Saturday, December 7, 2019

Vernon 8 Merritt 3

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon most of my whole life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and only missed four Vipers home games since 2004. I have only missed 45 home games in the past thirty years. I'm not a sports journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I do not get paid for this blog and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 1.7 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and view's from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and unbiased and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Centennials game as Vernon defeated Merritt 8-3 in front of 1,689 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Reilly Herbst
Merritt: Tanner Marshall

1st Period: The Vipers would get a good look/opportunity off the opening faceoff. Cameron MacDonald twenty two seconds in with a good look at the top of the crease, couldn't solve former Trail Smoke Eaters netminder Tanner Marshall, who was out to the top of the blue paint, made the early stop. About a minute and a half later, Reilly Herbst was forced to make a large save early, stopping Thomas Manty's shot from in close with the left pad. Two big stops at both ends of the rink early. About a minute later, Jackson Caller's shot from the blueline, would be redirected on it's way to the goal, just missed the net on a good clean shot/opportunity. About a minute later the Vipers couldn't bang home the loose puck on a goal mouth scramble, as Tanner Marshall was alert, covered the bottom half of the post, was able to track the puck through bodies at the side of the net, before smothering the puck and stopping the play before a minor scrum broke out, with lots of pushing and shoving, as tempers heated up early. Just before the midway mark Payton Matsui with a quick low shot from the high slot, forced Reilly Herbst into making the left pad save on a quality chance from the visiting Merritt Centennials. On the same play, the Cents would jump on the games first power play. Just over a minute into the PP Merritt would take a penalty, sending both teams to four on four before Vernon would get a late PP. The Vipers couldn't muster much with the man advantage. Seconds after the PP expired, Hunter Donohoe turned over the puck at the blueline, allowing Christian Buono in for the odd man rush. Buono kept, shot and beat Reilly Herbst giving Merritt a 1-0 lead at 12:30 Payton Matsui collected the helper. This was a very poor decision by Donohoe and it cost the Snakes a goal on just the Centennials third shot of the game. Shots were 7-3 for Vernon at this point. The Vipers responded with a quick push back shift, as Vernon setup Matt Kowalski on a bang bang play right after Merritt's goal, but Tanner Marshall stood tall, making a tough save off the rush. A few minutes later Colby Feist with some hard work, started the play before setting up Connor Sleeth coming up the middle, Sleeth had room and a good look, fired right in the chest of Tanner Marshall who was out at the top of the crease, ready for Sleeth's shot. On the following shift/play the Vipers setup Dawson Holt, who used his wheels to break in all alone, with some slick moves in close, couldn't solve Tanner Marshall who once again made a big stop, keeping the Cents in tonight's hockey game. After the Snakes had some good looks in the final five or six minutes, inside the final minute Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell's shot would be stopped before Matt Kowalski buried the rebound, tying the game 1-1 at 19:08 Tanaka-Campbell & Logan Cash drew the assists. Merritt pressed late in the dying seconds, was unable to get a puck towards the net. Viper forward/captain Connor Marritt went down awkwardly at the buzzer, looked to have landed on his arm/wrist/elbow and was in some discomfort holding his left arm on his way off the ice. Marritt was attended to by the trainer as both teams made there way to the dressing room. It was 1-1 after 20 minutes of play. This was one of the more entertaining and exciting 1st periods at home this season. Both teams really opened up the ice, were going back and fourth, back and fourth but it was the Vipers who were the better team. Vernon created/ & generated chances on almost every other shift. The Snakes didn't have a lot of sustained pressure, were more creating plays off the rush. The Vipers had a ton of looks and some quality chances tied the game very late in the period, but could have easily been up by three or four goals if it wasn't for the play of Tanner Marshall. I really liked the Snakes period. Vernon was skating hard, really opened up the ice, were making plays and generating opportunities but couldn't bury there chances. I didn't like the Vipers defensive game. The Snakes turned over the puck on a few plays, were lucky Merritt didn't capitalize on there turnovers. The Vipers were stick handling inside there own blueline, had troubles coming out of there own end. Merritt may have opened the scoring on a Hunter Donohoe turnover but the Centennials only really had three, maybe four quality chances, didn't create/or generate much for offence. Reilly Herbst didn't see a lot of action but had to be sharp, made two large pad saves, keeping this a 1-1 game. Most of Merritt's shots were from well out and seen easily by Herbst with no traffic around. A physical/feisty period with the Cents laying the body, as at least two different scrums took place as tempers heated up fairly quickly tonight. Vernon outshot Merritt 11-6.

