Saturday, November 27, 2021

Parents Weekend: Prince George 3 Vernon 1

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my entire life. My family watched Senior mens hockey in Vernon during the 1950's and have been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon since it started in 1961. I have had season tickets since 1990 and missed 5 home games since 2004 and 46 home games since 1990. I'm not a journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid to do this blog and do this blog in my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 2.1 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't watch or attend tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree with me but we all have our own opinion on the hockey game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Spruce Kings game as Prince George defeated Vernon 3-1 in front of 1,330 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon Vipers: Ethan David
Prince George Spruce Kings: Aaron Trotter

Before the game former Vernon Lakers/Vipers forward Gartn Gartner (1994-1998) fired up the goal siren to get the crowd going before the two teams hit the ice. The Vipers also welcomed and introduced all the Vipers parents onto the ice in a special pre-game ceremony for parents weekend. The game was delayed about fifteen minutes. 

1st Period: Off the opening faceoff Ryan Shostack would be stopped by Aaron Trotter in close before Luke Buss buried the rebound, giving Vernon an early 1-0 lead at 0:29 Ryan Shostack and Matthew Culling drew the assists. The Snakes had lots of jump and energy to start had the better of the play in the opening minute or two as the Spruce Kings needed just over two minutes to record their first shot on goal. About eight minutes into the period, Nicholas Remissong was denied on a wrap around and then one minute later, Reagan Milburn would be stopped on a quality chance. Back to back opportunities for Vernon. Just before the halfway mark, on a Vernon turnover Kilian McGregor-Bennett setup Simon Labelle who beat Ethan David, tying the game 1-1 at 9:54 Kilian McGregor-Bennett & Rowan Miller picked up the helpers. Shortly after the Vipers would get the lone power play of the period. The Snakes struggled with the man advantage as PG killed off the minor. Inside the final minute of play, Spruce Kings captain Colton Cousins would be robbed by Ethan David who come across the blue paint to make a large pad save off Cousins to keep this game tied. It looked like Cousins had a sure goal and the Spruce Kings were going to take the lead. It was 1-1 after 20 minutes of play. I thought this was a very entertaining period as both teams were fairly even through out the period. The Vipers got off to a good yet quick start, opening the scoring inside the opening minute and had a bit of an edge in play the first minute or two before the Spruce Kings had a little more of the play for some of the first half of the period. Both teams didn't get many good looks/chances. Vernon was outshooting Prince George 7-4 at one point. Prince George outshot Vernon 9-7.

2nd Period: The Spruce Kings would get an early PP just fifty two seconds into the middle frame. This was PG's first power play of the evening. The Spruce Kings with a ton of pressure early in the man advantage as Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Ethan David had to be sharp. David was forced to make some big pad saves off Colton Cousins and twice off John Herrington. PG had several good looks with some good opportunities couldn't solve Vernon's young netminder as the Vipers kill off the penalty. As the penalty expired, Kilian McGregor-Bennett beat Ethan David on the wrap around, two seconds after the power play expired, giving Prince George a 2-1 lead at 2:54 Amran Bhabra collected the assist. Just less then three minutes later the Snakes would get their second PP of the hockey game. The Vipers struggled with the man advantage, had troubles getting pucks to the net, generating offence and turning over pucks as PG killed off the minor as Vernon didn't register a single shot with the power play. Sixteen seconds later the Vipers went back to the PP. Vernon struggled with the man advantage as the Spruce Kings with a solid PK ragged a lot of the puck with a strong forecheck in the Viper zone as Vernon had major issues setting up the man advantage. One too many passes and the Vipers turned over the puck. John Herrington sprung Nick Rheaume in for the shorthanded breakaway. Rheaume with a slick move outdressed Ethan David, giving Prince George a 3-1 lead at 9:22 John Herrington drew the assist. PG would eventually kill off the minor. Just as the penalty expired in and around the midway mark, the Vipers would finally record their first shot of the period and get four shots on a goal mouth scramble but unable to beat Prince George Spruce Kings starting goaltender Aaron Trotter. Trotter had to be alert with traffic in and around the top of the crease. Just over five minutes later a check behind the PG goal quickly esculated into a scrum with everyone involved. Several players wrestling with one another and lots of pushing and shoving as tempers heated up in a hurry. Head Coach Alex Evin was giving it to the officials from the PG bench the entire time the scrum was going on. After the officials broke up the scrum, the officials gathered in front of the penalty box to discuss the penalties. After a minor delay Vernon would come out on top with a power play. The Snakes couldn't register a shot on goal with the man advantage as Prince George killed off the minor. It was 3-1 Prince George after 40 minutes of play. The Spruce Kings played very well and controlled most of the 2nd period. PG was by far the better team and outworked and outplayed Vernon. The Spruce Kings played a physical period laying out some big checks. Prince George's penalty kill was very good, very aggresive and limited the Viper PP. The Spruce Kings were solid defensively limiting Vernon's shots as the Vipers went the first ten minutes without a shot on goal and then only managed one shot on goal in the final nine minutes. Vernon looked flat and not interested in playing hockey. The Vipers looked sluggish, slow, confused and not in the hockey game. Vernon couldn't make a pass, had troubles coming out of their own end and were turning over pucks often. Several poor passes lead to a turnover and the puck and play coming back the other way. Prince George outshot Vernon 11-5.

