Friday, November 29, 2019

Surrey 4 Vernon 3

I was born and raised in Vernon, BC and been watching/following Junior hockey in Vernon my whole life. I have had season tickets since 1990 and only missed four Vipers home games since 2004. In the past thirty years I have missed 45 home games. I'm not a sports journalist, writer, reporter or work for the Vernon Vipers. I do not get paid for doing this blog and do this blog on my own personal time. I started and created this blog in November 2008 and have over 1.7 million viewers. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's ad views from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own opinion on the game. I try to be professional and unbiased and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers/Eagles game as Surrey defeated Vernon 4-3 in front of 1,778 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: James Porter Jr
Surrey: Thomas Scarfone

1st Period: The visiting Surrey Eagles looked sharp and had the early jump on the hometown Vipers early. Surrey carried the early edge in play for close to the first five minutes, but with only a look or two, didn't get any real quality opportunities. The Vipers would get the games first quality chance about six and a half minutes into the opening frame. Rookie Brett Fudger on a wrap around couldn't beat Thomas Scarfone at the side of the net. About a minute and a half later, the Eagles spotted a wide open Kenny Riddett at the top of the crease. A quick pass through the slot, setup Riddett who redirected the pass that would be kicked out by the left pad of former Kelowna Rockets goaltender James Porter Jr on a big save at the top of the blue paint. About a minute later, Jimmy Darby spotted a wide open Cristophe Tellier at the side of the crease, the former Wenatchee Wild forward tapped home the Eagles first goal of the evening, giving Surrey a 1-0 lead at 8:58 Jimmy Darby and Kieran O'Hearn collected the assists. It looked like James Porter Jr come across the blue paint in time to make the stop on Tellier but the puck managed to find it's way into the back of the net. Vernon was ahead in shots at one point 5-1 were now trailing in shots 6-5. The Snakes responded with a quick push back shift and tied the game 1-1 1:28 later. Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell setup Vernon product Matt Kowalski in front, tying the game 1-1 at 10:21 Tanaka-Campbell & Nick Kent drew the helpers. About two minutes later former Regina Pats forward Dawson Holt with two quality back to back opportunities from the slot, couldn't solve Thomas Scarfone with the Vipers pressing. With about six minutes remaining the Snakes would get the games first power play, but Vernon would struggle as the Eagles killed off the minor. While on the PK Sean Ramsay went to the Eagles dressing room but returned shortly after. Inside the final minute Connor Marritt setup Dawson Holt, giving Vernon a 2-1 lead at 19:33 Marritt and Connor Sleeth picked up the assists. It was 2-1 Vernon after 20 minutes of play. I really liked the Eagles game off the opening faceoff. I thought Surrey had the early jump, had full possession and zone time early, carried the play for at least for the first four to five minutes, but didn't really generate/or create any kind of quality opportunities. I really liked the Snakes response and how they played the remainder of the period. I thought the Vipers were the better team in the second half of the period, carried the better of the play, had more puck possession, zone time and a lot more opportunities. After Surrey's opening goal, the Eagles only managed one shot on goal for the remainder of the period. Vernon had some good looks/chances in the second half, were getting pucks to the net, but couldn't bury there opportunities. I didn't like the Snakes defensive zone. The Vipers had troubles breaking out of there own end, turned over the puck at least three or four different times. Vernon outshot Surrey 18-7.

