Thursday, March 5, 2020

Game 4 Vernon 6 Wenatchee 4

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my entire life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and only missed five Vipers home games since 2004 and 46 home games since 1990. I'm not a journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid for doing this blog, and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 1.8 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thoughts and views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Wild game as Vernon defeated Wenatchee 6-4 in Game 4 to take a 3-1 series lead in front of 1,559 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Reilly Herbst
Wenatchee: Daniel Chenard

1st Period: The Vipers had the early jump on the visiting Wenatchee Wild would get the games first opportunity of the night about four and a half minutes in. Viper forward/captain Connor Marritt tried banging home a loose puck at the side of the net, couldn't beat Daniel Chenard. On the following play/shift, Jackson Caller's point shot would get redirected on it's way to the goal by Cameron MacDonald forcing former Chilliwack Chiefs netminder Daniel Chenard into making a large save early into the opening frame. About two minutes later, the Snakes catch a break after Reilly Herbst was forced to make a difficult save from in close, couldn't control the rebound with two Wild players at the top of the crease, before a quick whistle stopped the play with the puck still loose. About a minute or so later a shot from the corner hit a Vernon defenceman in the slot that headed straight for the front of the net, almost catching Reilly Herbst off guard as the puck just missed the far corner as the Vipers catch a second break as the Wild with back to back chances don't get any puck luck early. Just past the halfway mark, off a faceoff Ethan Wolthers spots Quinn Emerson going to the net, looked to redirect the puck would be stopped by Reilly Herbst with the blocker as the puck somehow managed to still find it's way into the back of the goal, giving Wenatchee a 1-0 lead at 11:09 Wolthers & Nicholas Chmelevski drew the helpers. About three minutes later, Vernon product Matt Kowalski with some speed, come down the left wing, ripped a quick shot from just outside the circle, forced Daniel Chenard into making an awkward save, but a big save at that, keeping this a one goal hockey game. With about three and a half minutes remaining, Vernon couldn't clear the zone, allowing Tanner Main to setup Noah Lugli to rip home a rocket from the backend, beating Reilly Herbst, giving Wenatchee a 2-0 lead at 16:41 Main and Brian Adams collected the assists. The Snakes responded with a good push back shift and thirty eight seconds later, Ben Helgeson spotted Connor Sleeth in front, redirecting his pass past Daniel Chenard, cutting Wenatchee's lead to 2-1 at 17:19 Helgeson picked up the lone assist. With time winding down, Dawson Holt stepped across the Wild blueline, ripped a low shot from the circle forcing Daniel Chenard to make a large save with five seconds remaining. A minor scrum at the buzzer with several players getting involved. Lots of chirping going back and fourth as Wild forward/captain Brian Adams was complaining to the officials after the period ended. Head Coach Chris Clark remained on the bench, was also letting the officials know what he thought of the opening frame as the Viper faithful were giving it to Adams and Clark. Wild forward Nick Cafarelli picked up a ten minute misconduct at the end of the period. It was 2-1 Wenatchee after 20 minutes of play. I thought Vernon got off to a good start, had lots of jump/energy early and often. Both teams were fairly evenly matched in the first half. Both teams had a few looks/chances before Wenatchee opened the scoring. Quinn Emerson's goal seemed to give the Wild a little boost and changed the momentum of the game a little, as the Wild would carry the play and get some good pressure in the offensive zone, before jumping out to a 2-0 lead towards the end of the period. One turning point tonight, was the quick bounce back shift from the Vipers after Wenatchee's second goal, that resulted in the hometown Vipers getting on the scoreboard but also making it a one goal game late in the period. The Snakes looked ready to play tonight and had lots of jump/energy off the opening faceoff, something they didn't have last night. I thought the Wild had a slight edge in play from time to time but overall a fairly evenly matched 1st period. Vernon outshot Wenatchee 11-10.

