Saturday, January 25, 2020

West Kelowna 3 Vernon 2

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my entire life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and missed four Vipers home games since 2004. I have missed 45 home games in the past thirty years. I'm not a sports journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I don't get paid for doing this blog, and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 1.7 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and view's from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Warriors game as West Kelowna defeated Vernon 3-2 in front of 733 fans at Royal le Page Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Keegan Karki
West Kelowna: Johnny Derrick

1st Period: The Vipers would jump on an early power play, just thirty seconds into the hockey game. Seconds into the man advantage, Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell looked to have an open net, but Brendan Pigeon dove across to make a big block, on a defensive play, keeping the puck out. About halfway through the PP, Jackson Caller with a good look/chance from the faceoff dot, couldn't solve former Vernon Vipers "AP" goaltender Johnny Derrick. The Snakes with some looks/opportunities couldn't capitalize with the man advantage, as the hometown Warriors killed off the minor. About two minutes later, Ryan Shostak used his wheels to create some room, made a nice play along the boards, to get by his defender couldn't beat Johnny Derrick on a quality chance. Vernon was outshooting West Kelowna 4-1 about four minutes in. About seven minutes in, Deegan Mofford on an odd man rush, decided to keep and shoot, was denied by Keegan Karki making just his second start with the Snakes. A minute later Trey Taylor made a solid defensive play on former Vernon Vipers forward Elan Bar-Lev-Wise breaking up a Warriors scoring play. Shortly after the Tribe would get there first look with the PP. Early into the man advantage, Brendan Pigeon with a good look/opportunity in the slot, couldn't beat Keegan Karki. The Warriors with a few looks, couldn't solve Vernon's netminder as the Vipers killed off the penalty. With about seven and a half minutes remaining, Deegan Mofford and Holden Kodak on an odd man rush, Mofford decided to keep and shoot would be stopped by Keegan Karki. Shortly after West K would get there second PP of the period. The Tribe had some good looks before Keegan Karki stopped Brendan Pigeon & John Evans before Levi Stauber buried the rebound on the third shot, giving West Kelowna a 1-0 lead at 15:55 Pigeon & Evans collected the helpers. A minute later, Hunter Donohoe turned over the puck, allowing Carter Wilkie to break in all alone, went high on Keegan Karki, giving West Kelowna a 2-0 lead at 16:55 Deegan Mofford drew the assist. At the buzzer some pushing and shoving occurred deep in the Warriors zone. The officials quickly broke up the minor scrum to end the period. It was 2-0 West Kelowna after 20 minutes of play. The Warriors were the better team and carried the better of the play. The visiting Vipers had an early power play, had some looks/opportunities but couldn't capitalize, didn't see much more time in the offensive zone for most of the remainder of the period. West K had more puck possession and zone time, had more edge in play. The Snakes jumped out in shots 4-1 about four minutes in, only had one shot in the final sixteen minutes. West Kelowna outshot Vernon 10-5.

2nd Period: Skyler Cameron joined the rush off the opening faceoff, went in and out of a few Vernon defenders before ripping his low shot just wide of the net, on a good look/opportunity seconds into the middle frame. Less then a minute later, Brett Fudger with a good look/chance couldn't solve West Kelowna Warriors starting goaltender Johnny Derrick. About a minute or so later, former Wenatchee Wild defenceman Nicholas Kent setup Ben Helgeson on a two on one, as Helgeson's shot went up and over the goal, on a missed opportunity. Vernon would jump on an early power play, just over three minutes in. The Snakes had a look or two couldn't capitalize with the man advantage. The Tribe needed almost eight minutes to record there first shot of the 2nd period, before Carter Wilkie with a quality chance in front would be stopped by Keegan Karki. On the play WK would get there first PP of the frame. John Evans with a good look/opportunity would be denied by Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Keegan Karki. West K with several good looks, couldn't solve Keegan Karki as Vernon killed off the minor. About a minute after the power play, the Vipers couldn't clear the zone. Colby Elmer with some hard work, got the puck back to Jacob Brockman who's blast from the point, got through a maze of players in front and beat Keegan Karki five hole, giving West Kelowna a 3-0 lead at 10:51 Elmer with the lone assist. The Warriors faithful were on there feet, as the crowd was into the game. Less then two minutes later, the Warriors went back to the power play. A PP that didn't last very long after Nick Ardanaz took a holding penalty, sending the teams to four on four. The Vipers would get a shortened PP but it was John Evans with a highlight reel play, went in and out of several Vernon defenders somehow managed to get behind the Viper defence put a slick move on Keegan Karki but missed the goal at the last second. A great individual shorthanded effort from Evans. The Tribe would kill off the minor. Just as the penalty expired, the Vipers sprung Trey Taylor who went hard to the goal, was stopped but buried the rebound, cutting West Kelowna's lead to 3-1 at 14:09 Taylor's goal was unassisted. With less then two minutes left in the frame, Vernon would get a late power play. The Snakes had some looks but unable to find the back of the net before the buzzer. It was 3-1 West Kelowna after 40 minutes of play. I like Vernon's start. I thought the Vipers had some good jump/energy early, had some good looks/chances played well the first five to six minutes before the Warriors took over the play and were the better team for most of the remainder of the 2nd period. The Tribe had some real good looks, were making plays and making Vernon's defence look silly at times. The Snakes couldn't seem to gain much traction, had troubles getting the puck. WK created/generated some good looks, were hard to defend against. Shots were 13-13.

