Saturday, October 16, 2021

Silverbacks Home Opener: Salmon Arm 4 Vernon 2

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my entire life. My family has been watching/following Senior mens hockey in Vernon since the 1950s and Junior hockey in Vernon since it started in 1961. I have had season tickets since 1990 and only missed 5 home games since 2004 and 46 home games since 1990. I'm not a journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid to do this blog and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 2 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't watch or attend tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree with me but we all have our own opinion on the hockey game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Silverbacks home opener as Salmon Arm defeated Vernon 4-2 in front of 750 fans at the Shaw Centre. Due to COVID-19 all teams are only allowed 50% capacity. The Silverbacks are only allowed 750 fans per game due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon Vipers: Roan Clarke
Salmon Arm Silverbacks: Owen Say

Before the hockey game, the Silverbacks introduced the 2021-22 Salmon Arm Silverbacks player by player to the crowd in the teams home opener, before a ceremony faceoff/puck drop between both team captains. 

1st Period: Thirty nine seconds into the Silverbacks home opener, Cameron MacDonald with a shot from the slot just missed on a quality chance off the opening shift. The visiting Vipers with a good start had some looks inside the opening minute. Noah Serdachny carried the puck into the Vernon zone before setting up Simon Tassy who banked his shot in and off Roan Clarkes pad, giving Salmon Arm an early 1-0 lead on their first shot of the game at 1:27 Serdachny drew the lone helper. The Silverbacks were being outshot 3-1 early but held a 1-0 lead. Off the following faceoff, Matthieu Bourgault on what looked to be an odd man rush, would be stopped by Roan Clarke. Three minutes into the 1st period returning forward Cameron MacDonald took a big check in front of the penalty box, giving the Apes some open ice. A long shot from well outside the blueline handcuffed Roan Clarke who was forced to make an awkward save off a shot from well out. Minutes later Viper captain Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell with a great look just missed the far corner. Cameron MacDonald kept the play alive, spotted Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell in the slot, who beat Owen Say high, tying the hockey game 1-1 at 5:25 MacDonald collected the assist. Off the following shift Griffen Barr's shot from the point beat Own Say but not the crossbar as the Snakes come within inches of taking a 2-1 lead. Just before the halfway mark, Vernon was outshooting Salmon Arm 7-4 at this point. At the midway mark Matthew Culling playing in his first game as a Viper turned over the puck in the neutral zone, giving the Gorillas an odd man rush. Brandon Santa-Juana beat Roan Clarke but not the post as the Backs come very close to taking a one goal lead. With three and a half minutes remaining, Cameron MacDonald with a great look/opportunity couldn't beat Owen Say in close. With a minute and a half left in the opening frame, Owen Beckner with a quality chance in front couldn't solve Roan Clarke. The Vipers had just one shot in the second half of the period. It was 1-1 after 20 minutes of play. The Silverbacks jumped out to an early lead to open the scoring but the Vipers battled back to tie the game minutes later. This was an entertaining period with both teams evenly matched. Both teams had some good looks and chances. Vernon outshot Salmon Arm 10-7.

