Thursday, January 6, 2022

Vernon Vipers Sign Cliche:

The Vernon Vipers have signed 18 year old defenceman Anthony Cliche.

Here is the press release from the Vernon Vipers website,

Vipers Add Anthony Cliche From USHL | Vernon Vipers

Anthony Cliche's Player Profile:

Anthony Cliche - Elite Prospects


  1. Cliche is only 18 so could return for two more seasons and has some size. He doesn't have many points and has played for several teams the past few seasons.

    The Vipers only have seven wins and are near the bottom of the standings. With the trade deadline looming they should be trading all 20 yr olds and anyone who won't be back next year. Acquire younger players for the remainder of the season and who will be back next season.

    Rant to the Vipers for putting together one of the worst teams in Vernon franchise history and not do anything about it!

    The Vipers have made three trades before today's signing.

    October 20 Ethan Mercer was traded to Brooks Bandits for future considerations

    November 29 Logan Lorenz was traded to Prince George for Max Borovinskiy

    November 30 Desmond Johnson, Nick Remmisong and Braden Smith was traded to Merritt for Talon Zakall and Luke Lavery

    My question is the team had one win in thirteen games from October 28-November 27 and this is all you do to that point? I think more trades should have been made and weren't. I get Vernon is near the bottom of the standings and it's going to be tough to make trades, but they should have done more to improve the team in early November when maybe they still had a chance at climbing the standings. Since October 25th the Vipers are 4-18

    The Vipers have struggled all season, no consistancy, no improvement, and still making the same mistakes from the preseason. Are we here to compete for a Division and long playoff run or is this minor hockey where every little boy gets ice time and stays on the team no matter how good or bad you are? I have to wonder why Jack Glen and Kjell Kjemhus are still here? Here are two 20 yr olds that are useless and should have been traded or released before the season started. Glen has four points in 22 games and Kjemhus has zero points in 16 games. Two kids taking up a roster spot from another kid who is much better and can help improve the team. I don't think anybody want's these two kids, should be released before the trade deadline, opening up two 20 yr old roster spots for someone who has skill/talent, can play hockey and improve the roster.

    Were halfway through the season with only seven wins and only the Vipers can blame themselves for a dismal season!

    I also have to question the Vipers recruiting. This season we saw Daniel North, Jason Siedem & Greye Rampton not even make opening day roster. Then the Vipers traded Nicholas Remissong, Ethan Mercer & Logan Lorenz this year all recruits from last season. You have to wonder who's doing the recruiting/scouting?

    Walk around Kal Tire Place before or during a Vipers game and talk to fans, especially season ticket holders. Most don't like Jason McKee and want a new coach. Several season ticket holders I've talked to said if Jason McKee is back next year, they won't be renewing their tickets. I have several friends that go to about ten games a year and haven't been to a game this season because the team is so dismal. I have heard several fans and season ticket holders stopped coming to games this year because the team is so bad.

    Viper fans are spoiled and for the past thirty five years are use to winning or at least having competitive teams near or close to the top of the standings. Sure we have had some mediocre teams but they weren't nearly as dismal as this years team. I don't expect to be in 1st place every year, I don't expect to win championships every year, I don't expect to have the best players etc but put together a competitive team that improves and gets better as the season goes on. I haven't seen that the past few seasons with Jason McKee behind the bench.

    I have been going to Junior hockey games in Vernon my entire life and had season tickets since 1990. Win or lose I will continue to support the Vipers and be at every game! With only seven wins this season, changes need to be made!

  2. Come on people, We need a coach,we need a coach. Jason must go,Jason must go. I know everybody needs a job but maybe Jason would have been better being a coach for the Grand Fork Bruins with a junior b hockey team. I think everybody has there niche. Mark ferner tried twice with the WHL and realized his niche was better suited to a age group of junior A hockey players. Knowing this he won two national championships. I think Jason would be better suited to a junior B hockey team. He would still have a job and probably would feel a lot better about himself and want he could accomplish with young talent. Junior A hockey players have more a mind of there own and if there not comfortable with you they will just end up ignoring you where junior b hockey players mind set is diffferent as no attitude just eager to learn. With that said you as a coach feel more appreciated and have a sense that you are doing something. So maybe the change should be made by Jason himself rather than management. See what happens.

  3. Wow, 2 signings from Quebec. Probably the only place that the word about the Vipers owners hasn't spread. Or maybe they just don't know English.

  4. I couldn't agree with you more VDF, well said. Especially the comments about Kjemus and Glen they should be driven to the nearest the bus station and dropped off!

  5. Wow…. Just so disappointed with this blog.
    The players you continue to throw under the bus, do not deserve this. If you no longer want to be a Viper fan, move on. I will longer be following this blog. Go Vipers!

  6. Hopefully this is a good pick up and McKee was aware Cliche was coming, or is he another gift from the head scout/owner? VDHF, do the Vipers need to drop or trade a roster player for him to join the team? At the risk of being accused of “spewing negativity” by My Anonymous I see that the Vipers will be Cliche’s 8th team in the last 3 years (2.5 years actually). Why has he not stayed long with any of his previous teams? On the positive side he is young and big. Time will tell if this is a good acquisition. Oh, and it will be fun to bet on who will pick up a point first… Cliche or Kjemhus.

  7. Shame on You VDHF for being so negative, saying what you think and telling people the absolute truth. "ANONYMOUS" won't be happy with you either. The only positive about tonight's cancellation is that we didn't lose!