2nd Period: Connor Marritt was ok was out for the start of the second period. Just over a minute into the middle frame, Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell with a quick high shot from the top of the circle forced Merritt Centennials starting goaltender Tanner Marshall into making a big stop early. About a minute later some nice three way passing lead to Vernon grabbing there first lead of the evening. Cameron MacDonald started the play, setup Brett Fudger who spotted Ben Helgeson who ripped a laser of a shot past Tanner Marshall, giving Vernon a 2-1 lead at 2:09 Fudger and MacDonald picked up the assists. Just over a minute later Ben Ward with a bad hit from behind along the end wall, caused some emotion as everyone piled in. Once again tempers heated up pretty quick. Trey Taylor wasn't happy with the hit, went after several Centennials before the scrum was broken up. Ward would get two minutes for boarding, looked to give Vernon an early power play. Because Taylor jumped in, the second year defenceman was sent to the sin bin for roughing, taking away the Snakes man advantage. Minutes later Landon Fuller's point shot looked to handcuff Tanner Marshall, who looked to get a piece of it with his glove/arm as the puck somehow managed to get behind the Merritt goaltender and into the back of the net, giving Vernon a 3-1 lead at 7:31 Cameron MacDonald & Brett Fudger collected the helpers, on a goal I think Marshall would like back. Just less then a minute later, Jackson Caller with a dangerous hit along the boards, drew a crowd as bodies gathered around before another minor scrum broke loose. The Cents would get there second man advantage of the night. With no real quality chances and the power play coming to an end, the Vipers looked to have a chance to clear the zone, unable to clear the puck from the front of the crease, Tyson Galloway's shot from the slot, may have hit something or someone in front, looked to go in and off the bottom of the post and past a surprised Reilly Herbst, cutting Vernon's lead to 3-2 at 10:20 Thomas Manty and Talon Zakall picked up the assists. Galloway's goal wasn't a power play goal, went in just as Jackson Caller's penalty expired. The Snakes with a good push back shift off the following faceoff. The Vipers setup Matt Kowalski going to the net, couldn't beat Tanner Marshall from in close. On both of Merritt's goals, Kowalski come right back the following shift, creating a Vernon scoring chance. Kowalski wouldn't be denied for long, because shortly after would find the back of the cage on a Dawson Holt pass, giving Vernon a 4-2 lead at 11:43 Holt drew the lone helper. Less then two minutes later another bad play you don't like to see in hockey. Logan Cash with crosscheck very close to the boards, stirred up the pot as everyone jumped in, some pushing and shoving as both teams not liking one another. Cash would head to the box for crosschecking, but the Centennials wouldn't get a PP after Braydon Clark would be called for roughing. With about three minutes remaining Talon Zakall with a good look/opportunity, forced Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Reilly Herbst into flashing the leather, making a quick glove save. On the following play/shift another boarding penalty, this time Tyson Galloway would send Vernon to a late power play as once again more pushing and shoving occurred. The Cents were twenty seconds away from killing off the minor, before Dawson Holt buried a rebound in front after several Vipers had opportunities, giving Vernon a 5-2 lead at 19:37 Connor Marritt and Nicholas Kent picked up the assists. Tanner Marshall and the Centennials went straight to the officials after the goal, as the officials gathered in front of the penalty box, but the goal stood and the game continued. Marshall and the Cents weren't finished, getting in the last words, as Marshall was giving the officials an ear full at the buzzer as both teams were making there way to the dressing rooms. It was 5-2 Vernon after 40 minutes of play. I thought the Snakes were the better team and it showed on the scoreboard. Vernon has struggled offensively this season, broke out with four second period goals. The Snakes had a lot of looks/opportunities in the 1st period, couldn't bury there chances, capitalized on there chances in the 2nd period. The Centennials had more shots this period but didn't get any real quality opportunities. This was a very feisty period with lots of chirping, pushing and shoving, as well as altercations after the whistles. I didn't like dangerous hits in this period. Both teams dished out a few dangerous hits, near/close to the boards. These are hits/plays you don't want to see in the game. Give credit to both teams for standing up for there team mates and not backing down after these dangerous hits. Vernon outshot Merritt 14-12.