2nd Period: Off the opening faceoff Cameron MacDonald with a good look/opportunity in front couldn't give Vernon their first lead of the evening. On the following shift, Daniel Panetta with some wheels would be denied by Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Roan Clarke. Back to back chances at both ends of the rink, inside the opening minute. Just over a minute later, the Snakes couldn't clear the zone, allowing SA to gain puck control, move the puck around before spotting Simon Tassy in front, scoring his second of the night, giving Salmon Arm a 2-1 lead at 2:19 Noah Serdachny & Matthieu Bourgault picked up the assists. Shortly after the Apes sent Nathan Morin in for the partial breakaway, couldn't get off a quality shot that was stopped by Roan Clarke. Around the midway point Salmon Arm product Nic Leggett with a shot from the blueline would get through bodies in front, forcing Roan Clarke to make a difficult save with traffic in front. The Backs continued to press, had loads of zone time getting several looks that lead to some chances. Towards the end of the middle frame, the Snakes couldn't clear the zone that would cost them. Noah Serdachny spotted Simon Tassy at the side of the goal, scoring his third goal of the contest, giving Salmon Arm a 3-1 lead at 18:33 Serdachny picked up the assist. This was a tough goal to give up late in the period. The Vipers with one shot in the final nine minutes. It was 3-1 Salmon Arm after 40 minutes of play. The Snakes had a quality chance off the opening faceoff but after that Vernon didn't get much puck possession or zone time as the Apes carried a lot of the play, had more puck possession, more shots on goal, more opportunities and were just the better team in the second period. Vernon had troubles gaining any kind of momentum, had troubles getting into the Salmon Arm zone, getting pucks to the net and generating offence. The S'Backs looked good, had several looks, some good chances, had the Vipers back on their heels at times and had Vernon chasing. Salmon Arm outplayed Vernon scoring two key goals, one early to start the 2nd period and one late to end the 2nd period. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 12-5.

3rd Period: The Gorillas with two real solid chances inside the first two minutes, had a good jump on the visiting Vernon Vipers early. Shortly after Cameron MacDonald with a quality chance couldn't get Vernon to within a goal. On the following play the Snakes would get the games first and only powerplay of the contest. A very aggresive penalty kill by Salmon Arm gave the Vipers all kinds of trouble who couldn't get much of anything going with the man advantage. Daniel Panetta with a good look shorthanded as the Backs kill off the minor. Just before the halfway mark, Noah Serdachny setup Matthieu Bourgault on an odd man rush but SA couldn't hit the net on a missed opportunity. A few shifts later the Apes would get a second odd man rush on a bit of a scrambled play in front of the crease as Vipers netminder Roan Clarke had to be alert to make a difficult save with bodies going to the blue paint. Shortly after on another odd man attack, Brandon Santa-Juana beat Roan Clarke high, giving Salmon Arm a commanding 4-1 lead at 9:44 Santa-Juana's goal was unassisted. About two minutes later Reagan Milburn beat Salmon Arm Silverbacks starting goaltender Owen Say off the draw grazed the far post as Vernon come close to cutting Salmon Arm's lead to 4-2. The Silverbacks had a few decent looks/opportunities in the final minutes, trying to put this game away. Simon Tassy either took a hit or went into the boards was a little slow getting up, was holding his wrist as he made his way to towards the Backs bench. Tassy was looked at by the trainer but stayed in the hockey game. Daniel Panetta was also shaken up late in the 3rd and a little gingerly heading off the ice but stayed in the hockey game. Towards the end of the period, Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell would be denied in close after Owen Say with a blocker save off the Viper captain. Veteran defenceman Kieran Ruscheinski was getting under the skin of several Vernon players late in the contest. With about two minutes left, Roan Clarke had to stretch out to make his biggest save of the night, making a right pad save off a shot from well out. With time winding down, the Snakes couldn't get puck possession. On a bit of a broken play, Luke Buss carried the play in across the blueline before beating Owen Say five hole, cutting Salmon Arm's lead to 4-2 at 18:59 Buss's goal was unassisted. With time winding down and stuck in their own end, Vernon would eventually get Roan Clarke to the bench for the extra attacker with about thirty two seconds remaining. Vernon couldn't get control as Simon Tassy misses an open cage looking for his fourth goal of the game, as Salmon Arm wins their home opener with a 4-2 victory over Vernon. The Snakes needed a big push come the final frame down two goals heading into the 3rd period and just didn't get it. The Gorillas would put the game away with their fourth goal of the game halfway through the period. The Vipers had a few looks but needed more of a push. SA played very well defensively keeping Vernon's shooters to the outside, limiting the Snakes time & space and kept the puck away from Vernon. The S'Backs never sat back or took their foot off the gas, stuck to their game plan and played a very well deserved win in the home opener. Down two goals heading into the final frame, the Vipers needed more pucks to the net, more shots and more players going to the grey area. When you only muster seven shots in a period when your down by two or three goals, your not going to win many hockey games. The Silverbacks were the better team and carried the better of the play at times. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 12-7.

