Thursday, March 9, 2023

Vernon Vipers Collision Of The Week - Ayden Third

This weeks CSN Frank's Collision of the Week is from Vernon Vipers

defenceman Ayden Third's hit on Prince George Spruce Kings forward Jake Schneider March 4th 2023.

Here is the CSN Frank's Collision of the Week from the Vernon Vipers YouTube page,

Collision Of The Week - Ayden Third [3-7-2023] - YouTube


  1. Nice news but, where is your post about the NEW VIPERS APP??? That is bigger news than your post about some VIPER TRYOUT! serously ADMIN give your head a shake!

  2. VDHF thank you for all your hard work and commitment to keeping us informed. I enjoy reading your posts each day and realize it may be challenging at times to find interesting content. You are appreciated by the greater majority of your readers but there are one or two who hide behind the "anonymous" label to spout their negative drivel. Realistically THEY are "anonymous" not only on this blog but probably more so in life as a whole, always yapping but always hiding. Please keep up the outstanding job and know your efforts at loved by "real" Viper followers. I proudly display my name and look forward to seeing you tonight. THANK YOU!!!

  3. Anonymous or name option, makes no difference because, you can make up a name before you post each and every time so, give your head a shake!
