Monday, June 17, 2019

Vernon Vipers Roster News Coming Tomorrow:

This is on the Vernon Vipers twitter and facebook pages:

Vernon Vipers
June 17

We've got more exciting roster news, that we can't wait to share with you...but it'll have to wait to until tomorrow morning! #sorrynotsorry 😁 #OneGoal


  1. I wonder what kind of roster news is coming? I'm very curious

    Thank you to the Vernon Vipers ownership and management for finally keeping the fans updated through out the summer, in regards to the team and your new players etc. Former coaches/GM's Mike Vandekamp & Troy Mick did a great job at having press releases over the off season regarding new players/new recruits, info on the team and keeping the fans updated with regards to the up coming season. When Mark Ferner took over, the Vipers almost closed up shop for the summer once the season ended and we wouldn't hear another peep until training camp. So a big thank you for keeping your fans in the loop and in the know of what's going on with the up coming 2019-20 season.

  2. Yes, this new ownership "Gets It". They understand that sports entertainment is a year long process to keep their fans enthused, not just during game time. Well Done!!! Looking forward to todays news. It is looking like it may be an exciting season already. Go Vipers Go!!!
    Also thank you VDHF for keeping us in the know. Always love your articles & comments.

  3. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the blog and thank you for viewing, keep the comments coming!