2nd Period: The Wild with a strong start, jumped on the Snakes off the opening faceoff. Inside the opening minute, Brian Adams picked up speed, carried the puck through the neutral zone into the offensive zone, before setting up Sam Morton who's quick shot would be stopped by Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Reilly Herbst. A good look/opportunity early for Wenatchee. The Wild with a strong push early and often had Vernon back on there heels and hemmed in there own end before the Vipers blocked a shot from the point, Hunter Donohoe quickly moved the puck up ice to Connor Marritt who spotted Dawson Holt who used some wheels to get past a Wenatchee defender, beat Wenatchee Wild starting goaltender Daniel Chenard five hole, bringing the fans to there feet, tied the hockey game 2-2 at 5:27 Donohoe & Marritt with the helpers. Shortly after Reilly Herbst was forced to make two large saves off Sam Morton and Dylan Herzog with the Wild pressing. It wasn't long after Cameron MacDonald setup Dawson Holt who scored his second of the evening, giving Vernon a 3-2 lead at 10:08 there first lead of the contest. MacDonald with the assist. Shortly after Max Bulawka with a great look/chance in the slot couldn't solve Daniel Chenard who made a large save, keeping this a one goal game. The play really picked up at this point as both teams were going back and fourth. At the other end of the rink, Trey Taylor and Matt Dorsey got tangled up behind the Wenatchee goal, as some pushing and shoving occurred. The Vipers would come out with the games first power play. On a goal mouth scramble, Vernon couldn't hit the open cage on a missed opportunity as the puck went through the blue paint and out the other side, as the Wild catch a huge break. The Snakes give up an odd man rush, Quinn Emerson keeps and wires a shot shorthanded that beat Reilly Herbst went off the crossbar as Wenatchee come within inches of tying the game. On the following play/shift Reilly Herbst had to be alert, made two large saves with traffic in front. Logan Cash went feet first into the end boards after racing for the puck. Cash and a Wenatchee player both went hard for the puck, as Cash went feet first and stayed down on the ice as the play continued. The play was eventually blown down as the Viper trainer rushed onto the ice. Cash was slow getting up, couldn't put any weight on his left leg, needed help off the ice, went straight to the Viper dressing room and didn't return. Towards the end of the period, the Wild would get there first look with the PP. Reilly Herbst made a big pad save, as Wenatchee didn't generate much with the power play. Reilly Herbst had to be sharp somehow managed to keep the puck out on a goal mouth scramble in the dying seconds of the man advantage. Herbst and the puck were very close to the goal line but stayed out. Vernon kills off the minor. The Vipers looked to take a 4-2 lead with 3:06 remaining. A shot from outside the slot, went off the end boards, went high in the air before coming down. Daniel Chenard looked to have no idea where the puck was before it looked to hit the Wild netminder and stay in and around the crease. With the Snakes poking around at the loose puck, the puck managed to find it's way through Chenard and into the back of the goal. Just as the Vipers were celebrating, the referee behind the goal, waived off the goal. After the officials had a fairly lengthy discussion, the goal was waived off. They said the whistle was blown before the puck went in. I didn't hear a whistle and with the puck loose and a matter of seconds from landing in the crease, until finding the back of the goal, the referee didn't have enough time to blow the play dead, even if he lost sight of the puck. I think Vernon was robbed of a goal, as Wenatchee catches a huge break, late in the period. The Vipers responded with a hard working shift shortly after, won the battle down low. Dawson Holt setup Cameron MacDonald who ripped a laser past Daniel Chenard, giving Vernon a 4-2 lead at 18:58 Holt & Connor Marritt drew the helpers. It was 4-2 Vernon after 40 minutes of play. The Wenatchee Wild carried the play, had a ton more puck possession and zone time, couldn't capitalize on there opportunities. Wenatchee had a ton of pressure, had the Vipers reeling and hemmed in there own end often, but it was Reilly Herbst who stood tall, made several large saves, keeping his hockey club in the game. Vernon managed to weather the storm and then on there few opportunities with the puck, managed to create/& generate some quality chances, capitalized on there opportunities. The Vipers saw a lot of play in there own end, didn't see much time with the puck or in the offensive zone, but when they did finally get control of the puck, they made Wenatchee pay. The Snakes may have been outplayed for a lot of the middle frame, got some strong goaltending and capitalized on there chances. For a team that was down 2-0 give the Vipers full credit for battling back with four straight goals. Wenatchee outshot Vernon 16-6.

