Monday, January 3, 2022

BCHL Trade Deadline Looming:

Were one week away from the BCHL trade deadline. The BCHL trade deadline is January 10th 2022.


  1. I am extremely disappointed to see how far this franchise has fallen. We used to be an elite team, not only in the BCHL but Canada wide. We are now a team that is far below average, built on Nepotism and lead by people who DO NOT have a clue. Our rich history helped to recruit high end players but no longer. It will be interesting to see how the "Incompetents" approach the trade deadline. It is time to let some players go to teams where they can thrive instead of playing behind team mates who have NO right to be there. It is important for players development to be well coached and be put into environments to succeed and it clearly is not happening in Vernon. I feel bad but also have a lot of empathy for the players and their parents. What a mess this team is!!!

    Personally I try to take the good with the bad, I love to see my team win but can also appreciate a loss in a well played game. I do expect a full 60 minutes of efforts for my patronage. Yes, the Vipers have a lot of injuries at the moment but good team have a good pile line of AP players.

    I have been a season ticket holder for 25+ years and am questioning whether I should buy seats again. I know at least 6 other season ticket holders who are not attending games although they have tickets. It should always be easy to get a ticket due to the declining interest. We will see but as stated the trade deadline should be interesting.

  2. I wouldn't expect the team to somehow be more competitive after the trade deadline. Other teams are going to want some of the half of the Vipers team who belong in the league. The ones who can help a playoff team. At the very best, the Vipers can expect to get some younger players in return who will be around for next season.

    Season tickets? I'll probably renew because the alternative is to sit at home and as bad as the team has been managed it's still entertainment, whether it's drama if the team is competitive, or as it's been this year, a comedy or tragedy. Unlike this season when a lot of players returned, next season will see less than half the team back. They'd better recruit a lot better.

  3. There was a couple that sit one section over from me that has had season tickets for 40 plus years and didn't renew season tickets for this season and haven't been to a game. There are close to ten or more season ticket holders in and around our section that have told me personally if Jason McKee is back next year, they won't be coming back or getting season tickets. I have some friends that go to about ten or so games every year and haven't gone to one this year because of how bad the team is. One friend went to the game on Saturday and said this is crap hockey and won't be back this year.

  4. A friend of mine tried to give his season tickets away free and didn't have one taker! Three of my friends are season ticket holders and haven't been to a game! If you were to total Jack Glens points for 4 years in the league he would be the player with the least points in 4 years in the history of the league! Vipers Diehard Fan get on that I know you can find that out!

  5. A friend of mine tried to give his season tickets away free and didn't have one taker! Three of my friends are season ticket holders and haven't been to a game! If you were to total Jack Glens points for 4 years in the league he would be the player with the least points in 4 years in the history of the league! Vipers Diehard Fan get on that I know you can find that out! As a forward

  6. Sorry 3 years not 4, my mistake. He has 18pts to date for an average of 6 pts a year! STELLAR!!!!

  7. As I have said before Jason Mckee has accomplished absolutely NOTHING as a head coach. He inherited a loaded team in the AJHL and couldn't get it done, was run out of Vancouver and now has turned a proud franchise into a complete embarrassment for the fans and the city of Vernon. If I'm not mistaken I believe there is another Glenn sibling on his way to Vernon next year so lets hope the Brothers Glenn will see the light and get coach who is respected by his players and the fans of Vernon

  8. The only thing that the Glenn's understand is there pocket book and there ego. I think as crappy as this idea is but probably as fans we have very little choice that we start chanting. We need a coach,we need a coach, Jason must go, Jason must go. I believe the glen owners are living in some fantasy world of , it is ok, will get better, its not the coach, it must be the players not getting our systems. It is excuse after excuse. Bad decision making. We fans demand a change and maybe the chant is the only way to get the message across. It really is too bad as fans we have to go to this extreme but like I said before the glens don't see the forest for the trees. So we have to get the message across. We need a coach,we need a coach , Jason must go ,Jason must go.

  9. BINGO/BOBBY C.....Why dont you two get together and BUY the Vipers. You could then hire a coach of your choosing ? Doubt that will happen tho, I think you two would prefer to spew the negativity. Im happy just to be able to watch games live, missed them last year. The way Covid is spreading,may not be able to watch for much longer...seeing other Bchl games being cancelled this weekend. Stay Safe Everyone !!

  10. It would be nice if all posters used their name or nickname or anything else but Anonymous. Its pretty easy to slam individual posters for what they think and say but please stop hiding behind "ANONYMOUS" because there are many who post under that name, so I'm not sure which one you are. Im sorry that the 7-14-3-3 record has gotten you excited to watch Vipers hockey, can't imagine how you would feel if this was a team from the 80's - 2018

  11. I'll chime in.....I don't post much here but this has been an interesting conversation.
    I can see both points of view. I get what 'anonymous' is saying, it is nice to be able to watch live hockey again, however.....that's also my dilemma.