3rd Period: The Vipers started the final frame on the PP that was carried over from the middle frame. With only five seconds left on the man advantage, the Warriors were able to kill off the minor. Ben Helgeson had an early look/opportunity just missed the far corner before West K would get an early man advantage. Ben Helgeson hard on the boards, won the battle, setup a wide open Connor Sleeth in front, cutting West Kelowna's lead to 3-2 at 4:33 Helgeson collected the helper. The Snakes were able to kill off the remainder of the penalty. The Vipers took over the edge in play, may have not had a lot of quality chances but had some real good looks at times. Just past the midway mark, Vernon would jump on the PP. The Vipers had some real good looks but couldn't solve Johnny Derrick. The Tribe with a good PK killed off the minor. With time winding down the Snakes looking to tie the game, got a little carless in there own end. Inside the final three minutes, the Vipers turned over the puck on three different occasions, giving West K three different opportunities to seal the win. With about two and a half minutes left, Skyler Cameron went in for the breakaway on a Viper turnover. Cameron would be denied by Keegan Karki who made a big stop. Shortly after on another turnover, Levi Stauber went in on the odd man rush, just fired wide of the goal. With about a minute and a half remaining on a third turnover, Tyler Cristall went in for the partial breakaway, looked to have Keegan Karki beat but somehow missed the open cage. On the same play the Vipers would finish the game on the PP. Vernon would get Keegan Karki to the bench for the extra attacker. Off the following faceoff, Cameron MacDonald looked to tie the game, somehow missed a wide open net as several Viper fans jumped to there feet as the play continued. On the same shift, the Snakes moved the puck around, spotted MacDonald at the side of the goal, looked to have Johnny Derrick beat but hit the bottom of the post as Vernon was within inches of tying the game. With time winding down, Johnny Derrick was forced to make two big stops while the Warriors made two or three defensive plays, to clear the zone on three different occasions to wind the clock down and hold on for the 3-2 victory as the Tribe jumped off the bench in a big celebration in front of Johnny Derrick as several Vipers had there heads down with there arms/sticks bent over there knees, looked to be out of gas and in disbelief the game was over. The Warriors saluted the crowd who stayed behind to give the hometown Warriors a big cheer. It was all Vernon for the final twenty minutes. The Vipers down two goals heading into the 3rd, managed to get within a goal less then five minutes in, stepped up there play and played one heck of a third period, only to fall short. The Snakes carried the better of the play, saw most of the period in the offensive zone, had more puck possession, zone time and were all over the Warriors. Vernon had several good looks, either just missed the net or couldn't solve Johnny Derrick. West Kelowna who was the better of the two teams, heading into the period hung on for the win in a period where they were outplayed for most of the period. WK saw a lot of time in there own end, come up with two large PK's made some solid defensive plays late, got some big stops from there goaltender. The Tribe also got lucky and had some puck luck on there side. Vernon outshot West Kelowna 9-6.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

The line of Brett Fudger, Ryan Shostak and Ben Helgeson (1 assist) I thought was Vernon's best line. As the game went on Jason McKee switched up his lines so players were shuffled around. Fudger finished his checks, was hard on pucks, created/generated some chances through out the game. Shostak played one of if not his best game as a Viper. I thought had his feet moving, played with a lot of jump/energy, was making plays with and without the puck, played a hard nosed game. Helgeson was in on almost every shift, working hard, also making plays happen. Was very good in and around the net.