3rd Period: Logan Cash returned to the Viper bench to start the 3rd, took a quick lap before the opening faceoff, seemed to be ok and stayed in the hockey game. Good news for the Snakes and Viper fans, as Cash has been in and out of the lineup both seasons with the Vipers due to long term injuries. About three minutes into the final twenty minutes, Matt Kowalski took a big check along the side wall in the defensive zone. Kowalski lost his helmet on the play, had to head off the ice as players have to leave the ice immediately. As Kowalski was getting off the ice, he looked to fall forward/collapse as the trainer and goaltender Keegan Karki were forced to quickly grab him, as the three went down the tunnel and to the dressing room. Kowalski would eventually return to the bench several minutes later and stayed in the hockey game. Vernon would jump on an early PP close to four minutes into the period. The Snakes fell asleep on the man advantage as Christian Felton coughed up the puck inside his own blueline, allowing Harrison Scott to setup Brian Adams alone in front. The Wild captain went high beating Reilly Herbst, cutting Vernon's lead to 4-3 at 4:32 Scott with the lone assist. Towards the end of the PP Ben Helgeson and Dawson Holt both with quality opportunities couldn't solve Daniel Chenard who made two large saves, keeping this a one goal game. Just as the penalty expired, Wenatchee sprung Sam Morton out of the sin bin. Morton went in for the breakaway, decided to setup Nick Cafarelli going to the net, couldn't beat Reilly Herbst down low on a big stop from in close. I was surprised Morton didn't shoot or try and put a move on the Vernon goaltender, instead he tried setting up Cafarelli who was maybe in too deep? I think Morton would have had a better chance shooting the puck. About two minutes later, with the visiting Wild pressing. A shot from the corner went through the crease, looked to hit Reilly Herbst in the skate and somehow managed to stay out as Vernon catches a massive break. About a minute later, the Snakes with an odd man rush and some nice three way passing regained there two goal lead. Dawson Holt setup Cameron MacDonald, giving Vernon a 5-3 lead at 8:50 Holt and Connor Marritt picked up the helpers. After some pressure from the Wild, the Vipers setup Ben Helgeson who used his wheels to get in and around his defender before cutting hard towards the goal, couldn't beat Daniel Chenard low, made a large pad save, with about seven minutes remaining. The Wild would get Daniel Chenard to the bench for the extra attacker with about 2:45 left in the 3rd. Wenatchee would setup and move the puck around and around, while Vernon played very well defensively, kept the Wild shooters to the outside and limited there shots/chances. Wenatchee went almost a minute with lots of pressure but no pucks to the net, would eventually get two shots through traffic, forcing Reilly Herbst to make two big stops. Still in full control the Snakes couldn't gain puck possession and clear the zone. Landon Fuller and another Viper blocked two shots from the point. With time winding down and the play still in the offensive zone, Tyler Young was eventually able to push home a loose puck on a goal mouth scramble, cutting Vernon's lead to 5-4 at 19:02 Chris Clark and the Wild would call a timeout and get Daniel Chenard back to the bench for the extra attacker. The Wild would get pressure inside the final minute, until the Snakes were able to clear the zone and get the play deep in the offensive zone. Dawson Holt fought off four Wenatchee players, along the end wall, took a good ten to fifteen seconds off the clock, before eventually setting up Cameron MacDonald for his third goal of the game, into the empty cage, giving Vernon a 6-4 lead at 19:30 Holt & Connor Marritt with the helpers. The Vipers would eventually wind down the clock, to come away with the 6-4 victory and take a commanding 3-1 series lead. I thought both teams were fairly even at times, with Wenatchee having a slight edge in play at times. But it was the Vipers who had the better of the chances and opportunities. The Wild capitalized on a Vernon turnover early on a Viper power play, got to within a goal, but couldn't hold off the Snakes and couldn't get the game tying goal with lots of time left on the clock. Wenatchee started to press in the second half, but didn't get a lot of pucks to the net, or create/generate a lot of quality chances. Give the Snakes credit for playing well defensively, kept Wenatchee to the outside, closed the shooting lanes and limited the Wilds opportunities. Vernon did turn over the puck in there own end, but only once did it cost them a goal. The Vipers bent at times but didn't break. Vernon outshot Wenatchee 15-9.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

The line of Ben Helgeson (1 assist), Connor Sleeth (1 goal) & Reagan Milburn "AP" Played very well for most of the hockey game. This line opened the scoring for the Snakes, late in the 1st period. I really liked the play from Ben Helgeson who played hard, was making things happen with the puck, created/generated chances and was hard to contain and defend against. Had some real good looks on a few occasions through out the game.

