Thursday, November 12, 2020

Warriors & Vipers To Face Off In Okanagan Cup Semifinal:

The Okanagan Cup semifinals begin this weekend with the 3-6-1-2 Vernon Vipers travelling to West Kelowna to face the 7-4-0-1 Warriors Friday night at Royal Le Page Place. 

Global news interviewed the Warriors and talked about their matchup vs the Vernon Vipers. Here is the story from Global news,


  1. Well well well.....we meet again Mr.DieHard! Haha!

    What's your prediction for the outcome tomorrow? Care to make a friendly bet?

    Here's what I want if I win. If the Warriors win tomorrow night, you have to post an article on the Warriors everyday in addition to your usual Vipers articles for 1 week.

    If the Vipers win (Teehee...I can't say that with a straight face) you can ask me to do something on your creative!

    What do you say.....are you in?

    I'm confident in the Warriors and believe we will be victorious but what if the Vipers pull a rabbit out of their hat like they did last year and pull a big upset? Do you have faith in your Vipers Mr.Diehard?

    Let's have some fun...waddya say?

    Go Warriors Go!!
    Uncle Ben

  2. Uncle Ben ,
    Put a sock ( preferably stocking-sized ) , in it . Your comments are tiresome , mundane , and all too predictable . Nobody ( but yourself ) , is entertained by your constant drivel .

  3. @ anonymous

    Thank you for the feedback! :)

    I'm proud to be a Warrior fan and not afraid to show it. I'm a big fan of the Vipers and this blog as well. I love hockey and I love life!
    The hockey season and life is too short to be negative. Hockey is a great game and I'm here to have some fun and talk hockey with like minded people. It doesn't sound like that's you, and I'm totally ok with that.
    I hope you have a great evening, an even better tomorrow and good luck whatever team you cheer for! Don't forget to smile and be grateful there is hockey to watch! I know I am!
    Go Warriors, Go Vipers!
    Uncle Ben

  4. I thought they got rid of UNCLE BENS.

  5. Uncle Ben... it is good to have passion. The players and other fans certainly can use the support during this hard year. But... where were you in previous years when the Warriors struggled or were very mediocre? It seems like you are only visible, and yes annoying, now that the Warriors have strung together a decent pre-season. Where were you when they went through all of the owner & coaching controversies? True fans live with the ups & downs and don't just chirp the opponents when their team is enjoying the "ups". Have you really been a long time fan and if so why have you finally found your voice? Enjoy this time, Uncle Ben, hope to hear from you also when your mighty Warriors fall back to earth.

    PS... I seriously doubt whether you can goad VDHF into making a prediction.

  6. Ignore that clown Uncle Ben. He is probably one of those politically correct morons who sits on his hands and zips his lips at hockey games. Seemed like watching tennis at the games. A good old fashioned rivalry never hurt anybody. I'm not talking about the days when Silverback and Viper fans would brawl but a little emotion and PRIDE (pay attention owners) in your team should be mandatory.

  7. Yikes! Tough crowd. Just trying to liven things up around here. I'm not sure what's up with all the negativity?
    Go Warriors Go!
    Uncle Ben

  8. P.S If anybody is interested, I'll be at Wings in West Kelowna watching the game on the big screen. Feel free to join me and have a beer or two!
    Go Warriors!
    Uncle Ben

  9. I have enjoyed the bog for a long time! The best thing is Mr Die Hard let's everybody have their say (within reason) after all it is a democratic society! If you don't like what you hear don't read it, simple as that! Uncle Ben is fine with me and I am a huge Viper fan! Some people can't face the truth, aka

  10. I want to reply to @anonymous but there are so many of you! Haha! Why won't some of you just come up with a handle for you name so at least I can reply to the proper person? of the @anonymous asked me where I've been before this season, so I will reply to that. I've been a fan of WKW since they were called Westside Warriors. And I've lived in West Kelowna long before it was called that. But I grew up in Vernon, and have been a Vipers fan or should I say (Lakers fan) since I was a kid. I love Vernon!

    I only really found out about this blog over a year ago and just kind of checked in once in a while. There used to be a WKW Blog but nothing has been added since 2018, and leaving comments on the WKW website isn't possible that I'm aware of.

    I really had no use to complain about our awful team on here....and I expect I would've received even less of a warm welcome than I've already gotten here had I done so.

    Sure I'm annoying, but I'm just trying to create some discussion and it looks like its working! (kind of) I'm not trying to be a troll, and don't believe I am.....just stirring the pot a bit to have some fun with other fans since we can't watch games in person.

    Vipers are the most storied franchise in BCHL've had plenty of years in the sun with many's time for other teams to have their day. Penticton seems to be the team to beat the last few years. It's exciting to finally have something to be hopeful here in WK, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

    I also don't expect Mr.Diehard to make a prediction. In fact I know he won't. Mr.DIehard doesn't know this....but we've actually met several times in person. I know his hockey knowledge is second to none.....but I also know he won't risk his reputation in making a prediction, for fear of possibly being wrong. TeeHee!

    I bet Mr.Diehard will be scratching his head now trying to figure out who I am Lol!

    I like it when people make predictions or have friendly makes life more interesting! I'm wrong constantly.....nothing wrong with that! Lol!

    Thanks for the shout outs everyone! Good luck with the game tonight....may the best team win!
    Uncle Ben

  11. Should be a good game tonight against west kelowna. I am just BIDEN my time as to is going to win this one. If the vipers win , I get to have a good old fashion JIM CAREY statement like LOSER. because you lost and no we don't have to recount the goals to see who is the winner. GO,VIPERS,GO.

  12. Well well well, It looks Uncle Ben or as I like to call him “The Gambler” is back and willing to bet the house on his beloved Warriors....

    I'm sorry I don’t bet or make predictions on any games/sports and I won’t be joining you in your little games and placing any wagers on tonight’s game but the better team should come out on top.

    I’m sorry Uncle Ben, but this is a Vernon Vipers blog and win or lose I will not be posting any kind of Warriors news on this blog at anytime.

    I'm really looking forward to tonight’s semifinal game between Vernon & West Kelowna. The last time these two teams played towards the end of October, the Warriors swept the home & home series in a very tight two games. I remember the Vipers blew two goal leads in both games and lost. Since those games, the Snakes have made some changes and upgraded their roster bringing in Josh Prokop, Tyler Carpendale & Koen MacInnes. The Tribe welcomes back Tyler Cristall who returns to the Warriors from the USHL but lost Matthew Stienburg for the remainder of 2020. The Warriors are coming off a sweep of the Salmon Arm Silverbacks last weekend while Vernon lost back to back games to Penticton.

    The Warriors went 4-0 vs Vernon during the round robin but all four games well maybe three of the four games could have gone either way and the shoe could be on the other foot.

    Elan Bar-Lev-Wise, Nick Ardanaz and Johnny Derrick once played for the Vipers.

    I don’t have a problem with you, as I think you add some spice and attention to the blog> You also seem to gain some interest from other posters and get the discussions going. I have to agree with you and also wish others would come up with some kind of nickname or handle instead of using Anonymous. With most people using “Anonymous” it’s hard to reply to someone and follow someone’s comments with the name Anonymous. If someone does decide to make a handle name or some kind of nickname, make sure it’s clean and appropriate as I won’t be posting comments with rude or inappropriate handle names or nicknames.

    Thanks to Uncle Ben and everyone else who views my blog and to the fans who leave comments. Thank you for your support.

    Go Vipers Go!
