Saturday, October 20, 2018

Vernon 5 Alberni Valley 1

I have had season tickets for 29 years and been following junior hockey in Vernon for over thirty five years. I haven't missed a Vipers game in nine years and only missed three Viper games since the 1998-99 season. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and view's from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our view and opinion on the game. This is my opinion and thought's on how I saw tonight's game. I try to be unbiased and give a fare game recap from both sides. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Bulldogs game as Vernon defeated Alberni Valley 5-1 in front of 1,989 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Max Palaga
Alberni Valley: Cole Demers

1st Period: Just twenty nine seconds into the contest Alex Swetlikoff from behind the net setup Elan Bar-Lev-Wise in front who couldn't connect on the pass. The Vipers were skating circles all over the Bulldogs off the opening puck drop before Mitch Deelstra in the slot would be denied by former Kamloops Blazers goaltender Max Palaga four minutes in. On the following play Vernon would get the games first powerplay. Carver Watson with a blast from the point would be stoned by former Vernon Vipers goaltender Cole Demers. Watson would get another shot from the blueline towards the end of the PP but just missed the net. The Vipers with a lot of pressure, had some chances-looks. Just as the penalty expired Elan Bar-Lev-Wise tried banging home a loose puck in front on a goal mouth scramble, but somehow Bar-Lev-Wise and the Vipers couldn't find the back of the net with a ton of bodies in and around the blue paint. Just before the halfway mark, Elan Bar-Lev-Wise would get in behind the Alberni Valley defence, couldn't solve Cole Demers at the top of the crease. Demers with a big stop, keeping this game scoreless. At the midway mark the Snakes would get their second man advantage of the 1st period. Carver Watson's shot from the blueline would be redirected in front by assistant captain Jesse Lansdell as the shot went high and just over the far corner. The Vipers with lots of pressure, had some looks, couldn't connect on the PP. With about six minutes left in the period Max Palaga was forced into making a tough pad save off a quick shot from well out. I don't think Palaga saw the shot/puck until the last second on a quick reaction save. A big stop towards the end of the opening frame. Just less then two minutes later Mitch Deelstra with his second opportunity of the period couldn't solve Max Palaga as the AV Bulldogs slowly started to get the forecheck going and get some offensive zone time for the first time in the hockey game. Shortly after Vernon would get a late powerplay, their third of the period. Just fourteen seconds into the man advantage, Jack Judson's point shot would be redirected on it's way to the goal by Connor Marritt, giving Vernon a 1-0 lead at 16:36 Judson and Jagger Williamson collected the helpers. This was a huge goal as it was all Snakes but the Vipers had yet to score until now. Inside the final minute Alex Swetlikoff lead an odd man rush, setup Elan Bar-Lev-Wise on a two on one. Bar-Lev-Wise couldn't beat Cole Demers in close. Demers keeping his hockey club in the game at this point. It was 1-0 Vernon after 20 minutes of play. For a second straight game, the Vipers were all over the visiting team and dominated most of the opening frame. Vernon with a ton of quality chances through out the 1st period only managed to get one past Cole Demers who was solid, keeping his team in the game. The Snakes were by far the better of the two teams, outskated, outworked and outplayed the Bulldogs for most of the 1st. Elan Bar-Lev-Wise had several looks-quality chances couldn't find the back of the net. AV would eventually get their forecheck going towards the end of the period and finally get some zone time in the final five or six minutes. The Dogs were very lucky to only be down a goal heading into the 2nd period. Vernon outshot Alberni Valley 13-5.

