Sunday, January 12, 2020

Vernon 5 Salmon Arm 3

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my entire life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and missed four Vipers home games since 2004. In the past thirty years I have missed 45 home games. I'm not a sports journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I do not get paid for this blog and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 1.7 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch today's Vipers game, here are my thought's and views from today's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was  at today's Vipers-Silverbacks game as Vernon defeated Salmon Arm 5-3 in front of 890 fans at the Shaw Centre.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Reilly Herbst
Salmon Arm: Grant Adams

1st Period: Off the opening faceoff, Reilly Herbst come out of his net to play the puck, while the Vipers couldn't get control of the puck, lost the battle along the wall, while Drew Bennett with a grade "A" chance in front couldn't beat Herbst sixteen seconds into the hockey game. The Backs got the early jump on Vernon but didn't really generate or create any opportunities. The Vipers needed about five and a half minutes to record there first shot of the afternoon. About six minutes in the Silverbacks tried setting up Drew Bennett on an odd man rush, but Bennett couldn't connect on the pass coming through the slot as the Snakes dodged a bullet. On the same play, Salmon Arm would get the games first power play. The Vipers with a real solid penalty kill, as Salmon Arm didn't get a shot on goal with the man advantage as Vernon killed off the minor. Just before the halfway mark, newly acquired Jeremy Gervais with a low shot along the ice from the point, got through traffic in front, forced Reilly Herbst into making a big right pad save, on a difficult save with bodies in front. A big stop from the Vernon goaltender. Just past the midway mark, the Snakes would get there first PP of the afternoon. Shorthanded Sam Schofield on an odd man rush, tried setting up William Poirier who couldn't connect on the pass through the slot. The Vipers had troubles gaining the zone, didn't record a shot with the man advantage as the Apes killed off the minor. About four minutes later, the Vipers couldn't clear the puck from the front of the crease, before Nick Martino setup Drew Bennett at the side of the net, giving Salmon Arm a late 1-0 lead at 18:07 Martino & Coalson Wolford collected the helpers. Hunter Donohoe left his man (Drew Bennett) alone at the side of the crease, allowing the Backs to open the scoring. Off the following faceoff, the Snakes with a good push back. Vernon product Matt Kowlaski setup Landon Fuller who joined the rush, on an odd man rush. Fuller got a shot off as the puck steered to the right, missing the net, on a missed opportunity. It was 1-0 Salmon Arm after 20 minutes of play. The Gorillas who last played Friday, used that to there advantage, jumped on a visiting Vernon team that played last night. SA jumped on the Snakes early and often, didn't get a lot of chances or pucks to the net early, did carry the better of the play in the first half. The Vipers needed about five and a half minutes to get there first shot on goal, managed to weather the storm early, got there legs going and played a little better in the second half. Neither team generated or created a lot of opportunities. Both teams had troubles getting pucks to the net. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 9-5.

