Saturday, January 25, 2020

West Kelowna 4 Vernon 1

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my whole life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and only missed four Vipers home games since 2004. I have missed 45 home games in the past thirty years. I'm not a journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid for doing this blog and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 1.7 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree with me, but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Warriors game as West Kelowna defeated Vernon 4-1 in front of 2,446 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Reilly Herbst
West Kelowna: Riley Morgan

1st Period: The Warriors would jump on an early power play, on a dumb penalty from Matt Kowalski. A veteran player should know better and not take a penalty like this less then two minutes into a hockey game. The Tribe struggled with the man advantage, only managed one shot as the hometown Vipers killed off the minor. The Snakes would get the games first quality chance. About six and a half minutes in, the Vipers setup Ben Helgeson going to the net, would be denied in close off a big stop from Riley Morgan. On the play West K would take a slashing penalty, sending Vernon to there first PP of the evening. The Vipers had a few real good looks couldn't capitalize with the power play. Shortly after Connor Sleeth with a great look/opportunity would be stopped in close by Riley Morgan. Shortly after Viper captain/forward Connor Marritt going for a check along the end wall, got his elbow/stick up clipping Jacob Brockman. Brockman would go to the bench, was attended by the trainer. Marritt would receive a double minor for high sticking, sending WK to there second PP of the period. The Warriors moved the puck around, before John Evans beat Reilly Herbst but not the post, while not soon after Levi Stauber rang a shot off the inside post as West Kelowna come within inches of opening the scoring. With lots of zone time/pressure the Tribe capitalized with three seconds remaining in the first minor. Former Vernon Vipers "AP" defenceman Nicolas Ardanaz setup Brendan Pigeon in front, giving West Kelowna a 1-0 lead at 12:10 Ardanaz & Tyler Cristall drew the helpers. The Warriors went back to work with the power play, the second minor of the double minor. On a shot from the blueline through traffic beat Reilly Herbst but not the goal post. Herbst lost sight of the puck, went down, come very close to knocking the puck into the back of his net as the puck was lying in the blue paint. Herbst and a Viper defender were quick enough to smother the puck for a whistle on a goal mouth scramble. The Tribe come close to taking a 2-0 lead on the road. The Snakes were able to kill off the remainder of the double minor. With about three and a half minutes remaining, former West Kelowna Warriors forward Matt Kowalski ripped a shot from the left circle, forced Riley Morgan into making a large stop on a late scoring chance. Inside the final two minutes, Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell took a big hit along the side boards in the neutral zone, went down hard and didn't get up. Tanaka-Campbell needed attention from the trainer and help off the ice. The rookie forward couldn't put any pressure on one leg, went to the Viper dressing room and didn't return. With no penalty on the hit, the crowd at Kal Tire Place went ballistic towards the officials. I didn't see the hit, so cant comment on what exactly happened. It was 1-0 West Kelowna after 20 minutes of play. I thought both teams were fairly evenly matched at times. I didn't think one team looked much better then the other team. Both teams had some good looks/chances at times. The Warriors hit three goal posts on a one power play, could have changed the game if one or two of those shots go in. Vernon outshot West Kelowna 11-8.