2nd Period: Just over two minutes in Vernon product Coleton Bilodeau would try and get behind the Alberni Valley Bulldogs defence would be hooked-tugged at would send Vernon to an early powerplay. The Snakes with several looks-chances had lots of pressure had a flurry of chances in and around the goal, weren't getting the bounces or puck as the Dogs killed off the minor. Just over a minute into the powerplay, AV would take another penalty, sending Vernon to a lengthy five on three. The Vipers had their chances, couldn't capitalize with the man advantage. Shortly after the penalty expired, the Bulldogs would get their first look with the man advantage. On the PP Alberni Valley would get their first shot of the period. The Bulldogs needed just over seven minutes to record their first shot. The Vipers would go down two bodies after Jesse Lansdell went knee on knee with Marcus Walter. Walter went down and didn't get up until being helped off the ice with a trainer. Walter in a lot of pain, wasn't putting much pressure on his right leg, needed backup goaltender John Hawthorne to help him down the tunnel and into the dressing room. Walter didn't return to the hockey game. AV would get a lengthy two man advantage and capitalize. Just before the first penalty expired, some nice passing down low put the Bulldogs on the board. Ryan Miotto spotted a wide open Jackson Doucet at the doorstep, tying the game 1-1 at 8:22 Miotto & Darren Rizzolo drew the assists. Alberni Valley still on the PP went back to work but couldn't take the lead as Vernon killed off the remainder of the minor. Just as the penalty expired the Vipers would jump on the powerplay and capitalize. Just eighteen seconds into the man advantage Mitch Andres's shot looked to be stopped in front before former Chilliwack Chiefs forward Jesse Lansdell from his knees put home the rebound, giving Vernon a 2-1 lead at 9:44 Andres & Jagger Williamson picked up the assists. Just seventeen seconds later Ben Helgeson on an odd man rush, was stopped by Alberni Valley Bulldogs goaltender Cole Demers before Alex Swetlikoff going hard to the goal, put home the rebound, giving Vernon a 3-1 lead at 10:01 Helgeson and Elan Bar-Lev-Wise drew the assists. This was a huge blow to the AV Bulldogs who had just tied the game minutes prior were now down two goals. Minutes later the Dogs would jump on the powerplay and get two quality opportunities. Evan Googins would be stoned in front after a big stop by Vernon Vipers starting goaltender Max Palaga. Googins would get another chance towards the end of the PP but Carver Watson with a good stick made a strong defensive play to just lift the stick of Googins before shooting towards the open cage, couldn't get enough on his shot missed the open goal as the Bulldogs come very close to getting within a goal as Vernon killed off the penalty. Seconds after the penalty expired, the Snakes would jump on a late powerplay. Vernon with back to back powerplay's to end the middle frame, couldn't put the Bulldogs away. The Vipers with some good looks, had several flurries in and around the net, couldn't catch a break as Alberni Valley with some puck luck, managed to kill off both minors to stay within two goals. It was 3-1 Vernon after 40 minutes of play. For a second period the Snakes carried the better of the play, had more puck possession but didn't get as quality of chances this period as they did in the opening frame. I thought the Vipers had a ton of flurries in and around the Bulldogs goal but didn't get any puck luck. Give credit to Cole Demers who was once again very solid between the pipes, keeping AV in the hockey game. The Dogs did play a little better in the second period, managed to get some zone time and get a few looks-chances but not enough. The turning point was probably minutes after the Bulldogs tied the game, the Snakes stormed back with two quick back to back goals just minutes later. This was a backbreaker for Alberni Valley. Vernon outshot Alberni Valley 19-9.