Top Player's: Vernon Vipers 

Roan Clarke (27 saves) Was the busier of the two netminders was tested often and forced to make some big stops. Clarke has started both regular season games for the Vipers this year.

Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell (1 goal) The Vipers captain played a strong game, played with energy, created several chances through out the game. 

Reagan Milburn played with some energy, had some looks and was in and around the net, grazed the post in the 3rd period. 

Cameron MacDonald (1 assist) I thought was Vernon's best player. Played with a ton of jump/energy, was buzzing up and down the rink all night. Had several good looks/opportunities. Couldn't get the bounces go his way.

Game Thought's: Vernon Vipers

I thought the Snakes played very well in the 1st period, held their own and were evenly matched with the hometown Silverbacks. Vernon gave up an early 2nd period goal couldn't seem to recover and played from behind the rest of the contest. The Vipers had troubles getting pucks to the net in the 2nd and 3rd periods. Vernon was chasing the S'Backs in the final two periods, didn't get a lot of zone time, puck possession or pressure. Salmon Arm was the better team in the 2nd and 3rd periods. In both games this season the Vipers have given up the games first goal and had to play from behind. Vernon has been outscored 8-4 in the first two regular season games. I have said this numerous times during the preseason and now into the regular season. The Vipers passing is just not their yet. It seems like most of the other teams we have faced are making tape to tape passes through out the game, and the Vipers just aren't there yet. Vernon also needs to shoot more, I have seen way too many plays where the forward has the puck in the slot or in the circle and has a clear shot at the goal, decides to pass it. I also don't see the Snakes going to the grey areas and making life difficult for the oposing goaltenders. Two defencemen this year haven't impressed me. Adam Bourgeois and Griffen Barr. So far in the games these two kids have played, they have been a liability while on the ice. Coughing up the puck, turning over the puck, making poor decissions in their own end. I think the Vipers need to play with a little more consistancy and play sixty minutes. Vernon needs to sharpen up on a few things and gel as a team. During the exhibition games and the two regular season games, the Vipers have looked incosistent and have only played close to sixty minutes once that was a 4-1 preseason win over West Kelowna in the teams final exhibition game. I know its early and were only two games into the 2021-22 regular season but if you include the preseason, Vernon is now 1-7 on the year. The Vipers play eight of their first nine games on the road and I think this will be a positive. This will give the kids a chance to gel, build relationships, bond as a team and unite together. The Vipers are 0-3 vs Salmon Arm this year (exhibition & regular season). Several Viper fans in attendance tonight. With the loss the Vipers fall to 0-2 and host the Silverbacks Saturday in the teams home opener. 

Top Player's: Salmon Arm Silverbacks

Kieran Ruscheinski played with an edge and was in the face of the Snakes all night. The veteran d-man was getting under the skin of several Vernon players in the 2nd and 3rd periods.

The line of Noah Serdachny (3 assists), Simon Tassy (3 goals) & Matthieu Bourgault (1 assist) Was the top unit for the Apes in the victory. This line was dangerous all evening, giving Vernon all kinds of trouble. The Vipers had troubles defending against the three. Simon Tassy looked very good and played well against Vernon in the preseason is very skilled and fun to watch. 

Danny Ciccarello This kid has some wheels and played with a lot of jump/energy.

Daniel Panetta Is another kid who didn't put up any points but played a strong game for the S'Backs.

Owen Beckner Has some size and had a few looks/chances, was involved in the play and played well.

Nathan Morin didn't really stand out in the opening frame but got his game going and got better as the game continued. I really noticed him in the 2nd and 3rd periods. 