2nd Period: About four minutes into the middle frame, Jack Glen and Ben Helgeson looked to have a tap in goal at the top of the blue paint, but either both players couldn't connect on the puck or Eagles starting goaltender Thomas Scarfone made a big stop at the top of the crease. Either way the puck stayed out on a great look/opportunity for Glen and Helgeson early into the period. About a minute or two later, Carter King with a body in front, couldn't beat James Porter Jr looked to go high, caught Porter Jr up near the high chest/mask area. Minutes later Aki Hassan on a two on one attack, tried setting up JJ Fecteau going to the goal, somehow couldn't connect on the pass, looked to have an open cage on a missed opportunity by the Eagles. Shortly after Jackson Caller who was up in the rush, had a glorious chance in front, couldn't beat Thomas Scarfone who come up with a large save, keeping this a 2-1 hockey game. Around the midway mark Vernon would get there second man advantage of the game, but again struggle with the PP. Surrey would kill off the minor. Shortly after the Snakes and Jackson Caller would get very lucky. Caller hit a Surrey player from behind, went head first into the boards but luckily was far enough away from the boards, he wasn't injured and got up fairly quickly. If the player would have been closer to the end wall, Caller could have easily been tossed from the hockey game and given five minutes for either boarding or checking from behind. But on this play, Caller was given two minutes for boarding. Surrey went to work on there first PP of the contest. The Eagles moved the puck around well, had some looks before Carter King looked to have a sure goal with a wide open cage, but somehow Vipers starting goaltender James Porter Jr dove across the crease to rob King with a massive save. Late in the PP in the defensive zone, Dawson Holt would grab hold of an Eagles stick and throw it, which was given an unsportsmanlike minor for and it cost him. Surrey would go on a shortened two man advantage. The Snakes would kill off the remainder of the first minor, but unable to kill off the second penalty. Hudson Schandor who attended the Vipers training camp a few seasons ago setup Brandon Santa Juana in the slot, beat James Porter Jr to tie the game 2-2 at 16:42 Schandor & Kieran O'Hearn collected the helpers. Holt's undisciplined penalty, cost his team a lead, giving up the late power play goal. Shortly after Matt Kowalski with an odd man rush, couldn't bury an opportunity from the lower circle. It was 2-2 after 40 minutes of play. The Vipers were the better of the two teams, carried most of the play for most of the 2nd period. Vernon had a ton of puck possession and zone time, had several looks/quality chances but couldn't find the back of the net. The Snakes held a one goal lead until giving up a late power play goal, really needed to capitalize on some of there chances. In a period where you are the better team, one of your veteran players cant take an undisciplined penalty on the penalty kill, that costs you the game tying goal late in the period. This was a costly penalty and it cost Vernon the lead. The Eagles had a few looks/opportunities but played a lot of the middle frame in there own end. Thomas Scarfone was the difference in a tied hockey game. Vernon outshot Surrey 11-6.

