Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Vernon-Calgary Trade:

The Vernon Vipers have traded forward Bowden Singleton to the Alberta Junior

Hockey League Calgary Canucks for future considerations.

Here is the press release from the Vernon Vipers website,

Singleton Traded To Calgary | Vernon Vipers

Bowden Singleton's Player Profile:

Bowden Singleton - Elite Prospects


  1. Lets face it the AJHL is a huge level below the BCHL. Look at the guys that have come in over the last few years with numbers and cant put any up in the BCHL. Maybe these Alberta clowns can figure this out one day.

  2. The ship is sinking and players are jumping off

  3. Seriously Randy ?? Jumping off ???
    16-0-0-0 More like running back to where he had success
    Huge Difference in Leagues !!

  4. Seriously? Maybe the absent owner Tom Glen should treat his Scout(s) the way their recruits/committed players are treated. Trade them or just “release them back into the wild”. Have any of these Viper Management Clowns ever considered what it is like from the players side? These young men are working for scholarships, striving to further their hockey “education”, prepare themselves for collegiate hockey… moving to a new organization, a new community, leaving homes & girlfriends and then being cast aside when they don’t perform up to the scouts expectation of them. Perhaps they are not performing up to “expectations” but who set those expectations? I am sure the players didn’t. The players just committed to playing hard and being good citizens which they are doing. The Recruiters/Scouts/GM set the lofty expectations. I am sure Tom Glen would understand it if Jack had been treated like a beach ball the past 3 years. This owner is the polar opposite of our previous owner. Duncan Wray was all about the players, preparing them for university/college level, emphasizing hockey AND education and ensuring his player’s stay in Vernon was a positive one. Tom Glen, by allowing this circus to continue, is destroying Duncan’s legacy.

    Oh, and before someone replies with “if you don’t like the Owner or Coach/GM then quit going to the games. Wrong!!! I will continue to go to games because all the players deserve our support, PERIOD. The Owner does NOT but it is impossible to support the players without buying a ticket, in my case a season ticket for 25+ years.

  5. What the heck is going on? Trade after trade after trade. Players coming in, players moving out. The Vipers roster is a revolving door. Are these players no good or are players wanting out and asking for trades? How is this team supposed to bond, build chemistry and gel as a team when there's so many trades and player movement. Who will want to come to Vernon after all the trades?

    Here's a kid that had 59 points in the AJHL last season was pointless with the Vipers and did nothing.

    How many players have the Vipers acquired this season, are now no longer here after being traded away. What does that tell you about their scouting/General Manager. Why are they making these trades if they are trading them away shortly after?

    I have said it many times before... This is what happens when you have poor scouting/recruiting and a poor coach. You end up putting together a below average team, that struggles at the start of the season, continues to struggle as the season moves along, a team that constantly makes the same mistakes game after game, a team that is inconsistent and loses more games then they win. A team that is the lowest scoring team in the league. A team that panics after struggling and starts making trades to try and fix their poor recruiting/scouting. And this fans is your 2022-23 Vernon Vipers. For the past four seasons we have seen an average or below average Vipers team with poor coaching and average players and a team that isn't very good. You won't win many games and won't go far in the playoffs and there's only one person to blame and that's ownership! It's time for a change! It's time to clean house with the teams scouts and Head Coach/GM.

    If you had better scouting/recruiting and a better coach, you would have better players and a better team. But until that happens, welcome to a losing team. It's hard to believe the Vipers let go Mark Ferner one of the best Junior A coaches around and replaced him with someone like Jason McKee. What a huge mistake that was!

    I know most Viper fans are frustrated, disappointed and tired of watching mediocre hockey for the past four years. If Viper fans are tired of losing and watching a mediocre hockey team for four straight seasons, why aren't the owners? Do these guys like a losing team?

    The Vernon Lakers/Vernon Vipers rich history/dynasty is being run into the ground.

  6. I have come to the conclusion, no brainer that the players themselves are asking to be traded as they no the difference between good coaching and bad. The players know they have to look after there future. They know this coach will not give them that chance so I think it is the players asking to be traded as they are not happy with his coaching style. The coach McKee must go.

  7. We had the same problem years ago in Salmon Arm with Randy Williams. Just like the Glens Williams put his kid on the team and just like the Glens a kid who wasn't good enough for JrB let alone playing in the bchl. The Williams chased away season ticket holders and ran the silverbacks into the ground and by the sounds of things sounds like the Glens are doing the samething in vernon. Best of luck Viper fans, run these car salesmen out of town!

  8. Not long ago VDHF posted that the Glens bought Vernon Subaru.....doesn't sound like the car salesman are leaving anytime soon !!

  9. Good to know I have had Subarus for years, I will now buy mine in Kelowna! I will never support these cheats robbing kids their chance at scholarships.
