Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Exhibition Salmon Arm 4 Vernon 1

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon all of my life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and only missed five Vipers home games since 2004 and 46 home games since 1990. I'm not a journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid to do this blog and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 2 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vernon Vipers/Salmon Arm Silverbacks exhibition game as Salmon Arm defeated Vernon 4-1 in front of a very small crowd at Kal Tire Place. (No attendance was announced)

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Ethan David
Salmon Arm: Gabriel Murrells-Allaway

1st Period: The visiting Salmon Arm Silverbacks got off to a quick start jumping on the hometown Vipers off the opening faceoff. The Apes with some good looks early before Lynden Hanvold setup a streaking Isaac Lambert in the slot, who beat Ethan David low blocker, giving the Silverbacks an early 1-0 lead at 0:48 Hanvold drew the lone assist. Salmon Arm was outshooting Vernon 3-0 at this point. About two minutes later, Lynden Hanvold's quick shot from the high slot just missed the net on a quality opportunity from in front. SA with a ton of jump had the Snakes back on their heels in their own end. About five minutes into the 1st period Ryan Watt broke free in for the breakaway, would be stopped twice by Gabriel Murrells-Allaway who made two back to back big stops on the Viper rookie. On the play Watt would get called for slashing, giving the Backs their first powerplay of the evening. Paul Dore with a quick shot from the point just missed the net on a quality chance on the PP. The Silverbacks had two shots on goal but couldn't capitalize with the man advantage. Around the halfway mark Gaetz Barrie tried setting up Aidan Lindblad on a two on one, but rookie defenceman Adam Bourgeois made a solid defensive play, breaking up the odd man rush. With just over a minute remaining in the period, Vipers starting goaltender Ethan David snagged a quick shot out of the air off the stick of Lynden Hanvold and then inside the final minute of play, was forced to use the leather to snag another quick shot from the circle. Two good quality chances by the S'Backs towards the end of the 1st period. It was 1-0 Salmon Arm after 20 minutes of play. The Gorillas were by far the better of the two teams. Salmon Arm jumped on the Snakes off the opening puck drop and carried most of the play for the opening frame. The Silverbacks had a ton of zone time and pressure inside the Vipers blueline for much of the 1st period. Salmon Arm was clicking, has some speed and can move the puck up ice in a hurry. SA had Vernon back on their heels for a lot of that period. The Apes could have jumped ahead by four or five goals if they could have got more pucks towards the net. The Silverbacks had troubles getting pucks towards the goal. The Vipers played with very little emotion and intensity, played most of the 1st period in their own end. The Snakes were dominated most of the 1st had troubles getting control of the puck and clearing the zone. Vernon's defence with several turnovers. The Vipers needed almost five minutes to record their first shot of the game. The Vipers saw very little offensive zone time. Silverbacks starting goaltender Gabriel Murrells-Allaway wasn't tested much, the Vipers only real quality scoring chance was Ryan Watt's breakaway that Murrells-Allaway stopped both shots. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 9-6.

2nd Period: The Silverbacks jumped on Vernon again for a second straight period. Salmon Arm looked to take an early 2-0 lead at 1:56 after Paul Dore's shot from the blueline looked to get redirected on it's way to the goal. With the Silverbacks celebrating a goal, the goal was immediately waived off the goal. Nathan Bohmer was called for goaltender interference, sending the Snakes to the man advantage, their first of the night. Vernon struggled with the powerplay, allowed Lian Gayfer in for the breakaway who was denied by Ethan David. The Silverbacks with a solid PK kept the Vipers out of the offensive zone for most of the PP killed off the minor. About six minutes into the middle frame, the Vipers come very close to tying the hockey game on a quick low shot from the corner, that beat Gabriel Murrells-Allaway but not the far post. Around the midway mark, Nathan Morin setup Isaac Lambert on a two on one attack, Lambert missed the net on the odd man rush on a good look/opportunity. Around the halfway mark the Silverbacks switched goaltenders. Gabriel Murrells-Allaway was replaced by Lukas Toth. With about seven minutes left in the second period, a Viper forward was hauled down in front, awarding a Snakes powerplay. Before The Backs touched the puck, Dalton MacGillivray rushed in for the parcial breakaway would be denied in close by Lukas Toth making his first big save since replacing starting goaltender Gabriel Murrells-Allaway. Vernon with their second PP of the hockey game, had some pressure at times but no real opportunities until in the dying seconds. Luke Buss's shot beat Lukas Toth, tying the game 1-1 at 14:54 with one second remaining on the PP. Kai Adano collected the lone assist. Less then a minute later a strong push back shift by the Gorillas. Nathan Mackie setup Owen Beckner on a quick one time pass, giving Salmon Arm a 2-1 lead at 15:49 Mackie & Lynden Hanvold picked up the helpers. It was 2-1 Salmon Arm after 40 minutes of play. The Silverbacks were the better of the two teams, but the Vipers did finally generate some zone time and get a little pressure in the offensive zone but lacked skill and scoring. For a second straight period the Snakes were back on their heels in their own end, coughing up the puck, making mistakes. The Gorillas were making plays happen, where as the Vipers looked disorganized coming up ice. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 11-8.