3rd Period: Ethan David was forced to make a couple of big stops just a few minutes into the final frame. The Snakes thought they scored about two and a half minutes into the 3rd after a loose puck in front managed to sneak past Aaron Trotter just before the whistle blew. The goal light come on but I think I heard a whistle seconds before. The Vipers tried to argue but the goal was waived off emidately. The Vipers tried to spring Braden Smith in for the breakaway early into the 3rd but Colton Cameron hustled back, making a big defensive play to break up Smith's breakaway. Prince George would get an early power play about six minutes into the period. Ethan David had to be alert, made two big stops as Vernon killed off the minor. Just before the midway mark Colton Cousins on what looked like a wrap around but going the other way would be denied by Ethan David. With about three and a half minutes remaining Ryan Shostak had Aaron Trotter beat but looked to ring a shot off the crossbar. Shostak kept with the play, retrieved the puck and come out front. With Aaron Trotter down and out somehow the PG netminder managed to get his right pad up to make a game saving save before getting back to his feet to stop Luke Buss from the slot. Two very good opportunities for the hometown Vipers but Aaron Trotter kept this a 3-1 hockey game. With time winding down and Vernon down two goals the Vipers couldn't get out of their own end and get Ethan David to the bench for the extra attacker. The Spruce Kings with a strong forecheck were keeping the Snakes held in their own end. The Vipers would eventually get Ethan David to the bench with about 1:30 remaining but had troubles creating any kind of looks or chances. PG with two good looks at the open cage, missed but would hold on for the 3-1 victory. The Vipers needed two goals had all kinds of troubles creating chances. Vernon went lengthy periods without a shot on goal, couldn't make a pass or break out of their own end. When the Snakes did get into the offensive zone, no quality shots or opportunities were there. Vernon did manage to setup a few players for a shot but couldn't connect on the pass and whiffing on the shot missing the puck. Prince George with another physical period laid out two or three big hits, played very well defensively and shutdown Vernon's offensive forwards. Aaron Trotter who wasn't tested much all night, was forced to make his biggest save towards the end of the period, making two large saves. If the Vipers score here, it's now 3-2 with three and a half minutes remaining. Instead it's still 3-1 and the Vipers struggling offensively. PG was the better of the two teams. Vernon outshot Prince George 10-7.

Top Player's: Vernon Vipers

Ryan Shostak (1 assist) I thought played with a lot of jump/energy was flying up and down the ice. Shostak recently committed to Brown University earlier this week seemed to be the lone Viper who could carry or get the puck into the offensive zone. 

Matthew Culling (1 assist) Was another forward who played with a lot of energy, was engaged in the play and played hard. I thought Culling stood out at times just from his hard work.