3rd Period: Just over two minutes into the final frame a shot from the point forced former West Kelowna Warriors goaltender Cole Demers into making a tough save off a goal mouth scramble at the top of the crease. Shortly after tempers heated up in a hurry after Viper captain Jagger Williamson was hit hard along the side wall, as several Vipers went to his aid, went after the Bulldogs player that dished out the hit. Some pushing and shoving before Alberni Valley would get an early PP. The Vipers would kill off the penalty. Vernon looked to be sitting back on a two goal lead, looked to take their foot off the gas. The Snakes would hit centre and just dump the puck in deep for most of the first half of the 3rd. Just before the halfway mark, Ryan Miotto with a quality chance in front, couldn't beat Max Palaga on a great opportunity. About a minute and a half later the Vipers worked the puck back to Jack Judson who wired a shot from the backend that just whistled high and over the net. About a minute later Jesse Lansdell alone in the high slot shot high and over the goal. Vernon couldn't seem to hit the net at times, had some very good looks this period but couldn't hit the net. Minutes past the halfway mark the Dogs would get a man advantage but unable to get within a goal. The Vipers went back to the attack in the second half. The Bulldogs would get Cole Demers to the bench with about 2:21 remaining. With a scrum along the side wall former Vipers d-man Darren Rizzolo tripped up a Viper forward digging for the loose puck, before dishing out a crosscheck. Tempers boiled over and everyone started swinging in a mini scrum deep in the Bulldogs zone. Vernon not happy with the play from Rizzolo as the former Viper would be the only player making his way to the sin bin. On the following shift Ryan Miotto with a check to the head on Trey Taylor caused another scrum as Alberni Valley playing with a bit of a chip on their shoulders in the final minutes. Miotto would be tossed from the contest, while Connor Marritt would also be ejected from the period. With the Snakes still on the powerplay and Cole Demers still on the bench, Jagger Williamson hit the open cage giving Vernon a 4-1 lead at 18:56 Alex Swetlikoff & Jesse Lansdell picked up the assists as fans slowly started making their way to the exits. The Bulldogs continued to lay out some questionable hits inside the final minute before Evan Googins was given four minutes for spearing as AV lost their cool and let their emotions take over with the game out of reach. On the PP Coleton Bilodeau with a snipe top shelf beat Cole Demers late giving Vernon a 5-1 lead at 19:43 Teddy Wooding and Michael Young collected the helpers. The Vipers would come away with the 5-1 victory. The Snakes took their foot off the gas to start the 3rd and played dump and chase for most of the first half until going back on the attack in the second half. This was a back and fourth kind of period with not one team really taking full control until Vernon took over towards the end of the period. With the Vipers sitting on a two goal lead, the Bulldogs had a few looks and one or two real solid chances but didn't really generate or create much for offense in the 3rd period. Only down two goals and the goaltender pulled for the extra attacker, Alberni Valley lost their cool and let their emotions take over, took several undisciplined penalties along with some questionable hits all in the final two-three minutes of the period, were very chippy to finish the game. The Dogs running around laying the lumber on several Vipers showed no class in the final minutes. Give credit to the Snakes who played disciplined and only fought back when needed. Shots were even 9-9.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

The line of Connor Marritt (1 goal), Jagger Williamson (1 goal & 2 assists) & Jesse Lansdell (1 goal & 1 assist) Played very well through out the hockey game. I thought Marritt used his speed and skill, to find open ice, created/generated some chances while Lansdell was physical, was strong on the forecheck, played with some grit, was going to the net. Williamson with three points took at least two big hits, played hard through out the night.

Kjell Kjemhus didn't put up any points, get any scoring chances, does a lot of the little things most fans don't notice. I really like Kjemhus and think this was a huge addition to the lineup. This kid plays with grit, never stops battling, always in and around the goal, battling for position at the top of the crease, strong in on the forecheck, digging for pucks, competes hard. Had a strong game down low and along the wall. Forced several turnovers, won puck battles and gets his opponents off their game.

Alex Swetlikoff (1 goal & 1 assist) Had a strong night. Really opens up the ice with his speed and skill. A very smooth skater, reads/sees the ice well. Creates/generates opportunities. Played very well this evening.

Trey Taylor I thought played very well on the Viper defence. Looked and played with confidence.

Coleton Bilodeau (1 goal) Had his second straight solid night. Here's a kid who I thought needed to give and show more at the start of the season. A second year forward returning from last year, needed to step up and improve his play. Needed to be counted on for some leadership, offence and physicality. I have really noticed a much different hockey player the last three games. Had some looks-chances tonight, played very well. Was hard on pucks, strong on the forecheck and was going hard to the net.

Elan Bar-Lev-Wise (1 assist) Must have had at least four quality chances alone in the 1st period. Played with a lot of jump/energy, had a strong game.