3rd Period: Matt Kowalski would be stopped in close inside the opening minute, before Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell buried his first career BCHL goal, giving Vernon a 6-2 lead at 0:57 Kowalski and Landon Fuller drew the helpers. Minutes later with Merritt in control of the play, Brett Fudger didn't like a hit he received along the side wall. Fudger went after Chase Nameth. Fudger challenged Nameth who skated away, while Fudger tried to get to drop the gloves. As the play continued and went up ice, Braydon Clark skated the length of the ice, went after Fudger as the two dropped there gloves. The Vipers rookie showed no remorse, landing several blows even while the two linesmen were in trying to break up the fight. Fudger dusted off his hands skating off the ice, drew a reaction from the Cents bench as tempers once again were heating up in a hurry. Clark and Fudger were given five minutes for fighting and game misconducts. Shortly after Reilly Herbst had to be sharp made a big stop off Payton Matsui. Just before the halfway mark, more pushing and shoving as everyone seemed to get involved again. Vernon would come out of the pushing and shoving with the power play. But into the man advantage, Jackson Caller would trip up a Merritt player, sending the play to four on four before Merritt would get a shortened PP. The Cents would capitalize on the man advantage on a shot that looked to hit something or someone along the way before beating Reilly Herbst. Thomas Manty would get credited with the goal, cutting Vernon's lead to 6-3 at 11:17 Manty's goal was unassisted. The officials gathered in front of the penalty box, talked about something for thirty seconds or so, called it a goal as the game continued. I don't know what the discussion was about, as it looked like a good goal and no complaints from the Viper bench. Either way, it was 6-3 Vernon. Minutes later the Snakes would head to a late power play and capitalize. Logan Cash buried his opportunity in front, giving Vernon a 7-3 lead at 17:11 Jo Jo Tanka-Campbell and Matt Kowalski collected the assists. Just over a minute later and late in the hockey game, former Salmon Arm Silverbacks d-man Olsen Werenka took a good run at Logan Cash, laid out a big elbow as Cash went down and was a little slow getting to his feet. Werenka was given two minutes for charging and drew a reaction from the Viper faithful behind the penalty boxes. The PP didn't last long, as Vernon would take a penalty of there own, sending the play to four on four. Inside the final minute Hunter Donohoe with a long dump in pass, spotted Matt Kowalski who split the defenders before beating Tanner Marshall five hole, giving Vernon an 8-3 lead at 19:16 Donohoe with the lone helper. Both benches exchanging words in the blowout as time winded down. Vernon defeated Merritt 8-3. After Jo Jo Tanka-Campbell scored his first career BCHL goal fifty seven seconds into the final frame, it looked like Vernon took there foot off the gas and sat back. The Centennials carried the early edge in play and for a lot of the 3rd period. It looked like the Snakes quit skating as Merritt carried a lot of the play, had a ton of puck possession, had some good looks and a few quality chances, but the Vipers relied on Reilly Herbst to bail them out. After Merritt got to within three goals and still half a period left, the Vipers did a good job at managing the clock, taking away some time and space and basically Merritt would eventually run out of steam and time on the clock. Another period where we saw tempers heat up as several scrums occurred. Vernon outshot Merritt 18-12.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

Landon Fuller (1 goal & 1 assist) Not only chipped in with a goal and an assist, I thought played well at both ends of the rink. Laid out a huge hit in the 2nd period, really used his size tonight.