2nd Period: Inside the opening minute, the Vipers won a faceoff deep in the offensive zone, setup Hunter Donohoe who was all alone at the side of the net. Donohoe couldn't beat a sprawling Salmon Arm Silverbacks starting goaltender Grant Adams who come across the blue paint, to make a large save early in the middle frame. On the following shift, Dawson Holt setup newly acquired Max Bulawka in front, but Adams come across the crease with a large pad save, keeping this a one goal game. Shortly after Logan Cash couldn't clear the zone, allowed SA to get control of the play, as Devan Newhook held the puck/play onside at the blueline, spotted Nick Martino who setup Drew Bennett up the middle, beat Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Reilly Herbst for his second of the afternoon, giving Salmon Arm a 2-0 lead at 3:59 Martino and Newhook drew the assists. A costly Viper turnover and the pucks in the back of there net. On the following play, the S'Backs would get an early power play. Early into the man advantage, the Silverbacks got the puck back to Akito Hirose who beat Reilly Herbst but not the crossbar as the Snakes catch a huge break, come very close to going down 3-0. Shortly after moving the puck around, Salmon Arm spotted Nick Martino alone at the circle, looked to have a wide open cage, somehow missed the net on a missed opportunity. Vernon with another break, could easily be down by three goals. Shortly after Vipers forward/captain Connor Marritt springs Dawson Holt in for the breakaway, newly acquired Grant Adams gets a piece of Holt's shot but not enough as the puck goes through his glove and into the back of the goal, cutting Salmon Arm's lead to 2-1 at 5:10 Connor Marritt with the helper. In the final seconds of the PP the Snakes spring Dawson Holt in for a second breakaway. This time Holt would be denied by Grant Adams after making a large save. Vernon would kill off the remaining seconds of the power play. Minutes later the Vipers setup Ben Helgeson in the slot, Helgeson's shot beats Grant Adams but not the post as the Snakes come within inches of tying the game. Just before the halfway mark, the Vipers couldn't tie the game on a goal mouth scramble. About a minute later Coalson Wolford on a good look/opportunity couldn't solve Reilly Herbst. With about five minutes remaining Dawson Holt won the draw, Holt's shot would be stopped by Grant Adams who couldn't handle the rebound, while Max Bulawka buried the rebound on the second opportunity, tying the game 2-2 at 15:07 Holt picked up the only assist on the play. Less then two minutes later Colby Feist and Sam Schofield drop the mits, as the two went toe to toe. Both kids would get tossed from the hockey game. On the following play, Vernon would get a late power play and capitalize. Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell took a hit along the side wall, managed to keep the puck, come off the boards, back up towards the middle, ripped a high shot up and over the glove of Grant Adams, giving Vernon a late 3-2 lead at 17:40 Matt Kowalski with the helper. Inside the final minute on a scrum, the Apes would come out with a late PP. The S'Backs unable to capitalize before the final buzzer. It was 3-2 Vernon after 40 minutes of play. The Snakes had two real quality chances early, before the Gorillas took an early 2-0 lead. The Vipers would get back in the game on Dawson Holt's shorthanded marker, gained a ton of momentum off this goal, really turned the game around at this point. Vernon seemed to build off Holt's shorthanded goal and carried a lot of the play for the remainder of the 2nd period. The Snakes had some good looks/opportunities, scored two big goals late in the middle frame to take there first lead of the afternoon. The Vipers played a much better period. The Silverbacks had troubles gaining any traction, saw a lot of play in there own end, had troubles getting into the offensive zone. Salmon Arm could have easily went ahead by three goals, rang a shot off the post and missed an open net on an early power play. Instead the Vipers score shorthanded, and get back in the game. Vernon was the better of the two teams. Vernon outshot Salmon Arm 14-5.

3rd Period: The Backs started the final period on the man advantage, that was carried over from the 2nd period. The Silverbacks had a few looks/one goal mouth scramble, couldn't find the back of the net as Vernon killed off the penalty. Ben Sanderson went down near the neutral zone with the play, going the other way. Sanderson was a little slow getting to his feet, was hunched over on his way to the bench, went straight to the dressing room but returned and stayed in the game. Shortly after the Vipers went on an early power play, but struggled. A very aggressive SA penalty kill, managed to shut the Viper offence down and kill off the minor. Shortly after penalty expired, Matt Kowalski setup Ben Helgeson, giving Vernon a 4-2 lead at 5:49 Kowalski picked up the helper. On the following play, Lucas Breault from a sharp angle beat Reilly Herbst, looked to ring his shot off the crossbar. Salmon Arm kept up the forecheck. Akito Hirose's shot would be redirected on it's way to the goal, beat Reilly Herbst five hole, cutting Vernon's lead to 4-3 at 7:07 Daniel Rybarik was credited with the goal. Hirose with the lone assist. Just before the halfway mark, the Apes couldn't sneak one past Reilly Herbst on a goal mouth scramble. The Vipers then sent Ben Helgeson in for the breakaway, who was denied by Grant Adams, who come up with a large save. Shortly after with Vernon on there heels a bit, Dalton Irvine "AP" made a smart play. Instead of trying to carry the play out of his own end, chipped the puck off the glass, Connor Sleeth scooped up the puck, setup Ben Sanderson who then spotted Christian Felton joining the rush. Felton kept and beat Grant Adams from the slot, giving Vernon a 5-3 lead at 11:07 Sanderson & Connor Sleeth with the assists. Minutes later SA would jump on the man advantage, getting some good looks, couldn't solve Reilly Herbst. Vernon played well defensively, killed off the minor. With about four minutes left in the 3rd, Daniel Rybarik with a quick shot from the circle, would be denied by Reilly Herbst on a big stop from the Viper netminder. Salmon Arm had troubles getting Grant Adams to the bench for the extra attacker. With about 1:05 remaining the Gorillas would eventually get Adams to the bench for the extra attacker. The Backs had some pressure but no real quality chances. In the dying seconds, Jackson Caller from his own end, took a shot at the open cage but hit the bottom of the post, as Vernon hung on for the 5-3 victory. Both teams went back and fourth early, exchanged goals before Christian Felton gave the Snakes a little breathing room with half a period to go. This was a very exciting and entertaining final frame, with both teams getting some good looks/opportunities. Both goaltenders made some big stops. Salmon Arm carried a little more of the play at times, but I think Vernon was sitting back on a two goal lead. The Vipers with two timely goals, got some big stops from Reilly Herbst. The Silverbacks come close, couldn't seem to catch a break or get a bounce go there way. Both teams played real hard in the final twenty minutes. Shots were 8-8.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