2nd Period: Warriors head coach/gm Simon Ferguson had a lengthy discussion with one of the officials before the opening faceoff. Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell returned to the Viper bench after taking a hit along the side wall late in the opening frame. The visiting West Kelowna Warriors would jump on an early power play, forty one seconds into the middle frame. Landon Fuller laid out a hit in the neutral zone and would be called for charging as the Viper faithful let the officials know what they thought about that call. I didn't see the hit, so I cant make a comment on the hit. WK had one or two looks but didn't really generate much with the man advantage as Vernon killed off the minor. Shortly after Ben Helgeson with a quality chance in front, couldn't solve West Kelowna Warriors starting goaltender Riley Morgan. Shortly after with the Snakes pressing, former West Kelowna Warriors forward Max Bulawka took a shot from the goal line looked to go up and over Riley Morgan and off the crossbar from my angle as Vernon comes very close to tying the game at one. On the same shift, Bulawka would get called for high sticking, sending the Tribe back to the PP. The Vipers with another big penalty kill, limited West K's chances were able to kill off the minor. Seconds after the penalty expired, Connor Marritt alone in front would be stopped after Riley Morgan made a large save from in close, keeping this a one goal game. Shortly after, Drew Vieten with some nice hands in the slot, would be denied by Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Reilly Herbst. Herbst with a big stop from in close, was forced to settle in and make a second big save off Levi Stauber's shot from the corner. Herbst kicking out the right leg making a large pad save. Just past the halfway mark of the 2nd period, Holden Kodak setup Deegan Mofford in front, giving West Kelowna a 2-0 lead at 11:14 Kodak and Skyler Cameron collected the assists. This goal seemed to take the life out of Vernon. The Snakes who were slowly starting to carry the play, other then playing shorthanded were gaining some traction, had some real good looks/opportunities, lost the momentum after giving up the second goal. Towards the end of the period, Jackson Caller's point shot got through bodies was redirected by Logan Cash on the way to the net, beat Riley Morgan five hole along the ice, cutting West Kelowna's lead to 2-1 at 17:31 Caller & Nicholas Kent with the assists. This was a big goal, got the Snakes on the board late, got the crowd back into the game, brought some life into the building and got the Vipers to within a goal, heading into the final frame. It was 2-1 West Kelowna after 40 minutes of play. I thought Vernon was the better team for a lot of the first half. The Vipers were forced to kill off two back to back early penalties, looked good on the PK, carried the better of the play in the first half, had some good looks/opportunities but couldn't solve the Warriors netminder. Going down 2-0 really changed the game/and momentum of the period. I thought Vernon had more edge in play, had the life taken out of them and couldn't really respond after going down two goals. The Snakes were lucky to get on the board late and get within a goal. The Tribe seemed to gain some life and momentum after grabbing a 2-0 lead with nine minutes left in the middle frame. WK played much better in the second half. Vernon outshot West Kelowna 9-8.

3rd Period: Jackson Caller hit a Warrior player from behind along the end boards, was very lucky to get away with the penalty. I didn't catch the jersey number but the player went slowly to the bench with his gloves over his mouth. On the bench he was looked at by the trainer but seemed to be ok and stayed in the game. About four minutes in Ben Helgeson with a good look/quality chance would be denied in front by Riley Morgan. Morgan with a large save early in the period, kept this a one goal game. Shortly after the Warriors would get an early power play, there fifth of the night. Carter Wilkie with some nifty moves cutting through the Vernon blueline, would be stopped by Reilly Herbst on a good chance from the Tribe on the PP. The Vipers were able to limit the Warriors chances and kill off the minor. Shortly after the Vipers dumped the puck in on a line change, where Riley Morgan went behind the net to stop the puck, but the puck took a funny bounce off the dasher boards, come out front of the crease. Luckily for the Tribe, no Viper player was near. Jackson Caller's point shot beat Riley Morgan at the midway mark of the 3rd period, but went off the far post as Vernon come within inches of tying the hockey game. After the radio timeout, on the following play Connor Sleeth was hauled down going across the West Kelowna blueline. Viper fans thought Vernon was going on just there second PP of the evening, as Carter Wilkie was going to the sin bin for interference but Sleeth would be called for unsportsmanlike diving, Viper fans let the officials know what they thought about that call. The officials were getting an earful from Vernon fans all night. In the second half with the Snakes controlling the play, Vernon would get several good looks but missed the net on a few shots or couldn't get the puck through the maze of bodies in the shooting lanes. With less then four minutes in the contest, the Vipers would get a late power play. Jason McKee and the Snakes would call a timeout and get Reilly Herbst to the bench for the extra attacker. Vernon would lose the puck off the draw, which allowed Brendan Pigeon to spring John Evans for the breakaway, hitting the open cage giving West Kelowna a 3-1 lead at 18:13 Pigeon drew the lone assist as Viper fans started making there way to the exits. With Vernon still on the man advantage, the Vipers would keep Reilly Herbst on the bench for the extra attacker, but some confusion in there own end, lead to a turnover, allowed John Evans to score his second shorthanded goal and empty netter of the game, giving West Kelowna a commanding 4-1 lead at 18:42 Evans goal was unassisted. Most of the remaining fans in attendance were now filing for the doors as the remaining 1:18 dragged out with several whistles stopping play. West Kelowna would come away with the 4-1 win. I thought the Snakes were the better of the two teams, carried most of the play, but didn't generate/or create many good looks. The Vipers had some quality chances but not a lot as the Warriors played a solid defensive period, limiting Vernon's time and space, clogging up the middle and taking away the shooting lanes. The Tribe kept the Snakes to the outside for a lot of the period. West K saw a lot of the final fifteen minutes or so in there own end, got some big stops from there goaltender and made some smart defensive plays. Vernon outshot West Kelowna 11-7.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