The line of Dawson Holt (2 goals & 3 assists), Connor Marritt (4 assists) & Cameron MacDonald (3 goals & 1 assist) Did all the damage for Vernon this evening. The line was explosive and caused havoc for the Wild all night. What can you say about Dawson Holt? I have liked this kid since he come over earlier in the season from the Western Hockey League. Just a hard nosed gritty player that also has upside and skill. Has some speed, upper body strength, is hard to knock off the puck, defend against and play against. Holt has been one of the Vipers MVP's this season. Comes to play every game. When he first arrived in Vernon, he took several undisciplined penalties and seemed to lose his cool some nights, but has really played more disciplined and stayed out of the penalty box. I wasn't overly impressed with Connor Marritt's play this season. Sure he had some good games now and again earlier in the season, but as the season continued there were a lot of nights where the Viper captain was unnoticeable on the ice. I think Marritt has really stepped up his play in the playoffs and played with a lot more grit and contributed on the score sheet. I think has played his two best games of the season in the two Viper home playoff games. I have really liked his game these playoffs. I have been saying it all season, Cameron MacDonald has been one of my favorite players this season, the kid never stops skating, works and battles game in and game out and has scored some big goals for Vernon this year. What a night, he had himself tonight. Three goals and one assist in a impressive game. MacDonald had a heck of a game tonight, seemed to be in the right place at the right time, was dangerous, & hard to defend against.

Reilly Herbst (31 saves) The former Chicago Steel netminder was very good between the pipes for the Snakes tonight. Has been very solid this series and kept Vernon in all four games, when they have needed him. I thought tonight, Herbst had troubles controlling his rebounds, was giving up way too many second opportunities, had to be sharp in the middle frame, made several large saves with Wenatchee pressing.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

I thought Vernon played much better tonight, compared to last night's 4-3 win in Game 3. I thought the Snakes looked ready to go off the opening faceoff, played with a ton of more energy and jump, were skating, moving the puck, created/generated a ton of quality chances this evening, again capitalizing on there opportunities, especially in that 2nd period with little puck possession and zone time. I thought the hometown Vipers played a more complete game and more closer to sixty minutes then last night, where they only played well for about twenty minutes or so and were very lucky for the win and hang on for the win at that. Tonight the Vipers fell behind 2-0 but rallied with four straight goals, allowed the Wild to get within a goal, early in the 3rd but again, weathered the storm before coming back with a goal of there own. I really liked Vernon's compete and energy level. Viper fans got a big scare when Logan Cash and Matt Kowalski both left the ice/bench and didn't return for sometime. Both players did end up returning and finished the game. The Vipers still managed to turn over pucks and struggled getting out of there own end, but didn't turn over the puck as much as they did in the win in Game 3 Tuesday. The Snakes bent at times in there own end, but didn't break and weathered the storm on several occasions tonight. Other then the turnovers, I really liked Vernon's defensive game. I thought the Vipers did a good job at closing the shooting lanes, keeping the Wild to the outside, limited there chances and in a one goal hockey game, only surrendered nine shots in the final twenty minutes. The Snakes caught a few breaks, had the puck bounce there way on a few close calls. For a team that struggled offensively all year, it was nice to see the boys score four goals in Game 3 and six goals tonight. How big was last night's 4-3 win in Game 3? The Vipers take a commanding 3-1 series lead with a chance to end the series Friday in Wenatchee. An extra seventy or so more fans show up tonight, but still another small crowd on hand tonight. The Vipers attendance always drops off every year come playoffs, but where are those extra few hundred fans that come out for the regular season? I thought the Vipers attendance was pretty good this season, considering the team wasn't very exciting to watch and struggled through out the regular season. I know all teams struggle at the gate with midweek games. Former Vernon Vipers forward/captain David Robinson (2009-2011) and former Vernon Vipers defenceman Brad Farynuk (1999-2002) were in attendance tonight.

Top Player's: (Wenatchee)

Ethan Wolthers (1 assist) Has played very well in the series, looked good and played very well last night, had another strong game for the Wild in the loss in Game 4. Not the biggest kid, but quick on his feet, creates/generates chances, makes things happen with the puck, goes to the net, is hard to contain and defend against.

Brian Adams (1 goal & 1 assist) The Wild forward/captain played well, isn't the biggest kid but is quick on his feet, really sees and reads the ice well, is another Wenatchee forward who is hard to contain and defend against. Plays well vs the Snakes. Was constantly talking to the officials after several whistles and after the opening frame.

Quinn Emerson (1 goal) Opened the scoring for the Wenatchee Wild, also rang a shot off the crossbar in the middle frame. Has some wheels, looked good.