Brandon Santa-Juan (1 goal) Played well in exhibition vs the Vipers, had a good game in the Silverbacks home opener. 

Owen Say (20 saves) Wasn't overly busy but when tested played well between the pipes for the Salmon Arm Silverbacks. I think Say may want Vernon's second goal back but showed a lot of poise in net. Looked confident, didn't give up any second or third opportunities, was seeing the puck and got some help from his defence in front of him.

Game Thought's: Salmon Arm Silverbacks

I thought the Gorillas looked good and played a very well rounded hockey game in the teams home opener. Both teams were evenly matched and held their own against one another in the 1st period. The Backs were the better team in the 2nd and 3rd periods. Salmon Arm took over the edge in play and outplayed the Vipers for a lot of the middle frame. Salmon Arm has some speed, skill and played well defensively and got the saves when needed. This wasn't a very physical game but I thought the Silverbacks were the more physical team laying out at least three big checks. With only one penalty this was a fairly tame hockey game on both sides and the officials let both teams play. The officials may have missed one or two tripping calls and a crosscheck but who's really paying attention. The Apes played with the lead most of the night, had the Snakes chasing the puck. Heading into the 3rd SA didn't take their foot off the gas, stuck with the game plan. The S'Backs are dangerous off the rush, had several odd man rushes tonight. The Silverbacks can move the puck, create/generate chances & get pucks to the net. SA played well defensively, keeping the Vipers shooters and forwards to the outside, limiting their chances. Vernon had very little to no second or third opportunities in and around the net. The Silverbacks won both exhibition games over the Vipers, travel to Vernon for the second game of the home and home series tomorrow night. These two teams will meet again on November 3rd. With the win, Salmon Arm improves to 2-0 The Backs play eleven of their first sixteen games at home. A good sized crowd on hand for the teams home opener. Due to COVID-19 rules & restrictions, all teams are only allowed 50% capacity which for the Silverbacks is about 750. During the 1st period they announced several of the players parents were in attendance. Some as far away as Ontario, California and Quebec. It was twenty years ago that the Silverbacks joined the BCHL as an expansion team in 2001. 


Vernon Vipers:

Adam Bourgeois
Liam Cavan
Nicholas Remissong
Kjell Kjemhus
Seiya Tanaka-Campbell

Salmon Arm Silverbacks:

Gabriel Murrells-Allaway
Lynden Hanvold
Owen Desilets
Liam Gayfer
Matthew Johnston
Isaac Lambert

Energy Player of the Game:

Brandon Santa-Juana (1 goal)

Three Star's:

1st Star: Simon Tassy (3 goals)
2nd Star: Noah Serdachny (3 assists)
3rd Star: Owen Say (20 saves)

Boxscore-Game Summary,

| BCHL League Site

Game Report,

Game Report (

Text Box Score,

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Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments as long as there tasteful. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Silverbacks game.


  1. I watched the game on spotlight. I thought the Vernon vipers defense was very porous as the silverbacks just skated by them with no problem at ease. The vipers intensity in the second and third period was lacking. In watching the vipers it reminded me of watching the grand forks border bruins a junior B team. All though entertaining it lack the professionalism I was used to in watching a skilled Junior A team. My final thought is to Jason. You have to pickup the pace and make your team more accountable on the ice in both defense and offense because as a fan I might as well be watching a good old fashioned game of pond hockey. Things have to change because right now this is not Vipers hockey. GOOD LUCK.

  2. Yes, it all starts with Jason. He assembled the team and now it's up to him to get them to play high level hockey. The other Interior teams look strong this year and ready to go, more so that the Vipers.

    My other concern is the 20 year olds. Other than Jo Jo and Ryan Shostak I don't see any game changers, players who can be counted on to be a threat every shift. Ordinarily the 6 x 20's are the heart and soul of the team but that doesn't appear to be the case this year. Time will tell.