3rd Period: The Eagles carried the play early but didn't really create/or generate any quality chances. About four minutes into the final frame, rookie Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell used his wheels to pull away and on a partial breakaway, snapped a quick shot from the right wing from the circle that forced Thomas Scarfone into making a large save early, keeping this a 2-2 game. The Eagles moving the puck well, had some early looks but couldn't hit the net on some missed opportunities from in close. Just before the halfway mark, the Vipers spotted captain/forward Connor Marritt in the high slot, but went high and over the goal on a missed opportunity. With about nine minutes left in the 3rd Vernon would jump on the man advantage, but again struggled. The Vipers managed a little more zone time on this power play, but either took too long to shoot or passed instead of shooting. The Eagles killed off the penalty. Less then forty seconds later on a broken play the Eagles would catch a break. On a shot that looked to hit something or someone in front of the goal, bounced up and over James Porter Jr and into the back of the net, giving Surrey a 3-2 lead at 13:44 Brett Bliss would get credited with the goal on a play that stunned Vernon and James Porter Jr who had no idea where the puck was. Hudson Schandor drew the lone assist. Eight seconds later Matt Kowalski went through everyone on a highlight reel goal, tied the game 3-3 at 13:52 sending Kal Tire Place into a frenzy. Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell collected the helper. What a goal and what a push back shift after the Eagles just took the lead. On the following play/shift, the Snakes spotted Matt Kowalski in the slot, looking for his third goal of the night, fired wide of the net, on a missed chance from the slot. Surrey would get a late power play shortly after with about five minutes remaining and capitalize. The Eagles with some slick passing, moved the puck around, while Vernon had an opportunity to clear the zone and couldn't, the Eagles kept the play going. Cristophe Tellier with a slick move and highlight reel goal, gave Surrey a 4-3 lead at 16:22 for his second goal of the night. Gabe Schovanek and Kieran O'Hearn picked up the assists. The Vipers had troubles gaining any kind of traction with time not on there side. Vernon even had troubles getting James Porter Jr to the bench for the extra attacker, almost got caught with Porter Jr making his way to the Viper bench, a Surrey player had control of the puck and a good look at the open cage, ended up losing the puck. Jason McKee and the Vipers would call a late timeout before the Vipers sprung Connor Marritt in for the breakaway with 1:10 remaining but Marritt couldn't solve Thomas Scarfone who made a large stop with 1:08 left in the contest. Vernon would get some pressure inside the final minute, had a few looks/chances on a couple of goal mouth scrambles couldn't get the puck through a maze of players and Thomas Scarfone. The Vipers pressed hard in the dying seconds but the Eagles with three shot blocks preserved and held on for the 4-3 victory. After being outplayed for a lot of the first two periods, I thought the Surrey Eagles come to play in the 3rd, really stepped up there play and were the better of the two teams. The Eagles had more puck possession, zone time and capitalized on there opportunities. Surrey looked to have a little more jump/and energy in the final twenty minutes. When the Eagles did give up an opportunity, Thomas Scarfone was there to bail them out. I really liked Vernon's game the first two periods but for whatever reason, I didn't think the Snakes played/or looked all that good in the final twenty minutes. The Vipers just didn't look like the same team. Vernon didn't get enough pucks to the net, nor did they create/generate enough chances to win. The Snakes had at three or four good looks/quality chances but couldn't capitalize on there opportunities, needed more to win. The Snakes fell behind in the second half of the period and had to chase the Eagles for the remainder of the game. Surrey outshot Vernon 10-8.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

Hunter Donohoe I thought was one of there better d-men in the loss. Other then turning over the puck on a few occasions was good at both ends of the rink. The Vipers tried setting up the former Western Hockey League defenceman with the one timer also rushed the play/puck up ice on several occasions.

Matt Kowalski (2 goals) Is the Vipers best forward and has carried the team on his back. Where would the Snakes be without Kowalski this year? This kid plays hard, has a lot of jump/energy, never quits skating, always creating/generating plays, gets the crowd to there feet. Had a real strong game tonight. Scored a highlight reel goal on Vernon's game tying third goal.

Connor Marritt Played well, had some good looks/quality chances, none better then alone in the slot just before the halfway mark of the 3rd period and then his breakaway with just over a minute remaining in the game. The Viper captain has to bury at least one of these.

Jo Jo Tanaka-Campbell (2 assists) I really liked the rookie's game. This kid is going to be very good next season. Already just starting to gain a little more confidence, had a ton of jump in his game tonight, created some chances/plays, was very good.

James Porter Jr (19 saves) Wasn't tested much but did make the big save when his team needed him. I thought played well between the pipes. Playing in just his fourth game with the Snakes is now 0-4 on the season.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