Matt Kowalski (3 goals & 2 assists) Had a heck of a game this evening. The hometown kid played with a lot of jump/energy was really skating hard tonight, really used his speed and quickness to not only get open but to create/and generate opportunities. Not only did the 20 yr old create/ and generate chances, he did the work to find open ice, so his line mates could find him open in the high slot or the front of the net. Really reads and sees the ice well.

Dawson Holt (1 goal & 1 assist) Was stopped on a first period breakaway, played hard, competed and was going to the net, eventually rewarded with a 2nd period power play goal. I thought played well.

Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell (1 goal & 2 assists) I really liked the look of him and his younger brother in training camp but as the season has gone along, I think has slowly started to come into his own the past month or so. Played and looked very good in the victory tonight. Was going to the net, always involved in the play, battling for space and pucks in and around the blue paint, played and competed hard.

Brett Fudger (2 assists) I really liked this kid in training camp but he sure wasn't the same kid in the preseason. It's taken the rookie a little bit of extra time to find his way and find his game in the BCHL. There have been a few games this season where he's played well but hasn't been consistent. I really liked the rookies game tonight, not only did he collect two helpers he stood up for himself and his team, tried to get Chase Nameth to drop the gloves in the 3rd after Nameth laid out a big crosscheck. Nameth skated away before Braydon Clark skated up ice, went after Fudger who took the decision in the fight. Played with a lot of confidence tonight. His line was clicking and played very well.

Cameron MacDonald (2 assists) Here's another kid I really liked in training camp and all season long. This kid works his tail off and never quits skating. It seems like almost every night the rookie has at least one or two opportunities. Not the biggest kid but battles, competes and always is creating/generating opportunities. Had a strong game tonight.

Reilly Herbst (27 saves) Wasn't forced to make a lot of difficult saves but was tested now and again, was forced to make a few big stops. I thought made a difference in the hockey game early in the 1st period. In a period where Vernon had a ton of looks/opportunities, it was Merritt who only had three, maybe four good looks/chances but Herbst made two big pad stops in that opening frame. In the 2nd period was seeing everything with no traffic in front. Most of Merritt's shots were from well out but Herbst played his position well, looks very calm between the pipes. In sixteen games this season, improves to 12-2.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

I really liked the Snakes offensive side of the game but not so much there defensive side of the game. For the first time all season, the Vipers explode for eight goals, four being scored in the 2nd period. Vernon has struggled offensively all season, had there biggest output of the season on a night where Jason McKee switched up his lines and well, it worked. I thought most of the Vipers lines had chemistry, were generating/creating chances, were using there speed to open up the ice and pull away from the Centennials offensively. The Snakes had a ton of looks/quality chances all night, could have easily had another five or six goals if they had capitalized on there opportunities. Tanner Marshall also had something to do with that, made some big stops along the way. You can bet this Viper team is frustrated as it seems like game after game, after game Vernon gets a ton of looks and a ton of opportunities, but only manage to come away with two or three goals at the end of the hockey game. It was nice to finally see these kids get rewarded for there hard work and see some of these opportunities find the back of the net. Let's hope they can keep this up and build off of tonight's game/victory. I saw the Vipers offensively and defensively try and make a simple play into much more. In the opening frame and early into the 2nd period, the Viper forwards were trying to do a little too much with the puck, instead of getting the play in deep on a play where there was no room, the forwards tried making that extra move or extra pass, which instead ended up turning over the puck and giving the Centennials a quick odd man rush up ice. I thought the Vipers cleaned that up halfway through the hockey game. I also saw the Viper defenders trying to stick handle across there own blueline, which of course they got burned and turned over the puck on a few occasions. The Snakes d-men were caught running around at times in there own end and had to be bailed out by Reilly Herbst. I don't know how many times the Snakes almost coughed up the puck, would have sent a Merritt forward in for the breakaway or odd man rush. I thought the Snakes took too many penalties. I also didn't like the dangerous play's/hits coming from both sides. I did though like how both teams stood up for each other and there team. The Vipers aren't a very physical team and didn't play very physical tonight but they didn't back down from the altercations and scrums after the whistles. Tonight may have been against a 6th place Merritt team that isn't very good this season, but after a strong 2-0 performance and victory in Salmon Arm Saturday, this is a second straight win and a chance to start putting some wins together, especially at home where the Snakes will finish the season with a lot of home games. How big was tonight's win, Both Trail and Salmon Arm lost while Wenatchee had the night off. The Snakes get a little closer and within distance of Wenatchee and Salmon Arm. How big is the game tomorrow vs Wenatchee? I sure hope Vernon didn't use up all there goals, face a stingy Wenatchee Wild team tomorrow night. A pretty small crowd on hand for tonight's game, one of if not the smallest crowd of the season. A crowd also that didn't make much noise, as there wasn't much atmosphere in the rink tonight. The Vipers have won back to back games, have won three of there last five games but lost six of there last ten. With the win Vernon improves to 16-12-1-1 sit 5th in the Interior division are sixteen points up on Merritt, two points back of 4th place Wenatchee and six points back of 3rd place Salmon Arm.

