Thursday, February 10, 2022

Penticton 4 Vernon 3 Overtime

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my entire life. My family watched Senior men's hockey in Vernon in the 1950's and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon since it started in 1961. I have two family members that played Junior hockey in Vernon. I have had season tickets since 1990 and missed 5 home games since 2004 and 46 home games since 1990. I'm not a journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid to do this blog and do it in my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 2.1 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't watch or attend tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the hockey game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Vees game as Penticton defeated Vernon 4-3 in overtime in front of 2,500 fans at the South Okanagan Events Centre. (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only 50% capacity allowed)

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon Vipers: Roan Clarke
Penticton Vees: Kaeden Lane

1st Period: Both teams couldn't get much of anything going early into the hockey game as the hometown Penticton Vees needed about five and a half minutes to record their first shot on goal and a good shot it was. Stefano Bottini with a low shot from outside the circle, forced Roan Clarke into making a left pad save on a quality shot. The Vipers would record their first shot of the game a shift or two later before a few plays later Ryan Hopkins made a strong defensive play, to break up a Vipers two on one rush. About two minutes later, Cade McNelly was distracted behind the play, got involved with a Penticton player, allowing the Vees an odd man rush back the other way. Beanie Richter's shot would be stopped by Roan Clarke before Casey McDonald buried the rebound, giving Penticton a 1-0 lead at 8:33 Beanie Richter & Owen Simpson collected the assists. Shortly after former Merritt Centennials defenceman Talon Zakall's point shot look to handcuff Kaeden Lane who was forced to make a difficult save with bodies going to the front of the net on the Vipers first quality chance of the contest. Shortly after Aydar Suniev forced Roan Clarke to flash the leather, making a quick glove save from the slot. Just past the midway mark, Luc Wilson would be denied by Roan Clarke on a quality chance by the Vees. With about four and a half miutes remaining, Talon Zakall's point shot would be stopped by Kaeden Lane who couldn't control the rebound, allowing Reagan Milburn a chance in front couldn't beat Kaeden Lane at the top of the crease on a good chance for the Snakes. With four minutes left in the 1st period, Vernon would get the games first power play. The Vipers struggled with the man advantage, couldn't keep the puck in the offensive zone as the Vees with a strong penalty kill. The Snakes don't get a single shot on the PP as Penticton kills off the minor. Inside the final minute of play, Braden Doyle's point should would force Roan Clarke into making a big stop with eleven seconds to go in the period. It was 1-0 Penticton after 20 minutes of play. The Vees were the better team, had control of the puck most of the period. Penticton carried the better of the play, had several good looks/chances outhit and outchanced the Vipers. Vernon struggled offensively gaining puck possession and getting through the neutral zone. A lot of the play was on the tape of the Vees sticks and in the Viper end. The Vipers went several minutes at a time without a shot on goal. Penticton outshot Vernon 18-6.

2nd Period: Inside the opening minute on a good cycle shift from the visiting Vernon Vipers, forward/captain JoJo Tanaka-Campbell did most of the work to setup Reagan Milburn who spotted Zack Tonnelli in the slot, beating Penticton Vees starting goaltender Kaeden Lane, tying the game 1-1 at 0:44 Reagan Milburn & JoJo Tanaka-Campbell drew the helpers on a hard working shift by the Snakes. Just over two minutes later, the Vees would get their first power play of the night. Penticton didn't really generate much as a good Vernon penalty kill would kill off the minor without giving up any real scoring chances. Twenty four seconds after the penalty expired, the Vees went back to the man advantage. Towards the end of the PP Seiya Tanaka-Campbell setup Nicholas Kent on an odd man rush shorthanded, but Kent couldn't get his shot up and over Kaeden Lane who made a large save, keeping this a 1-1 hockey game as Vernon with another big PK kills off the remainder of the penalty. Two minutes later, Penticton went to it's third straight power play but again gave up another shorthanded opportunity. Matthew Culling broke out on an odd man rush, spotting Zack Tonelli going to the goal. Tonelli couldn't beat Kaeden Lane who was forced to make a big stop while on the PP. Roan Clarke would get run over by Cade McNelly who was chasing down a Vees player driving hard to the goal. Clarke would be ok and shake things off and stay in the game. The Snakes with yet another good PK, kill off the minor. Minutes later Roan Clarke would make a difficult save off Ryan Hopkins point shot before having to stop Josh Nadeau. On the following play Matthew Culling down the left wing, ripped a shot from the circle, couldn't beat Kaeden Lane who was way out to challenge. Right after that, Roan Clarke was forced to make a save from well out, couldn't handle the rebound. Cade McNelly cleared the puck up the middle before hitting a Vees player into the Viper goal, while in the mean time, Spencer Smith beat Roan Clarke with Cade McNelly and a Vees player in the goal/crease, giving Penticton a 2-1 lead at 13:32 Smith's goal was unassisted. About a minute later, Vernon would get a shot with the power play, their second of the evening. The Snakes unable to generate much with the PP as Penticton kills off the penalty. About a minute and a half later, Aydar Suniev stepped over the blueline and ripped a heavy shot high and past Vernon Vipers starting netminder Roan Clarke, giving Penticton a late 3-1 lead at 18:18 for his first career BCHL goal. Suniev's goal was unassisted. Inside the final minute, Josh Nadeau with a good look/chance, couldn't solve Roan Clarke. It was 3-1 Penticton after 40 minutes of play. For a second straight period, the Vees were the better of the two teams. Penticton carried the better of the play, had more puck possession, zone time, were outhitting the Vipers, winning the races and getting the better of the chances. The Vees controlled a lot of the middle frame and really took over the edge in play in the second half of the 2nd period. The Snakes played the first half shorthanded, taking three straight penalties but were very good on the PK, had two shorthanded opportunities but couldn't bury their chances. Vernon once again struggled offensively only this period they at least had a few looks/chances. Penticton outshot Vernon 16-9.