3rd Period: As the teams were lining up for the opening faceoff, Aidan Lindblad took offence to Luke Buss who skated over the centre line two or three times before the puck was dropped. The two had words before Lindblad gave Buss a crosscheck across the ribs before the linesmen was forced to jump in and break the two players apart. As both players were lining up for the faceoff, the two were exchanging words until the puck was dropped. Early into the final frame a Salmon Arm player was hit and went to the ice, while the Viper defender gave him a second shot while lying on the ice before the play was stopped. The Viper d-man fell on top of the player as the play was blown dead. The Silverback player went to the dressing room but did return later. Early into the 3rd Lynden Hanvold setup Nathan Mackie in front, giving Salmon Arm a 3-1 lead at 4:29 Hanvold & Owen Beckner collected the assists. The visiting Silverbacks seemed to take their foot off the gas shortly after taking a two goal lead as both teams didn't seem very engaged in the preseason game as the period continued. Just before the midway mark Vernon would get their third PP of the game. No real good scoring chances as the S'Backs killed off the minor. The period went several lengthy periods of time with no real action at both ends of the rink. With about six minutes remaining Luke Buss with a nifty play couldn't solve Lukas Toth from outside the circle. Towards the end of the game, Isaac Lambert spotted Nathan Morin who beat Ethan David, giving Salmon Arm a 4-1 lead at 18:28 Lambert and Ethan Ullrick picking up the assists. With just over a minute remaining, Dalton MacGillivray would be denied on a Vipers three on one rush. The Silverbacks would eventually wind down the clock coming away with a 4-1 preseason victory. An early 3rd goal by Nathan Mackie basically put the game away. Both teams went several lengthy minutes with no real action, playing out the motions before the Apes seemed to re-gain control and carry the better of the play in the second half of the period. SA looked to have the puck on a string at times in the second half but didn't get a lot of pucks to the net. The Viper defence was back on their heels again, chasing the puck and the S'Backs forwards. Vernon outshot Salmon Arm 7-6.

Top Player's: Vernon

Luke Ashton Needs a little work handling the puck, but his size makes up for it. I thought for a 16 yr old he made some mistakes, turned over the puck a few times but looks very promising. Ashton has committed to the Vipers for the 2021-22 season.

Hudson Cameron didn't look flashy or make any big plays but I was impressed with his speed and work ethic. This kid hustled and battled all game. 

Luke Buss (1 goal) Committed to the Vipers for the 2021-22 season was by far the Snakes best player this evening. This kid can skate, move the puck, has some soft hands and knows what to do with the puck. This kid has some wheels, a real play maker. Stood out from the rest of the team. Very impressed.

Game Thought's: Vernon

I know this is the Vipers first exhibition game of the season, but I wasn't too impressed. I thought the Snakes were outplayed, outworked and outskilled most of the game. Vernon played a lot of the night in their own end. When the Vipers did manage to gain entry into the offensive zone, it was very short and no real scoring chances. The Vernon defence was hemmed in their own end for lengthy shifts at a time, struggled clearing the zone and turning over pucks. The Vipers gave up way too many pucks and odd man rushes. Other then Luke Buss the Snakes lacked skill and didn't have any offensive weapons. The Vipers struggled offensively to generate & create any kind of offence. The Snakes had troubles getting pucks to the net and keeping the puck inside the Silverbacks blueline for lengthy periods of time. Vernon struggled with the man advantage. The Vipers looked disorganized, had troubles breaking out of their own end and troubles finding their offence. I didn't think the Vipers played with much intensity or jump. Very little hitting from both teams through out the hockey game. This was the Snakes first preseason game and it showed as the team didn't look in sync with one another. As the game went on, I was expecting to see some of the committed players step up and take charge and other then Luke Buss I didn't see that tonight. Even though the Snakes were outplayed they were only down a goal most of the game until the 3rd period. It was 2-1 Salmon Arm heading to the 3rd and anybody's game. That's what was disappointing for me. Defenceman Adam Bourgeois is the son of former Vernon Lakers forward Sean Bourgeois who played with the Lakers from 1991-1993 & was an Assistant Coach with the Vernon Vipers from 2001-2005. Vipers Head Coach/GM Jason McKee & Assistant Coach Larry Draper were not behind the Vipers bench. Assistant Coaches Colton Sparrow & Eric Morrissette were behind the bench. The Snakes had a large group of non-dressed players sitting in the stands tonight. The Vipers were wearing their previous set of home jerseys they use to wear during the 2018-19 season. The Vipers next exhibition game is Friday in Penticton. It was nice to get back to some kind of normalcy, being able to leave your house and get out and back into Kal Tire Place to watch a Vipers game in person. It's been eighteen months since Viper fans last saw the Vipers play at home. Once you sat down and the game started, it didn't feel weird at all and actually felt like it was just the other day we were at a Vipers game. I know it's a weekday and only exhibition but for not being able to go to a Vipers game the past eighteen months, I was expecting a bigger crowd. They didn't announce the attendance but my guess would be a few hundred fans on hand for the first preseason game of the season.