Ethan David (24 saves) Was the busier of the two goaltenders, was forced to make some big stops but also some key saves on the PK. David let out several big rebounds this evening but kept his team in the game or the Spruce Kings could have added on another two or three goals for sure. 

Game Thought's: Vernon Vipers

I thought the Vipers played well in the opening frame and held their own vs Prince George. Both teams didn't generate many opportunities but it was an evenly and entertaining 1st period. The Snakes never looked the same and were outworked and outplayed for the 2nd and 3rd periods. Vernon looked flat in the middle frame, needed ten minutes to record their first shot of the period and then only managed one shot in the final nine minutes. The Vipers can't put together a full sixty minutes and are very inconsistent. Vernon struggled offensively to create/or generate chances through out the game. I could count on one hand how many quality chances the Snakes had tonight and it wasn't many. It seems like the past few games the Vipers have either played very well in the 1st period and then not so good in the 2nd and 3rd or play one good period out of three. From the first exhibtion game until tonight, the Snakes have troubles breaking out of their own end as well as making a pass. Vernon can't pass or receive a pass, which is ending up in turnovers and the play coming back the other way. The Vipers also can't score and don't have a proven goal scorer. The power play is almost non existent and gives up more shorthanded chances then they do getting their own chances with the man advantage. Vernon can't play with a lead and have troubles coming from behind. This is an average hockey team at best and their record proves it. I still think starting the season with seventeen players returning from last season, the Vipers are underachieving. Other then a a handful of players, Vernon doesn't have the elite skilled players that the Salmon Arm's, Penticton's, Chilliwack's and West Kelowna's have. The Vipers didn't recruit any proven goal scorers. The Snakes have almost played 20 games and they still can't make a pass? Break out of their own end? Can't capitalize and utalize the power play? Were seventeen games into the season and I'm seeing the same things and same mistakes happen I was watching during the preseason. After seventeen games, you should start to see some improvement by now and I'm not. This all comes down to coaching. These are all fixable things and should have been worked on and fixed by now. Jason McKee and the Vipers put this team together and this team is not getting the job done, so why haven't changes been made? What are we waiting for? The further more this team continues to lose, the harder it is to try and climb the standings and keep fans in the rink. This team reminds me a lot like Jason Williamson's Viper teams that missed the playoffs back to back years in 2012 & 2013. The Vipers have lost five straight games and have one win in their last twelve games. Vernon won three of their first five games and since has lost eleven of their last twelve. If you look at the upcoming games, the Vipers could easily lose the next three games are playing some of the leagues top teams in Penticton, Langley & West Kelowna. Only Wenatchee, Merritt and Cowichan have fewer wins then Vernon. The Vipers five game home stand continues tomorrow night vs the Penticton Vees in the Vipers "retro night" With the loss Vernon falls to 4-8-3-2 sit 7th in the Interior Conference. 

Top Player's: Prince George Spruce Kings

Dylan Schives Played a physical yet strong game on the Spruce Kings blueline. 

Colton Cameron made at least two defensive plays to break up a Vernon scoring chance, played very well on the backend.

Kilian McGregor-Bennett (1 goal & 1 assist) Had a strong game up front. Was involved in the play, in and around the net.

Colton Cousins The Spruce Kings captain played very well. Not the biggest kid but played hard, in your face, was strong on the forecheck and looking for pucks in and around the net. Had some good looks/quality chances.

Nick Rheaume (1 goal) Scored on a shorthanded breakaway, giving PG a 3-1 lead in the 2nd period. I really liked this kid when the Spruce Kings were in Vernon November 10th. Nick's father Pacal Rheaume won the Stanley Cup with the New Jersey Devils, while his Aunt Manon Rheaume is the first and only female to play in the NHL. Manon Rheaume was a goaltender with the Tampa Bay Lightning in 1992.

John Herrington (1 assist) Was another forward who played hard and very well. This kid had several good looks/opportunities tonight. 

Aaron Trotter (21 saves) Wasn't tested often but played well. Made the first save, didn't allow any rebounds and was sound postionally. was forced to make his biggest save of the night with about three and a half minutes remaining, robbing Ryan Shostak and Luke Buss. 