Jackson Caller (1 assist) I thought played well on Vernon's blueline. I thought finished his checks, was getting pucks to the net, rang a shot off the post in the 3rd period, played well at both ends of the rink.

Ben Helgeson I thought was one of the Vipers better forwards this weekend in both games vs the Tribe. Had a real strong game Friday in the loss in West Kelowna and played very well in the loss at home this evening. Was creating/generating chances, going to the goal, involved in the play, played hard, competed and battled in front of the net.

Trey Taylor I thought played very well on the backend. Made at least two or three plays along the blueline to keep the puck in and keep the play moving.

Reilly Herbst (19 saves) Wasn't tested a lot but had to be sharp on the PK. Made a few big stops in the loss.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

I thought the Snakes responded with a much better effort/performance tonight compared to the disappointing game/loss in West Kelowna last night. I thought both teams were evenly matched for a lot of times during the first two periods, while the Vipers really pushed hard in the 3rd were the better of the two teams, carried the play, had more puck possession and zone time. I thought the Vipers were physical, battled and competed hard all night. Not only did Vernon take too many penalties, but some undisciplined penalties. I really liked the Snakes penalty kill, as the Warriors went 1/5 with the man advantage. For a team that had to kill off five penalties, give Vernon credit for only allowing twenty three shots the entire game. I'm not one to complain about the officials or go on long rants about how poor the referees were, but the Tribe got the better of the calls tonight. The Vipers lack of finish and scoring in and around the net has been an issue all season and once again tonight. This was a game the Vipers could have easily won but fell behind again and had to try and rally down two goals. I'm not liking that the Snakes have fell behind 3-0 and 2-0 in three straight games and have had to try and rally from behind in all three games. I said it last night and I'll say it again, I haven't seen much improvement from the start of the season, in the Vipers play and in a lot of there players. The Vipers play looks almost the same from the start of the season, and some players haven't improved much from the start of the season. Ben Sanderson was a late scratch. I'm very disappointed in Sanderson. I know it's not his fault but the poor kid cant stay healthy. Between him and Logan Cash, I was expecting so much more this season, but the two can't stay healthy. I think both could add a lot to Vernon's roster if only they could stay healthy. Overall I'm very disappointed with both games this weekend. It doesn't matter what happened in either game, at the end of the day Vernon is looking at trying to secure 3rd place in the Interior division and needs wins in a major way, so when you lose back to back games to the 6th place team in your own division and the team second to last in the entire league, as a fan you have to be very disappointed. In no disrespect to the West Kelowna Warriors but the Vipers should have come away this weekend with two wins, no questions asked! I said it last night and I'll say it again tonight, this is the wrong time of year to go in the slumps and struggle this late in the season. It's hard to believe that the Warriors were playing there first game in Vernon this season. West Kelowna leads the season series 3-1 as these two teams will meet three more times before the season ends. The Vipers played a major part of there games on the road to start the season and will play most of there games at home for the majority of the second half of the season. This is where you want to take advantage of home ice not only in the regular season but also in the playoffs. The Snakes are doing the complete opposite and are struggling at home. The Vipers have eleven games remaining in the regular season, seven of those eleven are at home. How big is Wednesday's game vs Wenatchee? The Wild are only a point behind Vernon for 3rd place. The Vipers have lost back to back games, have one win in there last five games and lost six of there last ten. Vernon has lost nine of there last fifteen games. The Vipers have only twelve wins in there last twenty seven games. With the loss tonight Vernon falls to 24-20-2-1 remain 3rd in the Interior division are a point ahead of 4th place Salmon Arm and 5th place Wenatchee and fourteen points back of 2nd place Trail.

