Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Lansdell Suspended:

This is posted on the BCHL website:

12-Dec-18 The Vernon Vipers Jesse Lansdell is suspended 16 games for a major penalty for a blow to the head

Jesse Lansdell's Player Profile:


  1. get rid of him. Perhaps he has a future with the UFC :)

  2. its a loyalty issue with ferner.Its like duncan wray and williamson the previous coach. Not much you can do.

  3. Wow, at least Jesse won't have to serve any time in jail. The length of this suspension and all of the other suspensions this year for Blow To The Head penalties have been excessive, the league has completely over reacted. No one wants to see injuries or violent hockey but this has turned into a black mark for this league. Check out the Discipline page for the BCHL and see there are differing lengths of suspensions for each player. Along with the suspension there should at least be an explanation for the determined length. I think the paying fans deserve this ie... why some get 4 games as opposed to 3 or 5 games.

  4. Over the last 2 years I have seen Jesse play many times and will have to tell you the kid knows how to throw solid clean checks,He hits like a bus but always with his shoulder and his feet planted on the ice.The BCHL obviously does not want contact in this league anymore and Lansdell is the poster boy.Look at the suspensions in this league this year and you can clearly see what is going on.Jesse should of just went to the USHL this year where they play a much harder game then this league.

  5. Hey, Jesse should thank the referres assn. His future is secure for when he leaves the BCJHL upon going to a good school thanks to hockey. And yes he should thank them again he has time now that he can spend with his family at this christmas time. He gets a well deserved break to rest up before playoffs and he can enjoy a few beers with some friends without curfew hanging over his head. So Jesse is going to say THANK YOU A BIG THANK YOU Referres assn. and soon you wont have to see my sorry ass again. I'm sure that Jesse parting words will be HAVE A NICE DAY. AND GOOD BYE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE REFEREES ITS BEEN NICE KNOWING YOU. BYE., BYE.

  6. He should have been suspended for the entire season

  7. Some good comments and some that don't know what their talking about b hl doing it's damnest to turn bchl into girls league

  8. If you look at the penaltys not one was targeting the head, one accidental head hit ice when player was hit all players never lost ice time from hits bchl will lose fans next year education should start at team level not refrees to change via penaltys which these players never had to deal with all through their playing years