Dylan Herzog (1 assist) Played well in the loss Tuesday, had another good game on the blueline in Game 4. Had at least two if not more shots from the point, that forced Reilly Herbst into making the save. Was getting pucks to the net, played well at both ends of the rink.

Sam Morton I thought played well and looked good at different times through out the game. Setup Nick Cafarelli on a 3rd period breakaway.

Noah Lugli (1 goal) Another d-man that has played well in this seven game series, looked very solid in the two games in Vernon.

Daniel Chenard (25 saves) Wasn't tested as much as Vernon's goaltender, but was still forced to make some big saves. Chenard falls to 3-7 vs the Vipers this year (regular season & playoffs).

Game Thought's: (Wenatchee)

The Wild were the better team in Game 3 but lost 4-3 and needed a big game/win tonight in Game 4, didn't want to return home down 3-1 in the series. The Wild were looking for the split on the road to try and even the series, jumped out to a 2-0 lead, before giving up the next four goals. Wenatchee found themselves down 4-2 going into the final twenty minutes, would capitalize on a Vernon turnover. Captain Brian Adams shorthanded got the Wild to within a goal, but Wenatchee would eventually fall behind two goals for a second time in the hockey game. I thought the Wild carried the play at times in all three periods but it was the middle frame where Wenatchee had the edge in play, more puck possession, zone time, created/generated some quality chances, couldn't capitalize. Instead the hometown Snakes got some big saves from Reilly Herbst, weathered the storm and would score three goals on just six shots. The 2nd period was the Wild's downfall and it cost them the hockey game. I thought the Wild got a little more traffic in and around the Viper crease, managed to get more then nine shots in a period, had some very good looks/opportunities couldn't bury there chances. The Wild also caught some breaks and had the puck go there way. I thought the officials did an excellent job in both Games 3 & 4 let the teams play and only called the penalties that were deserving. On the Wild side of things, it seemed like Wenatchee wanted more power plays as the Wild seemed to be talking with the officials constantly through out the game and at the end of each period. Wenatchee went 0-1 with the man advantage, while Vernon went 0-2. The Wild really needed to win Tuesday, in a game where they were the better team, as the Vipers weren't at there best, instead they lost and now find themselves down 3-1 with a must win back home in Game 5 Friday in Wenatchee. Matt Dorsey returned to the lineup after serving a two game suspension. I spotted a small group of about four or five Wild fans sitting behind the teams bench. The winner of this series will face the Interior division regular season pennant winner Penticton Vees in the next round after the Vees eliminated the West Kelowna Warriors in five games tonight.



Ben Sanderson (Injured)
Colby Feist (Injured)
Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell (Injured)
Keigo Hachisuka
Max Palaga (Injured-Out for the season)


Trevor Griebel
Luke Ormsby
Jack Bayless

Energy Player of the Game:

Connor Sleeth (1 goal)

Three Star's:

1st Star: Dawson Holt (2 goals & 3 assists)
2nd Star: Cameron MacDonald (3 goals & 1 assist)
3rd Star: Connor Marritt (4 assists)

I have picked a victory song this year for the Vernon Vipers. After every win I will play Tarzan Boy by Baltimora,

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

Please feel free to leave a suggestion or comment in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments as long as there tasteful. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Wild game.


  1. This was posted on the Vipers website:

    After the Buzzer – Vipers Take Game 4, Lead Series 3-1
    March 4, 2020

    Vernon, BC: Cam MacDonald had his first career BCHL Playoff hat trick and Dawson Holt racked up 5 points as the Vipers downed the Wenatchee Wild in Game 4 of the best of seven series.

    It was an even first 10 minutes as both teams played responsibly in the offensive and defensive zone. The Wild opened the scoring as Quinn Emerson deflected home a pass from the left wall to make it 1-0. The Wild added another as a point shot from Noah Lugli got through traffic to make it 2-0. Just 38 seconds later, Ben Helgeson stole and spun a puck at the net where Connor Sleeth was able to deflect it home to make it 2-1 after 1.

    The Wild had a ton of pressure and time of possession but it would be the Vipers forecheck and transition game that stood out. The Vipers got out of their zone in a hurry as Marritt sent Dawson Holt in and he found the five-hole to tie the game up at 2 just over 5 minutes in. Holt wasn’t done as Cam MacDonald caused a turnover then set up Holt for his 2nd of the night to give the Vipers their first lead of the night at 3-2. Late in the period another forecheck, this time it was Holt setting up MacDonald who made no mistake to make it 4-2 Vernon after 2 periods.