Top Player's: (West Kelowna)

Brendan Pigeon (1 goal & 1 assist) Played very well in both games vs the Vipers over the weekend.

John Evans (2 goals) Scored two late shorthanded empty net goals to seal the victory, played well in both games over the weekend. This kid is quick, has some soft hands and very skilled. Gave Vernon trouble in both games this weekend.

Drew Vieten I thought was one of if not the better Warriors forwards tonight. This kid had some good looks/chances through out the hockey game. Was hard to defend against. Played well at both ends of the rink.

Riley Morgan (30 saves) Was a difference in the hockey game at times, played very well in all three periods. Was tested through out the game, plays his position very well. Comes out to the top of the blue paint, to challenge the shooters, cuts down his angles and doesn't give the shooter much to look at. Quick on his feet, doesn't give up many second or third opportunities. Was seeing the puck and made the big stops when called apon.

Game Thought's: (West Kelowna)

I thought the Warriors played very two good hockey games over the weekend, coming away sweeping the home & home series. I thought West K played well through out the game, as both teams looked fairly even for most of the first two periods. Sure one team may have been a little better at times. If West Kelowna's power play was clicking, the Tribe could have put this game away much sooner. The Warriors play with a fast pace, were very good defensively. The hometown Vipers may have carried the play and saw a lot of time in the offensive zone in the final period but give the Warriors credit for playing very well defensively. West K took away a lot of time and space, limited Vernon's chances and kept the Snakes forwards to the outside, blocked some shots and clogged up the middle. When shots/or pucks did get through, Riley Morgan was solid between the pipes. The Tribe have some key fixtures in there lineup, starting off with a mix of smaller and bigger kids, a steady defence, a team that's quick, can move the puck up ice, has some skill, but also some kids that can hit and be physical and have two very good goaltenders. Give the Tribe full credit for competing, battling and giving the Vipers a good run for there money in both games this weekend. The Warriors played disciplined and only took three minors all night. Now add in new ownership and a new head coach/gm and things are starting to look up for the Warriors. Since bringing in new ownership and making a coaching change, this team looks to be improving and will get better as the season continues. The Warriors could be a scary team to meet in the playoffs. This team may only have thirteen wins and be the second to last place team in the BCHL but doesn't play like the teams record. I also think unloading most of if not all there veteran players at the trade deadline. The Warriors may be near the bottom of the league in wins but the team is fighting for a playoff spot. Tonight is the first game of a four game road trip. West Kelowna has eleven games remaining in the 2019-20 regular season, play eight of there final eleven games away from home. The Warriors have won back to back games, have won three of there last five and six of there last ten & seven of there last eleven. With the win West Kelowna improves to 13-27-5-2 remain 6th in the Interior division are nine points ahead of last place Merritt and seventeen points back of 5th place Wenatchee.



Ben Sanderson (Injured)
Colby Feist
Jack Glen (Injured)
Dawson Holt (Injured)
Max Palaga (Injured-Out for the season)

West Kelowna:

Jake Harrison (Injured)
Mitchell Gove

Energy Player of the Game:

Brett Fudger

Three Star's:

1st Star: Riley Morgan (30 saves)
2nd Star: Deegan Molford (1 goal)
3rd Star: John Evans (2 goals)

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

Please feel free to leave a suggestion or comment in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments, as long as there tasteful. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Warriors game.


  1. This is posted on the Vipers website:

    After the Buzzer – Vipers Downed By Warriors

    January 25, 2020

    Vernon, BC: Logan Cash had a goal and the Vernon Vipers put up 31 shots, but couldn’t find the back of the net more than once as they fell to the West Kelowna Warriors 4-1.

    The Vipers jumped out on the first shift and did a nice job of getting some life and getting in on the forecheck. The Warriors got an early powerplay, but the Vipers penalty kill was up the challenge killing it off with just 1 shot against. The Vipers in turn would get a powerplay and constantly funneled pucks at the net with a number of good looks. Riley Morgan stopped all 4 shots on the Vipers put his way. The Warriors found themselves on a 4 minute double minor powerplay and executed late in the first two minutes of it as Brendan Pigeon snapped home his 5th of the season to make it 1-0. The Warriors nearly made it 2-0 but they hit a goal post and it slid along the line but stayed out.