Connor Sleeth (1 goal) I thought had a strong night. Scored shorthanded early into the 3rd period, played very well in the loss. Most Viper fans, myself included think Connor has been a bust this season, but I think has played much better from the start of the season and I think has slowly finding his game as the season continues. I know there was a lot of hype when the Vipers acquired the Ontario product over the summer, was brought in for scoring and hasn't quite lived up to expectations.

Nicholas Kent Returned to Vernon's lineup after being out with an injury for several weeks. Kent was one of if not the best Viper defender in the loss. I thought played very well on the Snakes blueline. Joined the play, played very well at both ends of the rink. Created/generated some offence this evening. A good smooth skater, can handle the puck well, really sees/reads the ice well.

Reegan Milburn "AP" Saw a regular shift until the final frame, I thought held his own and played very well for an affiliated player. Listed at 5'9 160lbs from Kamloops, BC was finishing his checks, played with pace and a lot of jump, didn't look out of place. I really liked the looks of this kid.

Keegan Karki (26 saves) Making only his second start with the Vipers after coming over at the BCHL trade deadline, I thought played well/looked good at times but also looked a little shaky at times. Looked to fight the puck a few times, had troubles handling his rebounds at times. Is a bigger goaltender that covers a lot of the net. I don't think could be blamed for any of West Kelowna's three goals. Was forced to make some key stops through out the contest. Had some luck go his way on a few saves, is now 0-2 with the Vipers this year.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

The Vipers played twenty to maybe thirty minutes tops tonight in another game they didn't play a full sixty minutes. Tonight is the fourth straight game where Vernon hasn't played very well, weather they win or lose. I thought the Snakes got off to a good start, looked good for about the first five minutes of the 1st, played well and looked good for the first five to seven minutes in the middle frame, before playing there best hockey of the night in the 3rd period. The Snakes power play struggled and has for most of the season, going 0-6 with the man advantage tonight. For a second straight game the Vipers have gone down 3-0 were very lucky to come from behind Sunday afternoon down 3-0 to beat Salmon Arm 5-4 in overtime. Tonight the Snakes battled back to get to within a goal but the comeback fell short. The Vipers have been inconsistent all season and it showed again tonight. Why didn't Vernon play the whole game like they did in the 3rd period? Did the boys look at the standings and think they had the game won before the game even started? Listening to Jason McKee on the post game show on the drive home, the Viper coach wasn't pleased with the game and his teams effort and performance. McKee said only four or five players come to play, while the others took the night off. McKee said a few kids played well at times but not for the entire game. The Warriors may be near the bottom of the standings, but the Vipers need wins no matter what team there playing. With 3rd, 4th and 5th place all within a couple of points, the race for 3rd place isn't going to be easy. West Kelowna leads the season series 2-1. It's hard to believe these two teams haven't played since the BCHL Showcase in Penticton in early October. It's also hard to believe the Warriors have yet to play in Vernon this year. This year's schedule is brutal! The Vipers had another weird and crazy schedule two or three years ago. These two teams will meet tomorrow night in Vernon and play four more times this season. With only twelve games remaining in the regular season, you think this Viper team would be improving? There still making a lot of the same mistakes I saw at the start of the season and the team hasn't gotten any better. I still think they gave this team too much of a chance earlier in the season and waited too long to make changes/trades or not making any moves at all. A good size crowd on hand for the Warriors. I spotted a handful of Viper fans that made the trip. The Vipers have lost three of there last five and lost eight of there last thirteen. This is the wrong time of year to go into a slump. Eight of Vernon's twelve remaining games are at home, where the Vipers have struggled this year. With the loss Vernon falls to 24-19-2-1 remain 3rd in the Interior division are three points ahead of 5th place Wenatchee, one point ahead of 3rd place Salmon Arm and thirteen points back of 2nd place Trail.

Top Player's: (West Kelowna)

The line of Tyler Cristall, Brendan Pigeon (1 assist) and John Evans (1 assist) were very dangerous, hard to contain and showed a ton of skill. Pigeon did take three penalties tonight but otherwise was very good up front for the Warriors. This kid is quick, has some skill and made plays happen. Also played very well defensively. Evans is the playmaker and made the Viper defence look silly at times. This kid is fun to watch. Dangerous, hard to contain and a threat with and without the puck.

The line of Deegan Mofford (1 assist), Carter Wilkie (1 goal) & Holden Kodak Was very good for West Kelowna. Mofford played well for WK. A big body who created/generated some offence, was hard to contain and defend against. Wilkie is another big body that created/generated plays, made plays happen. Very skilled, was hard to contain and defend against.