Game Thought's: Prince George Spruce Kings

The Spruce Kings gave up the opening goal just twenty nine seconds into the contest but held their own, getting their feet back into the game, managed to tie the game and then take over the game in the 2nd and 3rd periods. The Spruce Kings with two big goals in the 2nd period, took a 3-1 lead into the 3rd vs a Vernon team that has struggled offensively and struggled playing from behind. I really liked PG's game. The Spruce Kings have some size, are physical, have some skilled forwards but also some gritty forwards who go to the net. I think they play very well defenively and have some good sized d-men. Aaron Trotter wasn't tested much but looked good between the pipes. The Vipers have Trotter listed as Adam Trotter in the program. Prince George was good on the penalty kill and looked good with the power play. With the win the Spruce Kings are 2-1 vs the Vipers this season. Before tonight PG hadn't played since a 3-1 loss to Coquitlam November 13th. The Spruce Kings play four of their next five games at home. With the win Prince George improves to 10-6-0-0 and sit 4th in the Interior Conference. 


Vernon Vipers:

Kjell Kjemhus (Injured)
Seiya Tanaka-Campbell (Injured)
Nicholas Kent (Injured)
Zach Tonelli (Injured)

Prince George Spruce Kings:

Max Borovinsky
Linden Makow
Austin Fraser
Brody Gagno

Three Star's:

1st Star: Kilian McGregor-Bennett (1 goal & 1 assist)
2nd Star: Luke Buss (1 goal)
3rd Star: Nick Rheaume (1 goal)

Energy Player of the Game:

Matthew Culling (1 assist)

Boxscore-Game Summary,

| BCHL League Site

Game Report,

Game Report (

Text Box Score,

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Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments as long as there tasteful.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Spruce Kings game,


  1. Well the only positive out of last nights game was that Tom Glen got to to see what a horrible hockey team that his brother and Jason Mckee have put together.

  2. If Tom looks at the Vipers as a business, and it is, then he will know that changes need to be made. All he has to do is look at the dwindling crowds, decline in season ticket holders or listen to the fans. The Vipers are simply not good enough to compete in this league and the people entrusted to make the decisions are not competent enough. It is unfortunate but is a truth in sports, you can not stand on mediocrity or unfulfilled promise. Tonight he will witness a team (the Vees) that are better recruited, better coached, better prepared and certainly play a better team game. Changes need to be made now to get us closer to the Penticton model. It is easy to recruit high end talent when you have a winning program. As mentioned in other posts "how far this once proud franchise has fallen". It is sad but true.

  3. I feel sorry for Tom Glen in having to watch the product produced by Jason McGee and coaching staff. I feel sorry for the parents as it would have been nice to walk away with a win as the team hasn't seen a win in the last what 10 or 11 games. It doesn't get any easier with having to face the V's tonight and west kelowna next. Mark ferner would usually give his kids a chance and see what they could do and by christmas time if no improvement in players performance you traditionally would see a lot of movement with trades and bring in more skilled players as to change things up. Mike Vandekamp would have not had the patience as he would have with this performance traded off half the team. On a different topic I worry about conditioning of the players something that Mark Ferner always stressed. It would appear that Vernon comes out great guns in the first period and then the wheels fall off in the second and third period. Its is though and would appear as though they are struggling to keep up to the other teams looking like there on there last breath. It would appear as though I am looking at a team would is disorganized almost in panic mode with confusion as to giving away the puck, passing the puck to someone who isn't there and so on. The other confusing thing is having Jack Glen on defense which is confusing as his ability to defend is well?? and the amount of minutes given well? Perhaps there is a hidden resentment amongst some players who with more skills feel those minutes should be given to them as more experienced and gifted players. I hope I am wrong but I have seen it before. Finally the fans and attendance of games. As fans we love our team but how many games do we have to lose before we say to our self why bother going to this game or that game it is just throwing away good money after bad. Again lots of room for improvement. GO,VIPERS,GO.