Top Player's: Salmon Arm

Lynden Hanvold (3 assists) This kid can play hockey and stood out all night. Picking up three assists in the 4-1 victory was very solid on the Silverbacks blueline. Hanvold was very good defensively but also good offensively, jumping up into the play often. A very good skating d-man that can candle and move the puck and get the puck up ice but also jump into the play when needed. Very impressed with this young man.

Paul Dore Was another Salmon Arm defenceman I really liked. This kid was also very solid at both ends of the rink. Was involved in the play, can move and handle the puck as well as skate. 

Aidan Lindblad I thought played very well. The forward looked good through out the preseason game.

Ethan Ullrick (1 assist) Caught my attention right away. This kid is skilled, has some soft hands, can make plays happen in a hurry and was involved in the play through out the game. 

Nathan Mackie (1 goal & 1 assist) Played very well for the visiting Salmon Arm Silverbacks. A two point night, played hard.

Isaac Lambert (1 goal & 1 assist) Opened the scoring for the Gorillas, was another forward who played/battled hard and involved in the play. Had the puck on his stick often through out the game, was making plays and creating/generating opportunities. 

Game Thought's: Salmon Arm

This Salmon Arm team looked very good and impressed me. Yes I know it's only the preseason and the Silverbacks first game but I liked what I saw from the Apes tonight. I thought SA was by far the better team. The Gorillas carried most of the play, dominated Vernon in the offensive zone. The Backs saw a lot of action in the attacking zone, had troubles getting pucks to the net at times but were smart with the puck. The Silverbacks were strong on the forecheck, causing the Viper defenders to turn over pucks, made things happen on the forecheck. Salmon Arm looked like they have played together prior to tonight's game. The Silverbacks have some very skilled forwards, a strong blueline and are quick on their feet. Both goaltenders played half the game, weren't tested much. The Backs move the puck well up ice, in a hurry and generate/create opportunities. The Silverbacks made very little mistakes, played well at both ends of the rink, had several odd man rushes, were good on the PK. A very well played game even if it was only an exhibition game. This may have been the Apes first preseason game but it was hard to tell as this team looked like they have played three or four games together. The Silverbacks looked structured at times and looked to have systems in place. The Vipers & Silverbacks will meet again in Salmon Arm September 28th in the final preseason meeting between these two teams. I spotted a small handful of Silverbacks fans in attendance. The Silverbacks next exhibition game is Friday in West Kelowna.



No scratches were announced

Salmon Arm:

No scratches were announced

Three Star's:

No three stars were announced after the game

Here is a look at both teams rosters,

Vernon Vipers:

Andrey Manov 03 D
Adam Bourgeois 04 D
Desmond Johnson 02 D
Holdin Getzlaf 04 D
Luke Ashton 05 D
Kai Adano 05 D
Hudson Cameron 04 F
Greye Rampton 04 F
Ryan Watt 04 F
Matthew Carniel 03 F
Dalton MacGillivray 04 F
Rhett Hamilton 04 F
Alyandro De Leon 04 F
Daniel North 03 F
Jackson Hardy 04 F
Luke Buss 03 F
Erik Pastro 05 F
Jason Siedem 02 F
Ethan David 03 G
Roan Clarke 03 G

Salmon Arm Silverbacks:

Ezra Chan 04 D
Lynden Hanvold 04 D
Owen Desilets 04 D
Paul Dore 02 D
Emmett Nordin 05 F
Nathan Bohmer 03 F
Lian Gayfer 05 F
Aidan Lindblad 04 F
Owen Beckner 05 F
Matthew Johnston 04 F
Nathan Morin 04 F
Ethan Ullrick 03 F
Luca Primerano 05 F
Gaetz Barrie 03 D
Nathan Mackie 04 F
Nic Leggett 05 D
Isaac Lambert 03 F
Jake Lammens 02 D
Gabriel Murrells-Allaway 03 G
Lukas Toth 05 G

Boxscore-Game Summary,

| BCHL League Site

Game Report,

Game Report (hockeytech.com)

Text Box Score,

Official statistics powered by LeagueStat.com (hockeytech.com)

Please feel free to leave suggestion or comment in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments as long as there tasteful. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers/Silverbacks game,


  1. No wonder you weren't too impressed. There was only one Viper dressed who played last season, Desmond Johnson. There were 18 Vipers who had Jr. A experience sitting up in the stands. This game was a look at the new recruits to see if any of them are better THAN holdover players. Only THEN will we be able to judge the team. I don't know if Salmon Arm dressed any veterans, or whether this was a PARTIAL mix of vets and newcomers.

  2. The Vipes should be just fine this season as it is still very early on. These young kids are still learning about the Vipers systems of play both offense and defense. Once the learning curve is over with and they have a few games under there belt I am sure the hockey will be much more entertaining especially when the players get there first win which should generate some confidence. Go Vipers Go.