Max Palaga (22 saves) Playing back to back games for the first time this season, didn't see a lot of rubber, wasn't tested much but made the saves when called apon. I really like this kid, he's quick on his feet, plays with confidence and sees/fights the puck well. Made a few big stops tonight when the game/score was still close.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

For a second straight game the Vipers looked very good. Just like Wednesday's win over Trail the Snakes created/generated a ton of chances, outplayed the Bulldogs for most of night. Vernon was the better of the two clubs and carried most of the play, had a ton more puck possession and created/generated a ton more opportunities. For a second straight game I thought the Vipers played with a ton of jump/energy, were skating well, moving the puck, played disciplined most of the night. Give credit to the Snakes for not letting their emptions take over towards the end of the game when the Bulldogs were losing their emotions-laying out some questionable hits. I liked Vernon's compete level and consistency. Vernon is looking and playing with more confidence their last two games and look like a different team then just over a week ago. The Vipers went 3-11 with the man advantage but I still thought Vernon's powerplay was dangerous. The Vipers had a ton of pressure, good looks and chances didn't get any bounces in and around the net. For a second straight game the Vipers played very close to sixty minutes. If it wasn't for Cole Demers the Vipers could have easily had another three or four goals for sure. Defenceman Tyler Ludwar made his Vipers debut tonight. For just the second time this season Vernon wins back to back games and beats a team from outside the Interior division. The Vipers now hit the road for a three game road trip. Vernon will be in Alberni Valley next weekend, I wonder if will see any fireworks from what happened towards the end of tonight's game. With the win Vernon improves to 6-5-3-0 sit last in the Interior Division are tied in points with Salmon Arm. The Snakes have won three of their last five and lost six of their last ten games. The Vipers with a quick turn around will play tomorrow afternoon in Salmon Arm.

Top Player's: (Alberni Valley)

Mitch Deelstra had two very good chances in the 1st period, played well in the opening period but I didn't really notice him much in the last two periods.

Aaron Bohlinger I thought played a very strong game on the Bulldogs blueline. Was joining the rush, carried the play often, looked confident.

Ryan Miotto (1 assist) Was one of the more dangerous AV forwards. Had a good look-opportunity in the 3rd was looking for his chances.

Cole Demers (36 saves) Facing his former team, playing for his third team made 36 saves tried keeping his team in the game for as long as he could. Not the biggest goaltender but played very very well between the pipes this evening. Turned aside twelve of thirteen shots in the opening frame, before facing nineteen Vernon shots in the 2nd period. Made several big stops-saves in close keeping the game close. If it wasn't for Demers, the game would have been over after the first twenty minutes.

Game Thought's: (Alberni Valley)

The Bulldogs wearing their third set jerseys, relied heavily on their goaltender, were outplayed, outskated and outworked most of the contest. AV was only really ever in this game because of Cole Demers. The Dogs were very lucky to only be down a goal heading into the middle frame. The turning point-backbreaker was giving up two quick back to back goals just seventeen seconds apart in the 2nd period, just minutes before tying the game on the powerplay. Alberni Valley had trouble's getting pucks to the net, didn't create/or generate much for offense saw a lot of time in their own end. The Bulldogs didn't have much puck possession, only managed a small amount of quality chances. Alberni Valley played a lot of the game on the penalty kill. Took way too many penalties. If you give any team eleven powerplay's you don't have much of a chance to win the hockey game. With the goaltender pulled and only down two goals, for whatever reason the Dogs couldn't control their emotions took some very undisciplined penalties towards the end of the hockey game, then started gooning it up in the final minute. Im not sure if they were trying to set the tone for next weekends re-match in Alberni Valley but didn't show much class late in the game. With the loss Alberni Valley falls to 5-9-1-0 sit 4th in the Island Division. AV has lost three straight has lost seven of their last ten games. The Bulldogs last win in Vernon was a 4-3 victory on December 8th 2012.



Landon Fuller (Suspended)
Josh Latta
Logan Chas (Injured)
Sebastian Streu (Injured)

Alberni Valley:

Nicholas Seitz
Ben Raffler
Julian Benner

Energy Player of the Game:

Connor Marritt (1 goal)

Three Star's:

1st Star: Jagger Williamson (1 goal & 2 assists)
2nd Star: Jesse Lansdell (1 goal & 1 assist)
3rd Star: Alex Swetlikoff (1 goal & 1 assist)

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Evan Hammond's Alberni Valley Bulldogs Blog,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

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