    In the second period the Vipers were forced to kill off an early penalty which they were able to do. The team would then hem the Warriors in their own zone for nearly 2 full minutes, but Riley Morgan was strong to keep the puck up. The Vipers penalty kill again had to go back to work and again were able to minimize quality scoring chances. Midway through the period a bouncing puck found Deegan Mofford and he rifled home his 8th of the season to make it 2-0. Late in the period a Jackson Caller point shot was deflected in by Logan Cash to get his team on the board and it was 2-1 after 2.

    In the third the Vipers desperately pushed for the equalizer, but had trouble getting to any second and third opportunities. The team again had to kill penalty in the third and again were able to do it to remain down a goal. Jackson Caller was a post away from tying the game up as he clanked one off the iron. The Vipers then had a late powerplay and would pull the goalie to go 6 on 4. With the net empty however, the Warriors John Evans was able to hit the empty net twice to give the Warriors the 4-1 win.

    The Vipers will welcome the Wenatchee Wild on Wacky Wednesday Jan. 29th at 7pm.

  2. This is posted on the Warriors website:


    January 25, 2020

    VERNON, B.C. – The West Kelowna Warriors sweep the double header with the Vernon Vipers after a 4-1 victory Saturday night.

    The Vipers came out strong in the first half of the period testing Warriors goaltender Riley Morgan early. Morgan faced 8 shots in the first seven minutes of the game and stood tall keeping the Vipers off the scoresheet in the first period. The Warriors would get things going in the second half of the first with a power play goal. Nick Ardanaz would feed Tyler Cristall skating behind the Vipers net and finding Brendan Pigeon near the crease giving the Warriors a 1-0 lead after one.

    The Vipers got off to a good start yet again but Riley Morgan continued to make some stellar saves keeping it 1-0 Warriors. The Warriors would later on capitalize on a redirection off a Vipers defender which would go right to the stick of Deegan Mofford who made no mistake beating Reilly Herbst making it 2-0 Warriors. The Vipers would finally solve Riley Morgan late in the period after Jackson Caller fired a shot from the point which would go off both the sticks of Logan Cash and Ryan Shostak to put the Vipers on the board. The Warriors would hold on to a 2-1 lead after two periods of play.

    It would be an exciting finish in Vernon with the Warriors starting the third with a one goal lead. The Vipers would keep the puck in the attacking zone for a long period of time but were unable to solve Riley Morgan who kept it a one goal game. The Warriors add a pair of shorthanded empty net goals to cap the night off. It would be the Warriors sixth win over the past eight games.

    Final shots on goal: 31-23 in favor of the Vipers.

  3. Your Headline above "Riley Morgan Shines" is very inaccurate. Lets be honest here the Vipers had very few scoring chances and absolutely no finish again around the net. The new Warriors ownership figured it out in a hurry, they got rid of the GM and Coach..moved the majority of their veteran players and brought in a fresh voice and some younger enthusiastic players. Jason Mckee couldn't win in the AJHL,the WHL and now in the BCHL. Every team deals with injuries and unforeseen circumstances but you could see by the players reactions last night that this team has no confidence at all and that all begins with the coach

  4. These players have absolutely no confidence in there coaching staff... there trying to steer this ship without a driver... never have a seen a coach mess with lines so much from game to game.. they have no structure and can not make any traction because they cannot build chemistry with each other. The three stooges have no place in jr hockey.. but I’m sure the ownership is to proud to admit they have a sinking ship and won’t get rid of them to stop the bleeding.. #getridofthepuppets

  5. Bobby C... I agree with you 100%. Well said!!! Now you realize we will be insulted, called "pigeons" and informed that the Vipers are in third place by someone who has lost touch with reality.

    Congratulations must be given to the Warriors ownership. Their early season was horrible so they reacted by replacing the Coach/GM, traded off a bunch of veteran players and brought in a group of new players. They were full value for the past two wins over Vernon. They are hard working, opportunistic, energetic and played a team game. Very good to see!!!

    The Vipers on the other hand resisted making any moves other than the revolving door in the crease and it is coming back to bite them hard. All year they have struggled to score goals and have struggled even more to contain the opposition and limit their scoring chances. In my opinion they have looked very disorganized and have relied far too much on their goalies.