3rd Period: Off the opening faceoff, the Vees controlled the play early. About a minute or so into the period, Bradly Nadeau's heavy shot from the top of the circle beat Roan Clarke but not the crossbar as the hometown Vees come close to taking an early 4-1 lead. Adam Eisele tried putting home the puck in the crease but two Vipers quickly cleared the puck from the front of the goal. Shortly after Penticton went on an early power play. The Vees had some chances but couldn't solve Roan Clarke as Vernon kills off the minor. About four minutes later, Josh Nadeau would be stoned in front after Roan Clarke somehow managed to get across the blue paint and make a large pad save, keeping Nadeau off the scoreboard. Minutes later Clarke had to come up with another big stop off Adam Eisele in front with the Vees pressing. Around the midway mark, the Vipers sprung Reagan Milburn in for the partial breakaway who couldn't beat Kaeden Lane on a shot I don't think Milburn got enough on with two Vees chasing him down. Shortly after on a bit of a strange play/bounce Luke Pakulak somehow manages to get the puck as Kaeden Lane looked to be going the other way, hitting the open cage, cutting Penticton's lead to 3-2 at 10:38 Seiya Tanaka-Campbell with the lone assist. About a minute later, the Vees would jump on a power play that would only last about a minute, after Penticton would take a minor penalty, sending both teams to four on four. Back to five on five the Vees pressed with a good cycle game, keeping the puck along the way and in the offensive zone as the Vipers couldn't get control of the puck. With time winding down, it didn't look like Vernon was going to be able to get the goaltender out for the extra attacker. The Snakes finally managaed to get Roan Clarke out for the extra attacker with about two minutes left. The Vipers for the first time all game, were finally able to get some pressure in the offensive zone. The Snakes had some looks from behind the goal but both players in front were tied up. With time winding down, Matthew Culling spotted Luke Pakulak in front, tying the game 3-3 at 19:29 as the Viper bench erupted. Culling with the only helper on the game tying goal. It was 3-3 after 60 minutes of play. For a third straight period, Penticton was the better team, again having more puck possession, zone time, were outhitting the Vipers, winning the races and controlling the play. The Vees had several quality chances couldn't put the game away up by two, allowed Vernon to hang around to force overtime. The Snakes were outshot 11-1 in the first half of this period were being badly outplayed and heavily relying on Roan Clarke. The Vipers saw a lot of action in their own end, were chasing the Vees for a lot of this period, had troubles not only getting into the offensive zone but generating chances. Vernon's time in the offensive zone was very limited all game. Somehow the Vipers were able to hang on and score two big goals to force overtime in a game they should have never been in. Penticton outshot Vernon 19-6.

Overtime: The Vees had control of the puck for most of overtime, but couldn't generate or create any real quality opportunities. The Vipers would only get puck possession twice and unable to do much of anything. With a faceoff inside the Vernon blueline, the Vees won the draw. Adam Eisele setup Braden Doyle who wired a shot home past Roan Clarke at 3:14 of overtime, giving the Vees a 4-3 overtime victory as the Vees bench erupted onto the ice. Penticton controlled overtime. Penticton outshot Vernon 4-0.

Top Player's: Vernon Vipers

Matthew Culling (1 assist) I thought played hard, was involved in the play, had a few looks, looked good.

Luke Pakulak (2 goals) Returned to the Viper lineup after serving his two game suspension. Pakulak played hard, was another forward engaged in the play, used his body and size to get to the front of the net, was rewarded with two goals in the loss. Was one of the better Viper forwards tonight.

Zack Tonelli (1 goal) I thought was the Snakes best player this evening. Was quick on his feet, hard to contain and defend against, was all over the ice tonight. Had several looks/chances. Really used his speed to open up the ice.

Roan Clarke (53 saves) Roan Clarke has faced a ton of rubber on this seven game road trip and kept the Vipers in many of these games during this nine game winning streak. If it wasn't for Clarke you have to wonder how many games would have gone the other way? Clarke has been very good all season. Come playoffs, a goaltender like this could steal you a game or two.