Top Player's: (Merritt)

Talon Zakall (1 assist) I thought not only was there best d-man but one of there better players in the loss. Played well on the blueline but also offensively.

Thomas Manty (1 goal) Scored on the power play in the 3rd period, had some jump through out the game. Not the biggest kid but was involved in the play from time to time.

Payton Matsui (1 assist) Caught my attention, I thought played well. Was involved in the play, had some looks/opportunities.

Tanner Marshall (35 saves) Was by far the more busier of the two netminders. The former Trail Smoke Eaters goaltender allowed eight goals but faced forty three Vernon shots tonight. The veteran goaltender made some big stops in the opening frame, kept his team in the game. I think Marshall would like to have back Vernon's third goal on a shot from the blueline off Landon Fuller's stick. I was a little surprised the Centennials left Marshall between the pipes for the full sixty minutes in an 8-3 hockey game. Merritt has the night off tomorrow, so Ryan Winter could have come in and play the 3rd period.

Game Thought's: (Merritt)

The visiting Centennials opened the scoring on a Hunter Donohoe turnover at the Merritt blueline. The Cents went back and fourth with Vernon for the entire 1st period, couldn't keep that up for all three periods. Giving up a late game tying goal inside the final minute of the 1st period, really hurt. In a period where the Centennials didn't muster a lot of rubber on goal or generate a lot of opportunities, the Cents could have taken a 1-0 lead to the dressing room. Instead it's 1-1 and then the wheels seem to fall off the middle frame. Tanner Marshall bailed out his team in the opening frame but it seemed like whatever the Snakes put towards the goal in the 2nd period, went in. Vernon with four second period goals, basically put the game away heading into the 3rd period. Merritt was physical, finished there checks, played hard and competed but didn't get much offensive help from there forwards tonight. I didn't think the Centennials created/or generated enough chances to win. I didn't see a lot of offensive forwards on Merritt's roster tonight. Most of Merritt's shots were from well out with no traffic in front of Reilly Herbst. The Vernon goaltender was seeing almost everything thrown towards him. The Cents did have a few looks/opportunities, but when you give up eight goals, your going to need more then that. Merritt had troubles containing Vernon's speed and skill all night. The Centennials gave up way too many opportunities and didn't give Tanner Marshall much help in front of him. The Cents played on the road Tuesday and Wednesday, only had last night off, where as Vernon hasn't played since Saturday in Salmon Arm. Merritt didn't have a lot of puck luck played with an edge for most of the evening. It didn't take long for these two teams to stir the pot as tempers heated up early and continued through out the game. Several scrums, pushing and shoving and altercations through out the night. These two teams will meet again Sunday afternoon in Merritt. After tonight's game, what kind of a game will we see in Merritt? The Snakes host the Wenatchee Wild tomorrow, while the Centennials have the night off. Vernon improves to 3-0 vs Merritt this season. I spotted a few Centennials fans in attendance, made the trip up from Merritt. Earlier today the Centennials announced they traded Josh Kagan to Nanaimo for Evan Benwell and future considerations. Tonight was the fourth and final game of a four game road trip, where Merritt lost all four games. The Centennials have only two wins away from home this year. The Cents have lost six straight and have lost twelve of there last sixteen games. With the loss Merritt falls to 8-20-1-1 are two points up on last place West Kelowna who lost in Penticton this evening.