Landon Fuller Had another strong game on Vernon's blueline today. Fuller played very well over the weekend.

Dalton Irvine "AP" Was called up for today's game, saw a regular shift and impressed me. I thought for a young kid, being called up for a big game today, may fold under the pressure. Instead the youngster was very steady on the backend, played very well and held his own all afternoon. Made some very smart decisions with and without the puck, played very well.

Christian Felton (1 goal) Scored a big goal with about nine minutes remaining in the 3rd, to give the Snakes a two goal lead. Felton played very well at both ends of the rink. Played one of his better games in sometime.

Matt Kowalski (2 assists) Had himself a heck of a weekend, should be nominated for Player of the week. Played with a lot of jump/energy, was using his speed to open some ice, create/& generate some plays, was hard to contain and defend against today.

Ben Helgeson (1 goal) Was very good in the win this afternoon. Found his legs, was flying all day, had some looks/chances, was involved in the play, looked good. I think Helgeson's a kid the Vipers need to step up and play with a little more consistency. I really like this kid, but he's very inconsistent. I was expecting a lot more from Ben this season. If he could find his game and get it to the level it was today, the Vipers will be a better hockey club.

Dawson Holt (1 goal & 1 assist) Another Viper forward who had a strong game/weekend. How big was Holt's 2nd period shorthanded marker? The veteran forward come close to scoring two shorthanded goals on the same PK. Here's another veteran that needs to be at his best game in and game out to lead the Vipers to success. I really like this kid. Was skating hard today, was pulling away from his defenders, played very well at both ends of the rink and on specialty teams. When Holt plays like he did this weekend, the Vipers are a different team. Holt and Kowalski have lead the offence this season.

Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell (1 goal) How big was Jo Jo's late 2nd period goal? Gave Vernon a 3-2 lead heading into the dressing room. Made a big play along the wall, to take the hit, but managed to hold onto the puck, come off the boards and score. I'm really impressed with this kids vision at such a young age.

Ryan Shostak Didn't put up any points, wasn't involved in any scoring chances, did a lot of the little things a lot of fans don't notice. I thought used up some minutes, holding onto the puck at key times in the game, won the battles down low, opened space for his wingers. Played and competed.

Max Bulawka (1 goal) Made his Vipers debut in the 7-3 win over the Alberni Valley Bulldogs last night, looked good on a few shifts and in spurts, but looked very good in the win this afternoon. Really played well with Dawson Holt. The two seemed to have found some early chemistry. Brings a little grit/sandpaper to the Snakes lineup, doesn't quit skating, always going to the net, worked and competed hard tonight. Here is a kid that can and hopefully will bring some secondary scoring to Vernon.