    The Wild chipped into the deficit as Brian Adams scored his 2nd of the series while shorthanded to make it 4-3. The Vipers again responded as they transitioned with speed as Holt set up Cam MacDonald who made it 5-3 with his 2nd of the night. That would hold up until the final minute when Tyler Young poked in a loose puck with the goalie pulled making it 5-4. On the next shift with Chenard out again, Holt ragged the puck with Marritt before setting up MacDonald for his hat trick into the empty net making the final 6-4.

    The Vipers now lead the series 3-1 and will look to punch their ticket to the 2nd round when they face the Wild in Game 5 in Wenatchee on Friday night.

  2. What a line of Holt, Marritt and MacDonald in this game! It is great to see a line really coming together.

    It's been nice to see Jack Glen dishing out some hits, taking hits and being more aggressive as well. For a kid from junior B he is starting to get a taste of what junior A hockey is like.

  3. Loved the Viper's compete level last night. First time in a long time that I saw all the players standing for most of game and supporting those on the ice. It seems all visiting teams love to hate us and stand and get into the game on a regular basis but we don't.
    Disappointed with the attendance. As a recent season ticket holder (7 years, moved up from coast) I think the brand of hockey is exciting and faster than the Dub. Could someone tell me why the regular season attendance is usually between 1700 and 1900 but has dropped off in the playoffs?
    I know that Matt Kowalski is exciting and is probably the best offensive player on the Vipers, but, is there any more valuable players than Marriet or Fuller. leadership and desire on every SHIFT.
    The first line was great.. Holt especially shows why he had Dub experience. Good offensively and tough as nails.

  4. Lots of season ticket holders refuse to anti up for the playoffs. Remember that Corporate partners and businesses don't have tickets to use or give away in the playoffs and alot of regular season ticket holders don't want to dish out extra $$. A great marketing ploy is done by the Penticton Vees where you pay a higher price for season tickets but the tickets are good for the regular season and all playoff games and there for their attendance numbers stay high throughout the playoffs

  5. I thought this weeks games were well attended for a week night. You have to remember that playoffs are a new season regarding attendance. Season ticket holders who pay early in the year, at a discount, for their tickets must start paying again. As a season ticket holder I paid about $10 per season game as compared to $15 for the past 2 games. Also corporate sponsors generally get a lot of comp tickets for the season & don’t necessarily continue to buy as many tickets for individual games in the playoffs. Again, I think the past 2 games were well attended.

    The Holt, Marritt & MacDonald line was very effective. Although they were the stars I was very impressed with everyone, especially Sleeth, Shostak, Helgeson. They do things that generally go unnoticed because they do not put up big numbers. Overall a good effort by all.

    The Vipers are still an adventure in their own end but got away with it the past 2 games. In the next round against Penticton (thinking a head) they will have to screw the defense down a lot tighter. IMO the D-men still have to move the puck up to the forwards quicker instead of overhandling it.

    The above posters comment on Glen is nice but I am still not impressed. I was far more impressed by AP #28 Milburn. He played very hard, did not appear intimidated and did not look out of place. I thought he should have been credited with an assist on Vernon’s first goal as he kept the puck in at the blue line.

    Let’s hope the Vipers bring their A-game on Friday in Wenatchee & keep this season alive. Go Vipers Go..

  6. Very good answers, I have to agree. Mid week games during the regular season or playoffs are a tough sell. For whatever reason, fans don't come out to the mid week games. If the Vipers had home ice advantage and the series started here last weekend, you can bet they would have had over 2000 people at both games, maybe more. I would say Vernon has about 1500 diehard Viper fans and then you have your 500 or so fans that come to games but not all the times. You think for the size of Vernon, the Vipers would be able to draw a better attendance. In the 1980's it was the complete opposite. The Vernon Lakers averaged between 500-900 fans through out the regular season. It seemed like when the Kelowna Packers or Spartans were in town, the crowds were bigger and would get up to 1000 or a little more. Come playoffs you better have lined up early to get tickets or you weren't going to the game. All playoff games were sold out and tickets were hard to get. I remember friends, family & neighbours wouldn't go to a single game or maybe the odd one during the season, but come playoffs wouldn't miss a game.