Game Thought's: Vernon Vipers

The final score made it look alot closer but this game wasn't even close. It was all Vees from almost start to finish. The Vipers played a lot of the game in their own end, had troubles getting through the neutral zone and getting any kind of sustained pressure in the offensive zone. It seemed like any time the Snakes did get across Penticton's blueline, it was one shot and right back out. Vernon struggled offensively all night. The Vipers were chasing the Vees a lot of the night, were outhit and losing a lot of the races and battles for pucks. If it wasn't for Vernon's penalty kill and Roan Clarke the Vees would have hit double digits. Give credit to the Snakes PK who was very good tonight. Your not going to win many hockey games when you don't get any sustained pressure or only manage six shots a period. Vernon didn't get a lot of pucks to the goal and didn't generate or create many opportunities tonight. Not scoring on your chances also doesn't help. Not being able to capitalize on back to back shorthanded opportunities in the 2nd period in a 1-1 game, really hurt. Missing players like Ryan Shostak and Cameron MacDonald doesn't help. I don't think the Vipers played that poorly it's just Penticton is just that much better and stronger. Give this Viper team some credit for hanging on and somehow managed to force overtime to get the extra point. The Snakes finish the seven game road trip with a 6-1 record end their nine game losing streak. Watching all the road games on my computer, Vernon was outplayed at times ad haveily outshot at times on this road trip. The Vipers PK & goaltending had a lot to do with riding this nine game winning streak. I'm not taking anything away from this nine game winning streak, heck after New Years I didn't think this team would win many games the remainder of the season. I'm sure I'm not the only one but I never saw this coming! The Vipers may not be winning games easily or dominating other teams but they have improved since New Year's and are playing better and winning hockey games. Something before Christmas we sure didn't see. Let's hope these kids can keep this up and finish off the regular season on a high note. I'm not a fan of Cade McNelly who was signed at the BCHL trade deadline. This kid plays carlessly and takes a lot of penalties and is more of a liability to costing the Vipers playing shorthanded. The Vipers need to have a chat with the young man as the amount of crosschecks he delivers is absurb. I only spotted two Viper fans at tonight's game. Tonight was Vernon's sixth game in six days and eighth game in eight days. It's a quick turn around as the Vipers return home for a three game home stand with back to back games over the weekend vs Cranbrook and then host the Wenatchee Wild on Tuesday. The Vipers have won nine of their past twelve games. With the loss, Vernon falls to 16-14-4-3 sit 6th in the Interior Conference are five points ahead of Trail and three points back of Cranbrook. 

Top Player's: Penticton Vees

Ryan Hopkins played well on the Vees backend. 

Adam Eisele I thought played well and was in and around the front of the net. 

Aydar Suniev (1 goal) Played well, had some looks/chances, scored his first career BCHL goal. 

Josh Nadeau I thought had some looks/chances, played well.

Bradly Nadeau Was physical, in your face, played with an edge and played hard all night. Gave the Vipers trouble almost every shift. 

Kaeden Lane (18 saves) Wasn't nearly as busy but made the big stops when called apon. His two biggest saves of the night were both in the middle frame after having to make two saves off the Viper penalty kill with the game even at 1-1. 

Game Thought's: Penticton Vees

The Vees were the better of the two teams. Penticton controlled the play for a lot of the hockey game this evening, had more puck possession, zone time, opportunities, shots on goal and were more physical and winning the races/battles for pucks. The Vees played a fairly physical game and were finishing their checks all night. The Vees have a very quick transition game, move the puck in a hurry. Penticton was good on the rush, the cycle and hard to defend against. The Vees are like a well oiled machine, always on the go and always moving. It's amazing watching their passing and how almost every pass is tape to tape. In each of the three periods, Penticton could have put the game away and cruised to victory but a very good Viper PK and Roan Clarke was the difference. This was one of the reasons, the Snakes were able to hang around and claw their way back into the hockey game. The Vees have so many skilled players not only up front but also on the backend, this team can generate offence from almost every position, which makes them that much more difficult to defend against. These two teams will meet once more during the regular season, February 27th in Vernon. Including the preseason, Penticton is 6-0 vs Vernon this season. This was the Vees 300th win at the South Okanagan Events Centre. Since the SOEC opened in 2008 the Vees are 300-51-16-9-4 at home. The Vees have won eight straight and nine of their past eleven. With the win, Penticton improves to 29-6-0-2 move ahead of Salmon Arm for the overall league standings. 


Vernon Vipers:

Liam Cavan (Injured)
Jack Glen (Injured)
Ryan Shostak (Injured)
Cameron MacDonald (Injured)

Penticton Vees:

Colin Purcell
Mason Poolman
Finlay Williams (Injured)
Brett Moravec

Three Star's:

1st Star: Braden Doyle (Overtime winning goal)
2nd Star: Roan Clarke (53 saves)
3rd Star: Aydar Suniev (1 goal)

Energy Player of the Game:

Bradly Nadeau

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Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Vees game.

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