Addison Macey I thought played well on the Tribe's backend. Another kid with size.

Skyler Cameron Another kid with size, played well at times on the Warriors blueline.

Jacob Brockman (1 goal) Has some size, is physical, played well on the blueline.

Levi Stauber (1 goal) Played with a lot of jump/energy, was involved in the play, played hard, played very well.

Johnny Derrick (25 saves) Facing his former team for the second time this season. Made 29 saves for the win/shutout in a 4-0 victory over Vernon in Penticton at the BCHL Showcase in early October, is now 2-0 vs his former team. Both wins must feel good for this kid. I didn't think looked overly sharp at times but at times made some big stops. Looked to be fighting the puck at times, had troubles with his rebounds and handling the puck. May have had some puck luck at times.

Game Thought's: (West Kelowna)

I thought the hometown Warriors come to play and ready to go vs a team they haven't seen since early October. West Kelowna was the better of the two teams for two out of three periods. The Tribe played with a lot of jump/energy, were making plays happen. West K is much quicker, has a good transition game. Plays there position well. The Warriors had more puck possession, zone time and had the better of the opportunities in periods 1 & 2 may have gotten a little too comfortable with a 3-0 lead. WK headed to the final frame up 3-1 gave up an early shorthanded marker, allowing Vernon back in the game and the Tribe couldn't recover. It looked like West K tightened there sticks a little too tight and were not making many smart plays in the 3rd. The Warriors only gave up nine shots in the final twenty minutes, gave up way too many looks, were lucky the Vipers didn't bury a few chances in close. West Kelowna may have gotten a few bounces go there way in the 3rd were outplayed in the 3rd for the first time tonight. Give the Warriors a little credit as they may have bent but didn't break, got some defensive plays late in the game as well as some timely saves from there goaltender and two big penalty kills, to hang on for the win, just there twelfth of the season. The Warriors traded a lot of there veterans at the deadline, also had some veterans leave for the Western Hockey League or for personal reasons, have a much younger team now then a few weeks ago, played hard, played with a lot of emotion and overall were better then Vernon. It looks as if new ownership has won back some of the fan base and new coach Simon Ferguson has added some confidence and experience behind the bench to lead the charge with this young group. The Warriors snapped a seven game home ice losing streak vs the Vipers. Prior to tonight, the Warriors last regular season win at home vs Vernon was a 3-2 overtime win November 18th 2017. Nine of West Kelowna's twelve remaining games are played on the road, where the Warriors only have five wins this season. The Warriors have won three of there last five and six of there last ten. With the win West Kelowna improves to 12-27-5-2 remain 6th in the Interior division are seven points ahead of last place Merritt and twenty points back of Vernon.



Colby Feist
Jack Glen
Dawson Holt (Injured)
Keigo Hachisuka

West Kelowna:

Jake Harrison

Energy Player of the Game:

Ryan Upson

Three Star's:

1st Star: Levi Stauber (1 goal)
2nd Star: Trey Taylor (1 goal)
3rd Star: Johnny Derrick (25 saves)

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

Please feel free to leave a suggestion or comment in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments, as long as there tasteful. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Warriors game.


  1. This is posted on the Vipers website:

    After the Buzzer – Vipers Fall a Goal Short In West Kelowna

    January 24, 2020

    West Kelowna, BC: The Vipers had a goal from Trey Taylor and a shorthanded marker from Connor Sleeth, but couldn’t draw even as they fell 3-2 against the West Kelowna Warriors.

    The Vipers would essentially start the hockey game on a powerplay as just 30 seconds in Drew Vieten was assessed a minor penalty. The Vipers had a number of good looks at the net as the philosophy seemed to be to funnel pucks at the net. There were some rebounds to be had, but no Viper could find the back of the net. The Warriors were next to get a powerplay and the Viper PK was strong killing it off. The play then slowed down as both teams played a solid defensive sequence. The Warriors took the lead on a powerplay as a rebound found its way to Levi Stauber who snapped home the loose puck to make it 1-0. A Viper turnover and another Warrior goal as Carter Wilkie made it 2-0 just a minute later.

    The Vipers came out buzzing in the second period and jumped out to a 6-0 shot advantage, but didn’t get any puck luck as rebounds off of Johnny Derrick. The Warriors increased their lead after a powerplay expired. The Vipers had trouble clearing the zone after killing it off and Jacob Brockman let loose a slap shot from the left point through traffic made it 3-0. While the game was 4 on 4 Trey Taylor converted on a great individual effort as he was stopped on the first chance but spun and fired in his rebound to make it 3-1.