    I'm one of VDHF's longtime friends he has referred to here who hasn't gone to watch a game all season.
    I was born and raised in Vernon, went to highschool with VDHF and grew up playing hockey and watching the Vipers. Maybe not to the extent VDHF has...but let's be honest, nobody can compete with that! He's obsessed Haha!
    Point being.... we have been pretty blessed in Vernon for a couple of decades with good junior hockey over the years. Winning teams and culture where young men wanted to play here and so did their families.
    It was a shame when Duncan Wray passed and Ferner moved on. Maybe it was time for a change, but it hasn't worked out.
    The team this year is terrible, the atmosphere at the rink is depressing. The advertising and promotion for the team is non-existent. The music at the arena is still stuck in the 90's. I haven't gone to a game all season and don't plan to waste my money on this team.
    I want to be a fan and supportive of the kids, but I'm not made of money and need to spend it wisely. I don't have fun when I go anymore and haven't for a long time!
    I look at teams that have undergone rebuilds like West Kelowna who seem to have things shaping up for the better.
    Penticton has an AMAZING fan base, and I believe they are the new Vipers of this generation. For a small town, they get 3500 people out to their games and they have a winning culture there. Lots of pros kids play there and that gets passed on over the years.
    I don't think it's a simple process to find new owners just like that....but at the very least, try and find a coach to shake things up.
    In summary....I had high hopes with new management, owners and coach a few years ago, but it's not working and a major overhaul needs to happen in this organization from the top all the way down in my opinion.
    If they somehow manage to squeeze into the playoffs, I will be there cheering them on, but I find that highly unlikely this season.
    I get we can't always have winning teams....but we need to be competitive and have kids develop properly here if anything. But we need to get back to the winning culture and community that used to exist here not all that long ago.
    Thanks for reading, and thanks to my good friend VDHF for giving me a place to come everyday and read about the team, the good and the bad.

  12. So true about the promotional side of the team, unless you're on Facebook or Twitter which I'm not, I believe thats their only means of promoting the team but thats the result of losing "Brenda " who I thought was outstanding.

  13. Playoffs? You want to talk about playoffs? I just want to win a game.
    Seriously, the Vipers will make the playoffs. The top 8 of the 9 teams make the playoffs. They're 8th right now so they'd play the first place team in the first round.

  14. Not sure what Viper Venom is in the cool-aid you Hwy 97 fans are drinking ? You make it sound the Vipers are some sort of Juggernaut team,year after year ! The Bchl website provided me the Vipers last 10 years of playoff appearances... 2011...Did Not make playoffs 2012...Did not make playoffs 2013...2nd 2014...4th 2015...11th 2016...6th 2017...7th 2018...2nd 2019...(played 1 round/covid) 2020...1st in Pod (SA/WK) If I am reading these stats correctly, the only thing the Vipers have won in the last 10 years was last years Pod season. Bobby C says no one cared about last season anyway ! ( Well maybe the 20yr olds that were working towards playing CIS this year cared just a little ) Point being,Vipers have won Jack Squat in the last 10 years. Every team will have their up and down years,clearly evidenced by the Vipers last 10. So far this looks like a down year.If you dont care for the management team,totally up to each individual, but at minimum the kids should be supported...that's what good hockey communities do ! "Go Cents"

  15. Well ANONYMOUS you're just a little bit wrong on your research.
    2012 and 2013 when Jason Williamson was coach, were the 2 years when the Vipers didn't make the playoffs. League and Doyle Cup Champions in 2011 , lost in league finals in 2014 and 2019 and the other years lost in division semi or division finals. So if you forget about the canceled 2020 season and the meaningless Pod season I think Vernon Fans are quite happy over the last 10 years

  16. I have to agree with Bobby C & have said this in years past. I too would like to see fans start creating a name or nickname as their user name on here instead of going with "Anonymous" Is "Anonymous" one person or is it several people? Nobody knows and it's hard to reply to messages/comments not knowing. I have the option of blocking all posters with the user name "Anonymous" so they would be forced to choose a name or nickname but I haven't come to that option yet as I don't want to chase away posters who use the username "Anonymous" I have thought about it several times though.

  17. Steve, Ferner didn't move on. Everyone in town knew that he was being replaced no matter what the outcome of his last season was. Yes the Vipers need a coach but the real problem is John Glenn. I have not met anybody who has one good thing to say about him!!! A nasty piece of business. This franchise was successful before because of Duncan Wray and the QUALITY people he chose to operate it(with the exception of Williamson). When Duncan found out about Williamson he was gone instantly. I believe it is not about winning but about having a culture that the team and community can be proud of. Winning comes as a result of that culture. John Glenn needs to take his venomous ways and get out of town!!!

  18. There are lots of comments on the current team owners and comparing them with the past. In my opinion, Dr Duncan Wray was an excellent team owner. He hired quality hockey people, gave them everything they needed to succeed and rarely got involved. He recognized that his love of hockey was not enough, he needed a Coach/GM who truly knew the game and trusted them to make the decisions. The Vipers were like the Penticton Vees in that a “quality hockey mind” directs the team. Who ever hears about the Vees owner? And, I am sure they are not out scouting players, making decisions for Fred or insisting their inept offspring are on the team.

    Another very impressive thing about Dr Wray was that although he was passionate about his team he was just as passionate about the young men who played for him. He cared a great deal about his players and for him their education was just as important as their hockey play. I don’t know if this is still a focus but I hope it is.

  19. Wow.. Jason Mckee finally came to his senses, Kjell Kjemhus is gone and a new 20 year old D man is in