Reilly Herbst (22 saves) Playing in back to back games over the weekend, didn't see a ton of rubber his way, still had to be sharp, made some key saves at different times during the game.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

After playing last night and having to play again this afternoon, on the road in a tough building, the Snakes got off to a slow start, which is understandable. Vernon weathered the storm early, didn't give up many shots or opportunities even though being outplayed early, managed to find there legs and there game in the second half of the 1st period. Even though giving up an early goal into the middle frame and falling behind 2-0 the Vipers didn't panic/or quit. The Snakes had some luck early into the 2nd period, managed to have a puck go off the crossbar on the PP and then have Nick Martino miss a wide open cage on the same PP, could have easily been down 3-0. Instead Dawson Holt scores shorthanded, gets on the board and to within a goal, turned the tables and played very well in the 2nd period. I liked Vernon's game in the final two periods and thought they played very well defensively. After going down 2-0 the Snakes only surrendered one goal the rest of the way. Give these kids credit, they never quit, battled back to take a 3-2 lead into the 3rd period, played very aggressive in the 3rd, scored two timely goals, also got some key saves from there goaltender. The Vipers did a good job defensively, limited the Silverbacks chances, keeping SA's forwards to the outside, blocked some shots but also forced the Apes to shoot in a hurry and miss the net from time to time. For whatever reason this team plays much better on the road, then compared to on home ice. Watching the Vipers on the road, I noticed the team isn't the same team as at home. Vernon doesn't cough up or turnover the puck in there own end, nearly as much as they do at home. They look like a different team playing away from home. Not many Viper fans made the trip down in the snow, as I only spotted a few select few Viper fans in attendance. The Snakes are 4-1 against the Backs this season and 3-0 in Salmon Arm. Unlike last year, the Vipers have played very well against SA. Today was a four point game with both teams tied in points prior to today. This afternoon was huge for both teams. The Vipers with another quick turnaround, host the visiting Penticton Vees Wednesday, before travelling to Trail Friday. The Vipers have won three straight and three of there last five games. Vernon is 5-5 in there last ten and won nine of there last fourteen. With the win Vernon improves to 23-17-1-1 remain 3rd in the Interior division are two points ahead of Salmon Arm & Wenatchee and now eight points back of 2nd place Trail.

Top Player's: (Salmon Arm)

Nick Martino (2 assists) I don't recall ever seeing him in the lineup prior to today. Not the biggest kid but always involved in the play. Quick on his feet, goes to the net, played with a lot of jump/energy. Played and looked very good in the loss today.

Devan Newhook (1 assist) I thought looked and played well on the Gorillas blueline. Made a very hard play at the blueline, to keep the play/puck onisde, before setting up Drew Bennett's second goal of the game, early into the middle frame.

Drew Bennett (2 goals) Was by far the Silverbacks best forward/player today. Opened the scoring and gave Salmon Arm a 2-0 lead. Was hard to defend against, hard to contain and hard to stop. Was involved in the play, created/generated several chances, gave Vernon's defence trouble all game.

Grant Adams (25 saves) Making only his second start with the Backs, was very good between the pipes. Both goaltenders played very well in a game where there wasn't a lot of shots. Made a big stop off Dawson Holt on a 2nd period shorthanded breakaway, come up with another stop off Ben Helgeson on a 3rd period breakaway. Made some key saves through out the game.

Game Thought's: (Salmon Arm)

