockeynews, name.

    When I post, my opinion, online, I back it up with my name. Duncan Wray was very appreciative of this when he reamed me out for bashing one of his players. He came to me explained his thoughts on the player and I told him mine, then we went about our other business.

    Posting with a moniker of Anonymous or Geezer is not and never will be credible. So, I have no need to explain anything to you about why I say what I say.

  8. Yes Paul you are right, you do not need to explain anything to me. I do encourage you to reread my post though and try to focus on the CONTENT rather than dismissing me because I use a moniker. I said" agree or disagree, good debate is healthy". I also added that "I am Neither For Nor Against the Death Pool article". It is good to read an opinion and Right or Wrong it does give us another perspective. I do not know who this Death Pool person is but I recognize that he has used facts & figures, very easy to validate. Because of this I do give him a degree of credibility. Yes, he should have the courage or respect to author his opinion, that is for certain. So... aside from his anonymity what is it you disagree with in his piece? What facts have been twisted? That was the crux of my comment. I just want to see what I am missing, other that his autograph.