    To add insult to injury the season ticket price is going up $30 next year. That takes some real stones by the owner.

  6. That's strange, My season tickets aren't going up. I paid the same price this year as I did last year.

  7. Ooops sorry, only $10. This year was $289 and next year will be $299 for early purchase.

  8. Well said Bobby C! I'm surprised the diehard Jason fan hasn't posted how this isn't his team and he needs more time and is getting set up for the playoffs! What a joke!

  9. Its a lovely day in the neighbourhood , its lovely day in the neighbourhood. Let us just wait and see come playoff time. The times are a changin.

  10. I did some research on Jason and this is what I found out for his AJHL as head coach.

    In 2011 - 2012, first year as head coach 46W and 6L and 8OTL.
    2012 - 2013 lost in the finals

    2013-2014 CALGARY, Alberta – Spruce Grove Saints Head Coach and General Manager Jason McKee of the Alberta Junior Hockey League is the 2013-2014 CJHL Coach of the Year.

    The Spruce Grove Saints held a spot at the top of the AJHL Standings throughout the 2013-2014 regular season, and finished with the most points in the AJHL. The Saints led the league with 235 goals for and a goal differential of +100 (Goals For / Goals Against).

    The Spruce Grove Saints were ranked as #1 in the CJHL Top 20 Weekly Rankings multiple times throughout the final months of the regular season. McKee’s Saints captured the 2013-2014 AJHL Championship then represented Alberta at the 2014 Crescent Point Energy Western Canada Cup.

    Jason McKee has held the position of Saints Head Coach and General Manager for the past four seasons, guiding the team to the AJHL final in 2011, 2013, and 2014 and capturing the League Title in 2011 and 2014 Jason McKee was the recipient of the 2013-2014 AJHL Coach of the Year Award as selected by his peers. McKee was also a finalist for the Alberta Junior Hockey League Coach of the Year Award in 2012-2013

    McKee made his second appearance with Team Canada West at the World Junior A Challenge in November 2013. McKee led Canada West to a bronze medal as Head Coach, following a silver medal performance as an Assistant Coach in 2012. McKee was previously Head Coach of Team West at the 2011 CJHL Prospects Games.

    Under McKee’s guidance, four members of the 2013-2014 Spruce Grove Saints were finalists for AJHL League Awards. Four current players on the Saints roster have accepted NCAA scholarships for the 2014-2015 season and beyond.

    He did not do well in WHL but as a junior A coach it wasn't all bad.

  11. Excellent research, very well done!!! Hopefully we have all misjudged McKee and better times are coming. I really hope that is the case. However, if he is a coaching superstar why are the Vipers so average this year? We have struggled to score, certainly struggled to limit the opponents scoring opportunities and have looked out of sync all year. There is lots of panic in our zone and we have relied far too heavily on our goalies to win us games. Injuries factor in but good teams deal with that and still do well. The team does have players left from last years “Ferner team” but McKee has had all year & lots of card available early on to mold the team to what he wants. West Kelowna is a good example of what changes can do for you. On paper this team has lots of talent & ability but has clearly underachieved and is very inconsistent. Unfortunately responsibility falls on the coaching staff. It is never “what I’ve done” but “what have you done for me lately”. That might not be fair but that is hockey at any level.

  12. Wins and losses and meaningless Top 20 rankings in the AJHL mean absolutely nothing in the BCHL or in Viper land. Terrible recruiting, poor player assessment and lousy coaching have got us where we are today

  13. What's he done lately? Nothing! You are quoting stats from 2013, wake up its 2020, you've been asleep! And Bingo is in his imaginary neighbourhood again, better get back on your

  14. If you don't like McKee's stats, then let me know what Ferner's stats are since 2010 and let's compare.

  15. 2010? ... really, who cares? We should be talking about what we see TODAY on the ice. In my opinion Mark Ferner’s teams always looked inconsistent and a “work in progress” until Christmas or at least the trade deadline. After that they gelled and played very well. It is now the end of January, long past the trade deadline, with only 11 games remaining in the regular season but we still have not played consistently or as a 5 man unit on the ice. Regular lines should be in place, systems in place and certainly an ability to play good defensive hockey. I see very little of this. I keep waiting to see the team we were promised.