    The Vipers turned on the tempo in the third period, but found themselves shorthanded 4 minutes into the period. Ben Helgeson would win a puck battle and center a pass on to the tape of Connor Sleeth who snapped home his 4th of the season to cut the deficit to 3-2. From there, the Vipers would kill the remainder of the penalty and push even strength. The Vipers had their chances as the third period continued. A powerplay generated time of possession but no offense. On the other end Keegan Karki was tested a few times and was razor sharp to keep the game within one. The Vipers would be awarded a late powerplay and with the goalie pulled had two good looks, but couldn’t find the back of the net as their comeback fell a goal short in a 3-2 loss.

    The Vipers will be in action tomorrow night at home as they and the Warriors finish up a home and home set at Kal Tire Place.

  2. This is posted on

    Warriors hang on, nip Vipers

    Levi Stauber was undoubtedly the happiest person in the West Kelowna Warriors dressing room Friday night.

    The Hermantown, MN native, scored his first goal since Sept. 24, a span of 32 games, leading the Warriors past division-rival Vernon 3-2.

    Stauber scored six goals in his first eight games, then missed a half dozen games with an illness.

    He seemed to struggle to find his game then, like the rest of the team, struggled to find the net at all.

    But, he's shown signs of coming out of it the last couple of weeks.

    "He played well. I've kind of been challenging him for the last week that this is the time he needs to step up and get going," said head coach Simon Ferguson.

    "He gets that first one...the puck goes to the net, and he's in the right spot and he buries it. He had a couple of chances later where he probably wants to hit the net and maybe it goes in too, but I thought he played well."

    Stauber got the Warriors rolling on the power play 16 minutes in, banging home a rebound from the edge of the crease as two or three players were crashing the crease.

    Carter Wilkie doubled the lead exactly a minute later. A Vernon clearing attempt hit Deegan Mofford and went right to Wilkie, who beat a stunned Keegan Karki from the right circle.

    They built the lead to 3-0 against the run of the play in the second.

    The Vipers registered the first nine shots of the period but, after an unsuccessful power play, the Warriors kept pressuring the Vipers, and were rewarded when Jacob Brockman's one-timer from the left point beat Karki cleanly.

    But, as the saying goes, a 3-0 lead can be the worst lead in hockey.

    Trey Taylor showed why he is likely to be drafted by an NHL team in June. He muscled his way to the front of the Warriors net Johnny Derrick made a superb save of the initial shot, but Taylor somehow managed to pot the rebound from a sharp angle.

    The Vipers climbed to within a goal on Connor Sleeth's shorthanded goal, but the Warriors hung on for an agonizing 15 minutes to secure the win.

    The Vipers appeared to tie it late in regulation time. With a late power play, and playing six-on-four, Cam MacDonald took a perfectly executed backdoor pass at the edge of the crease.

    However, his one-timer somehow sailed just wide. A similar opportunity moments later got hung up in his skates and again missed the target.

    "Down to the wire, bend don't break.

    "It was a good effort by the boys today."

    Derrick turned away 25 shots to earn the victory.

    It was a key two points for the Warriors, who are not only trying to distance themselves from Merritt

  3. If you look on the board at the type of players have you would say to yourself at the start of the season that we have alot of good returnees from last year and a good bunch of new bees for this year. We have speed, we have size , we have good experience from last year and we have a very good bunch of talented players. The only thing I see lacking is team, team play,there appears to be something happenning in the dressing room like a virus AND as a fan I do not know what it is. Is it internal problems with some of the players amongst themselves, is it the coach,is it the coaching style of play that the players are not buying into because from the outside looking in , when they do buy into it they have success. From a fans point of view I hope the team fiqures it out before playoffs, GO, VIPERS, GO.

  4. I’d say both bingo.. cancer and bad coaching

  5. The vipers organization is not a good one, so much happens behind closed doors that the fans don't see or hear. It's very very shady. Hard to keep up good morale in a place like that trust me. I think this is partly to blame for the bad season.

  6. Yes Bingo it is the coach! Looks like you finally
    figured it out, good for you!

  7. How would you know if it is shady, if the fans don't hear or see much? I think that is a terrible speculation with no credible information to base that statement on of things being shady.

    1. I know what goes on and I don't need to explain myself to you whether or not you believe me is up to you

  8. I believe you! Just look what's gone on so far this year!