I thought the hometown Vipers looked and played very well in the first two periods, weren't the same team in the 3rd period. The Snakes didn't get off to a great start were outplayed early, needed the first four or five minutes before getting there game going. Vernon had lots of good looks/opportunities in the first two periods, were getting pucks to the net, creating/generating chances couldn't bury there opportunities. With a 2-1 lead heading into the middle frame, the Snakes were the better of the two teams in the second period, needed to put the Eagles away and couldn't. Chance after chance after chance, Vernon couldn't grab a two or three goal lead, instead allowed Surrey to hang around before taking an undisciplined penalty late in that second period, giving the Eagles a short two man advantage and then allowing Surrey to tie the hockey game on that same power play. Not only do you take an undisciplined minor late in a period, but you give up the game tying goal late in the period. The Vipers just didn't look like the same team to me in the final twenty minutes. Vernon looked a little off, only managed eight shots on goal, had a few looks/quality chances but not enough to win. Instead the Snakes let the Eagles control a lot of the play, give up two third period goals, have to try and come from behind twice in the final frame on home ice. The Vipers power play struggled tonight and has all season. Vernon had troubles breaking out of there own end, turned over the puck at least seven or eight different times. The Snakes also passed instead of shooting in some situations. The Vipers needed to take the shot, drive hard to the net and go for the rebound. Just like last year, the Vipers can't score goals. Vernon has three or four kids that do all the scoring and the rest of the team, competes, battles and plays hard but not only can't score don't really create/generate much opportunities at all. Vernon is in desperate need of some scoring. The only problem is finding a proven goal scorer at this time of the season is difficult and if you do, your going to have to pay the price to acquire him. Will the Snakes make any roster moves/trades before the BCHL card deadline? The Vipers goaltenders are having to be solid game after game after game, just to keep the Vipers in the hockey games. If it wasn't for Matt Kowalski & Reilly Herbst this season, where would the Vipers be? The Snakes haven't won many hockey games lately and need to turn this around in a hurry. They slipped to 5th place this week and are slowly starting to fall down in the standings. It doesn't get any easier with the Vipers playing in Salmon Arm tomorrow. The Silverbacks lost only there fourth home game of the season tonight, 4-2 to the visiting Langley Rivermen. One of the smaller crowds of the season, saw former Vernon Vipers forwards David Robinson and Trevor Keenan in attendance. The Vipers have lost back to back games, have one win in there last five games, two wins in there last eight and three wins in there last ten and four wins in there last twelve games. My TSN turning point all started on the eleven game road trip with back to back games in Trail. Vernon had won nine of there previous eleven games heading to Trail. The Snakes were only three points back of the Smoke Eaters for 3rd place, lost both games in Trail and haven't been the same team since. With the loss tonight Vernon falls to 14-12-1-1 sit 5th in the Interior division are thirteen points up on 6th place Merritt, two points back of Wenatchee and ten points back of Salmon Arm.

Top Player's: (Surrey)

Kieran O'Hearn (3 assists) Was hard to contain and hard to defend against, collected three helpers in the Eagles victory, was very shifty and managed to find open ice to try and setup/makes plays.

Hudson Schandor (2 assists) Attended the Vipers training camp a few seasons ago, was traded from the Silverbacks to Surrey this season and wears the "C" for the Eagles. I thought was one of the better forwards for Surrey this evening. Really sees the ice well and makes plays happen.

Carter King Isn't the biggest kid but can skate, had at least three good chances tonight, seems to find the open ice and create plays. Looked good for the Eagles all night.

Kenny Riddett Another kid who isn't that big but had some looks/opportunities through out the game.

Cristophe Tellier (2 goals) The former Wenatchee Wild forward opened the scoring and scored the game winner on the power play late in the 3rd period, was very good for the visiting Eagles. I thought played well with the Wild last season, seemed to give the Snakes troubles at times, was hard to defend against and contain tonight in the win.

Thomas Scarfone (34 saves) Was a big difference in the outcome of tonight's game. Stopped 33 saves in a 3-2 shootout loss to the visiting Vernon Vipers November 3rd in Surrey, gets a little revenge with the win tonight. Not the biggest netminder but plays his position well. Gives up rebounds but made some big stops through out the game, giving his team a chance to win.

Game Thought's: (Surrey)