The Apes had the advantage, well you would think that, after Salmon Arm last played Friday in a 3-2 overtime victory over the Alberni Valley Bulldogs. While Vernon played at home Saturday in a 7-3 win over those same Bulldogs, had to get on the bus and play again this afternoon. The S'Backs got the early jump on the Snakes and had the better of the play for most of the first ten minutes of the opening frame, but couldn't keep that up. As the game continued the Vipers were the team, that seemed to get better and slowly take over parts of the game at times. SA didn't get a lot of pucks to the net, had some good looks/opportunities through out the game, didn't get the bounces or puck luck to go there way. Specialty teams played a roll in the game, as the Silverbacks went 0-4 with the man advantage, while the Snakes went 1-3. Giving up two quick back to back goals late in the middle frame, was a killer. Instead of leading 2-1 heading into the 3rd, the Backs were now down 3-2 going into the final twenty minutes. Salmon Arm was forced to play from behind the rest of the way, gave up an early goal in the 3rd, managed to get to within a goal but again gave up a second 3rd period goal, to fall behind by two and couldn't recover. The Silverbacks have made a ton of changes/trades the past two months and the team has struggled because of it. The league website has Holden Knight's playing and in the lineup today. Knights was traded at the trade deadline. The Silverbacks fall to 1-4 vs the Vipers this season, travel to Vernon Sunday afternoon for the final regular season meeting of the season with the Snakes. A fairly small crowd today on a very snowy afternoon in Salmon Arm. With the cold weather, all the snow and the NFL playoffs on tv, it gives fans an excuse to stay home. The Apes have lost seven of there last nine home games. SA has one win in there last five games and lost seven of there last ten. The Silverbacks have lost thirteen of there last sixteen games. With the loss Salmon Arm falls to 22-18-1-1 remain in 4th place in the Interior division are tied in points with Wenatchee but ten points back of Trail.



Jack Glen
Trey Taylor
Brett Fudger
Nicholas Kent (Injured)
Max Palaga (Injured-Out for the season)

Salmon Arm:

Rider McCallum
Luke Mylymok

Energy Player of the Game:

Sam Scofield

Three Star's:

1st Star: Ben Helgeson (1 goal)
2nd Star: Drew Bennett (2 goals)
3rd Star: Dawson Holt (1 goal & 1 assist)

I have picked a victory song for the Vipers this season. After every win this year I will play Tarzan Boy by Baltimora

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

Please feel free to leave a suggestion or comment in the comment box below. I always enjoy and post all comments as long as there tasteful. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during today's Vipers-Silverbacks game.

1 comment:

  1. This is posted on the Vipers website:

    After the Buzzer – Vipers Down Backs 5-3

    January 12, 2020

    Salmon Arm, BC: Dawson Holt had a shorthanded marker to kick off a run of 4 straight Viper goals on their way to a 5-3 road win against the Salmon Arm Silverbacks.

    In the first period, it wasn’t hard to see which team had played the night before as the Vipers came out a little sluggish. They seemed a half step behind in the offensive zone and just not sharp. The Backs had the better of the chances and the shots. The Viper penalty kill continued its strong play from the night before killing off the first Salmon Arm advantage. The Vipers would then get a powerplay that didn’t look sharp and was killed off. The Backs opened the scoring late as a bouncing puck found Drew Bennett at the side of the Viper goal making it 1-0. The shots finished 10-5 in favour of the Backs after 1.

    The Vipers found their legs in the second period and nearly tied it up early on as Hunter Donohoe was robbed by Grant Adams. The Backs increased their lead as Drew Bennett jumped on a loose puck in front of the Vipers goal for his 2nd of the night to make it 2-0. The Vipers then found themselves shorthanded, but Dawson Holt was the great equalizer as he powered in down the left wing and beat Adams with backhand to make it 2-1. He almost tied the game shortly after that while still shorthanded, but was robbed by Adams on the breakaway. The Vipers evened the game up as Max Bulawka knocked his own rebound with 5 minutes left in the period. Late in the frame the Vipers were awarded a powerplay and JoJo Tanaka-Campbell snapped home his 2nd in as many games to give the Vipers a 3-2 lead after 2.

    In the third, the Vipers were able to increase their lead to 2 as a Matt Kowalski point shot was tipped on its way to through by Ben Helgeson, moments after a powerplay expired to make it 4-2. That goal proved crucial as the Silverbacks stormed right back and got it back within 1 as Daniel Rybarik tipped in a point shot from Akito Hirose. The Vipers restored the 2 goal lead as Ben Sanderson set up Christian Felton who snapped home the 5th goal of the game making it 5-3. From the Vipers tightened up defensively and steered the game to the final buzzer.

    The Vipers will be in action Wednesday night when the Penticton Vees come to town at 7pm