Merritt Centennials Blog,



Christian Felton
Ben Sanderson (Injured)
Ryan Shostak (Injured)
Max Palaga (Injured-Out for the season)


Matt Osadick
Josh Kagan

Energy Player of the Game:

Brett Fudger (2 assists)

Three Star's:

1st Star: Matt Kowalski (3 goals & 2 assists)
2nd Star: Jo Jo Tanka-Campbell (1 goal & 2 assists)
3rd Star: Landon Fuller (1 goal & 1 assist)

I have picked a victory song for the Vernon Vipers this season. After every victory this year, I will play Tarzan Boy by Baltimora,

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

Please feel free to leave a suggestion or comment in the comment box below. I always enjoy and will post all comments. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers-Centennials game.


  1. This is posted on the Vipers website:

    After the Buzzer – Vipers Offense Explodes For 8-3 Win

    December 6, 2019

    Vernon, BC: Matt Kowalski had a 5 point night including a hat trick as the Vipers offense exploded for 8 goals as they defeated the Merritt Centennials 8-3.

    The Vipers jumped out to an early shot advantage of 4-1 and some good opportunities in the first handful of minutes but couldn’t find the back of the net. The Cents would capitalize on a Viper mistake as Payton Matsui set up Christian Buono for his 3rd of the year giving Merritt a 1-0 lead. Late in the period, some nice work along the boards by Logan Cash set up the first Viper goal as Cash’s centering pass to Tanaka-Campbell was stopped, but Matt Kowalski was there to finish off the rebound to make it 1-1 after 1.

    Another good start to a period for the Vipers and again it was some good board work that saw the Vipers get their first lead of the night. Cam MacDonald knocked down a clearing attempt, kicked it over to Brett Fudger who found Ben Helgeson in the left circle and he let a rocket go off the cross bar and in to make it 2-1. Landon Fuller increased the Viper lead with a point shot that squeaked through Tanner Marshall to give the Vipers a 3-1 lead. The Cents while on a powerplay would chip into the deficit as Hunor Torszok swept home a loose puck in front to make it 3-2. Not long after it was Kowalski again who finished off a set up from Dawson Holt making it 4-2. The Viper powerplay finally broke the slump late in the 2nd as Dawson Holt potted home a rebound giving the home team a 5-2 lead after 2.

    In the first minute of the third, JoJo Tanaka-Campbell tipped home a Landon Fuller point shot to make it 6-2 Vernon. Things would get chippy as Brett Fudger tangled with Brayden Clark in a spirited scrap. Merritt made it 6-3 as Thomas Manty scored far post and in. The Viper powerplay wasn’t done as Logan Cash would put home a rebound making it 7-3. In the final minute of the 3rd Matt Kowalski was sprung on a breakaway and sealed the game with a hat trick goal making it 8-3.

    The Vipers will welcome the Wenatchee Wild Saturday night for Teddy Bear Toss Night at 6pm at Kal Tire Place!

  2. We are 30 games into the season and Jack Glen hasn't changed. The kid can skate north and south, great at icing the puck and won't take the hit. He does not belong in this league. We feel bad for the two players that are on the line with him. Don't the coaches show him the videos of what he does or does not do. Anyways as a Viper season ticket holder it's very frustrating watching this kid.

  3. Although I agree 100% nothing will change. It is hard to watch but we will have to put up with this as long as the Glens own this team. Our alternative is to stop attending the games, like a lot of fans already have, but many of us need our hockey fix. The Coaches & Ownership are not doing this young man any favors. He is simply not good enough yet to play at the Junior A level. His skating is adequate but he is not skilled enough and not sturdy enough to give or take a hit. I hope for his sake he does not get badly hurt. It is comical watching him "coach" his line mates on every shift, suppose he is just getting ready to wear the "C" next year.