The Vipers were the better team for the first two periods. Surrey had some shifts and puck possession where they looked good from time to time but overall were outplayed and outchanced in the first two periods. The Eagles gave up twenty nine shots in the first two periods and a ton of looks/opportunities, were very lucky only to be down a goal late in the 2nd period. Surrey was able to get some solid goaltending and hang on for the first two periods before looking and playing much better in the 3rd. The Eagles played with a little more jump, had some poise and played a lot more with the puck. Surrey carried the play for times in the 3rd, only surrendered eight shots and limited the Snakes to a handful of opportunities. I really liked the Eagles game in the final twenty minutes. The Eagles played with the lead and looked good on the power play. Specialty teams was big for the Eagles as the PP was moving the puck/scored twice and the penalty kill was good. Surrey relied on there goaltender didn't get a lot of rubber on goal, but also managed to create/generate some opportunities through out the game, capitalized on there chances. Former Viper defenceman Brendan Kim wore #39 with no name bar made his Eagles debut after being traded to Surrey Thursday. How big was tonight's game for not only the Eagles but for Kim? Overall this was a very fast pace game and very entertaining and exciting with some good chances at both ends of the rink. I spotted one Eagles fan in attendance, wearing a orange Surrey Eagles jersey. Tonight was the Eagles second win in there last ten road games. Tonight was the Eagles fourth game of an eight game road trip. Surrey has two wins in there last seven games, only has five wins in there last fifteen games. With the victory Surrey improves to 10-15-2-3 sit last in the Mainland division are two points back of 4th place Prince George, three points back of 3rd place Langley and eight points back of 2nd place Chilliwack.



Ben Sanderson (Injured)
Keigo Hachisuka
Ryan Shostak (Injured)
Max Palaga (Injured)


Jason Lin
Christian Fitzgerald

Energy Player of the Game:

Dawson Holt (1 goal)

Three Star's:

1st Star: Christophe Tellier (2 goals)
2nd Star: Matt Kowalski (2 goals)
3rd Star: Kieran O'Hearn (3 assists)

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

Please feel free to leave a suggestion or comment in the comment box at the bottom of this post. I always enjoy and post all comments. Thank you for your comments and visiting my blog.

Here are some photo's I took before and during tonight's Vipers/Eagles game.


  1. Happy for Brendan Kim especially if the rumours are true that the coaches drove him out. How awesome is that for him

  2. This is posted on the Vipers website:

    After the Buzzer – Vipers Fall To Eagles

    November 29, 2019

    Vernon, BC: Matt Kowalski had a pair of goals including a highlight reel goal in the 3rd, but it wasn’t enough as the Vernon Vipers fell to the Surrey Eagles 4-3.

    It was a pretty fast moving first period with both teams getting opportunities. The Vipers really had a focus of funneling pucks to the net and it was a big key in the first. The Eagles drew first blood as Jimmy Darby would spot Cristophe Tellier on the left post and he scored his 14th of the season to make it 1-0. The Vipers had a great response following the goal and pushed the pace. A bouncing puck in the Surrey slot found Matt Kowalski in front and he’d make to mistake to tie the game at one 83 seconds after the Eagles took the lead. The Vipers ended the period peppering the Surrey goal with 18 shots. Their 18th would find the back of the net as Dawson Holt ripped home a shot from the right circle with just 27 seconds remaining.

    The Vipers kept up the pressure in the 2nd period and heavily out chanced the visiting team. Thomas Scarfone made a handful of big saves to keep his team in it. That proved important as the Eagles powerplay late in the period would get the game tied up as Brandon Santa Juana snapped home a centering pass from the corner to make it 2-2 after 2 periods.

    Midway through the 3rd period, the Vipers pressure continued to mount, but lady luck would rear the ugly head as a shot from Brett Bliss released a point shot that pinballed off of Porter and Viper defenceman and into the goal to make it 3-2. Just 8 seconds later, Matt Kowalski struck for his 2nd of the night off a great individual effort cutting down the left wing to beat Scarfone over the blocker to make it 3-3. Another Eagles powerplay would net them their 3rd lead of the night as a puck bounced around in the slot and fell on the stick of Cristophe Tellier who scored his 2nd of the night to make it 4-3. The Vipers had a late flurry to try equalize, but Scarfone stopped Marritt on a breakaway and the Vipers would run out of time.

    The Vipers will look to shake this off as they head to Salmon Arm tomorrow night for a 6pm puck drop at the Shaw Centre.

  3. Here is the link to the post game article from the Eagles website

  4. 0 for 23 on the PP! What a joke! Time for McKee and Jack to go! No wonder he was fired by the Giants he is a terrible coach! Mark must be having a good laugh! What terrible owners! They have driven a once proud franchise into the ground!

  5. The Vipers power play has struggled all year! In there last seven games they are 0-23 on the PP and 7-54 on the PP in there last 14 games.

  6. Not much more to say other than this team is a Disaster. Jason Mckee said in his post game comments that " No one was coming in to save this team " and that it falls into the hands of the players. Well then if it's not the players maybe the other 2 stiffs standing behind the bench. Our defense and PP are an embarrassment and is that not the responsibility of the 2 assistant coaches who look totally disinterested back there. Every one is frustrated but the only one to blame is Ownership

  7. My thoughts on the game was that the vipers played a great game in the first period and half way through the second as I found the game really exciting. The sad part was it felt like the vipers got down on themselves in the third period as the result in third period wasn't happening for them like they would have liked. So what happens they panic and go back to playing with there old bad habits. Bad habits meaning not playing like there coach Jason taught them to play. The vipers started to play there own game assuming they new better than there coach and ended up losing the game. Last year with Mark Ferner as coach he had a group of young men who thought the same way and guess what before christmas where in last place in there division. The funny part was after christmas the realized that what they where doing by playing as indivduals was not working , so the team decided to listen to mark ferner and believe in his systems and way to play the game and guess what for a group of ordinary players nothing special, they ended up winning the interior division championship. Vipers you can do it again but YOU MUST LISTEN TO YOUR COACH. he is there to help you achieve your goal of being a better family of players and to moving on to better things in your career. The only other thing I would comment on is to perhaps look at the video of how South surrey eagles play there powerplay as it is very effective. Maybe you could learn something from it because the powerplay you have now is not working. Also and finally the ability of coming out your own end needs some improving . Other than that I noticed good improvement in your game and was very much entertained . Thank You. Viper fan. GO,VIPER,GO..

  8. Last nights game was a huge disappointment after the Vipers looked to have the game in hand. Their scoring woes allowed the Eagles to get back into the game. I am sure the players are all very frustrated and I feel bad for them as there was not a lack of effort. However, this falls directly on the shoulders of owner John Glen and coach Jason McKee for the team that they built. With the carding deadline days away we are saddled with a team laden with rookies & under achieving veterans. Some tweaks to this lineup should have been made much earlier, certainly when defensemen were constantly being used as forth line forwards. Marritt, Kowalski & Holt are our only scoring threats and have been all year. I was dismayed to see Jack Glen on both the power play (one assist in 21 games) and later on the penalty kill & will not be surprised when he is selected our team captain next year. McKee is pleasing the owner but is he pleasing the paying customers?

    I was happy for Brendan Kim as he played defense instead of being employed as a forth line energy player. He now has a better chance of earning a scholarship playing his natural position.

  9. Power Play is a embarrassment,team has not looked good since its extended road trip,presently sitting at 28 games played with a 14-12-1-1 record,however at the exact same point of the season last year, 28 games played the record was 9-19...So....your saying there's a chance ???

  10. Enough about John Glen's son. give him a break , really, john glen son knows above anyone else what people must think and with that type of pressure on his shoulders don't you think he will try even harder to prove you fans wrong. That as a player he would like nothing better than to show why he is a viper and why he is important to the team. I say give the poor young man a break and let him prove himself. He really doesn't need all this negative conservation as in reality it goes nowhere. I think we could be very surprized about Johns son. As I am sure his son his working extremely hard at improving his skills and wanting to help his team anyway he can. So let us give him some slack and before we become judge and jury. Let the player PROVE US WRONG.

    1. He's had over 20 games to prove us wrong. He is simply not ready for junior A. That's all there is to it.

  11. OOPS, your right it is Jack Glen son not Johns son. Oh well caught up in the moment.

  12. Tom & John Glen are the owners. Jack Glen is Tom's son. John's son David played with the AJHL Spruce Grove Saints and went to Penn State University.

  13. thank you for clearing up my dull moment. jACK GLEN WHO PLAYS FOR THE VIPERS IS TOMS SON. MOVING FORWARD. thanks
