Saturday, October 6, 2018

Penticton 3 Vernon 0

I have had season tickets for 29 years and been following junior hockey in Vernon for over thirty five years. I haven't missed a Vipers home game in nine years and only missed three home games since the 1998-99 season. For anyone who couldn't attend or watch tonight's Vipers game, here are my thought's and view's from tonight's game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own view and opinion on the game. This is my opinion and thought's on how I saw tonight's game. I try to be unbiased and give a fare recap from both sides. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Vees game as Penticton defeated Vernon 3-0 in front of 2,948 fans at the South Okanagan Events Centre.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Max Palaga
Penticton: Jack LaFontaine

1st Period: Both teams looked to be feeling one another out early in the opening few minutes. The play seemed to go back and fourth with no real opportunities at either end of the rink. About five minutes in Kenny Johnson's shot from the point was stopped by former Kamloops Blazers goaltender Max Palaga before former Trail Smoke Eater Andre Ghantous was denied on the rebound. A great look-opportunity for Penticton to open the scoring. On the following play the Vees would get the games first powerplay. Penticton couldn't muster much with the man advantage as the Vipers killed off the minor. Just before the halfway mark a long dump in, fooled Max Palaga who come way out of his crease to stop the puck, but the puck hit the glass before coming back out into play, luckily a Viper defender was there to quickly scoop up the loose puck. Penticton was outshooting Vernon 5-0 at this point. On the following play the Vees would head back to the powerplay. Penticton with some good looks and chances couldn't convert with the man advantage. Shorthanded the Vipers had an odd man rush, couldn't connect on a pass. The Snakes would kill off the penalty. Just as the minor expired the Vipers turned over the puck inside the hashmarks, allowing former NHLer Scott Niedermayer's son Jackson to fire a quick shot from in close, couldn't beat Max Palaga. Shortly after Andre Ghantous on a quality chance was denied by Max Palaga. With about five minutes left, Palafa flashed the leather making a quick glove save, keeping the Vipers in the contest. Penticton kept coming and come in waves, with a ton of pressure had the Snakes running in circles, had a few goal mouth scrambles in tight, couldn't capitalize on their chances. The Vipers would record their first shot of the night with 3:37 remaining. On the following play Jack Barnes would open the scoring, giving Penticton a 1-0 lead at 17:51 Eric Linell & Jack Lagerstrom collected the assists. On a delayed penalty the Vees once again had the Vipers hemmed inside their own end, were moving the puck, had some good looks while Vernon had trouble touching the puck. The Vipers would eventually touch the puck, sending Penticton to a late powerplay. The Vees had some looks and close chances ran out of time before the buzzer. With a scrum at the buzzer the Vees come out of the period with a powerplay to end the opening frame. It was 1-0 Penticton after 20 minutes of play. I thought the Snakes held their own for the first five minutes before the Vees slowly took over the play and period. It was all Penticton as the Vees had some good looks and quality chances, only managed to score once. The Snakes had troubles getting any kind of puck possession and then when they did, had troubles getting pucks to the net-getting any offensive zone time. Vernon needed seventeen and a half minutes to get their first shot of the game. Max Palaga was very good in goal for Vernon. Penticton outshot Vernon 14-1.

2nd Period: The Vees started the middle frame with a two man advantage. Just twelve seconds into the 2nd Ryan Sandelin beat Vipers starting goaltender Max Palaga short side, giving Penticton a 2-0 lead at 0:12 David Silye and James Miller drew the helpers. With the Vees still on the man advantage had some good looks but couldn't capitalize. Vernon would kill off the remainder of the minor. About three and a half minutes in, the Vipers would get their first look with the powerplay. The Snakes would record two shots while Ben Helgeson missed the net from in close as Penticton would kill off the penalty. Minutes later the Vees would jump on the PP but again couldn't make the Vipers pay. Just as the penalty expired Cole Sheppard with a nice individual effort tried setting up a player going to the goal, couldn't connect on the pass. About a minute or so later Penticton would head back to the powerplay, with some good looks again the Vees couldn't convert with the man advantage. The Vipers penalty kill was keeping them in the game. Minutes later the Snakes would get just their second powerplay of the night. The Vipers struggled offensively as the Vees killed off the minor. Late in the frame Alex Swetlikoff with some hard work behind the Vees goal, setup captain Jagger Williamson in front. Williamson looked to beat Vees starting goaltender Jack LaFontaine but looked to hit the base of the post on a close call with about 1:20 remaining in the period. It was 2-0 Penticton after 40 minutes of play. I thought the Vipers looked a little better, finally had some time in the offensive zone but couldn't generate or create any kind of offensive chances. The Vees had the better of the play, for a second straight period had several good looks-opportunities, only managed one goal. Penticton played very well defensively and in their own end. Kept Vernon to the outside, limited their time and space. Jack LaFontaine only saw four shots after two periods. Penticton outshot Vernon 12-3.

3rd Period: Just 1:30 into the final period, Landon Fuller with a controversial hit sent him to the penalty box for charging as Penticton would get an early powerplay. Fuller laid out Drew Elser behind the net. Elser left the game and didn't return. The Vipers with a good PK would kill off the minor. The Vipers seemed to respond and come back with several strong shifts, were getting some pucks to the net but no real quality scoring chances. Elan Bar-Lev-Wise would go in for the parcial breakaway, but get denied by Jack LaFontaine before crashing into the Vees goaltender. A scrum occurred on the play as tempers heated up. Both teams didn't really generate much for opportunities but it was Vernon who had a slight edge in play. On a bit of a strange play, Jack Judson skated by a Penticton player who went down and slid across the ice as the play continued. Once the whistle blew to stop play, with the crowd upset, the referee's and linesmen gathered in front of the penalty box. The game continued with no penalty on the play. I didn't see what happened, other then the Penticton player falling to the ice. Just before the midway mark the Snakes would get just their third powerplay of the evening but struggled to get much of anything going. A very good defensive penalty kill by Penticton as the Vees killed off the minor. Shortly after Landon Fuller with another controversial hit just outside the Viper bench. Jack Barnes went hard into the boards, was lying on the ice motionless as the play continued up ice before a whistle. Barnes wasn't moving, was bleeding and needed attention from the trainer. Lots of chirping going on between both benches, while players on the ice were also exchanging words. Barnes was very woozy getting to his feet, needed help off the ice, as he could barely stand on his own two feet. The referee and linesmen gathered in front of the penalty box. With no call on the play, Fuller and the Vipers were mixing it up in front of the Vees bench. Lots of pushing and shoving, players exchanging words before Fuller took a swing at someone before being sent to the penalty box. The Vipers would lose Fuller for most of the remainder of the period after picking up a ten minute misconduct. A loud cheer from the crowd as Fuller made his way to the sin bin. The Snakes showing frustration took a few late hits/shots towards a few Penticton players. Minutes later the Vipers with a solid hit along the boards on one Penticton player, before Jack Judson finished his check on the same player that looked to be falling to the ice after the first hit. Judson looked to catch the Penticton player in the head, along the boards, sending Judson to the sin bin and the Vees to the powerplay. On the man advantage, James Miller ripped a shot from the point that beat Max Palaga giving Penticton a 3-0 lead at 15:15 Jack Lagerstrom & David Silye picked up the assists. This goal basically put the game away. With just over three minutes remaining, Ryan Sandelin got in behind the Vernon defence couldn't solve Max Palaga in close on a big save at the top of the blue paint by the Viper netminder. Inside the dying seconds a scrum broke loose down at the other end of the rink. Newly acquired Kjell Kjemhus was mixing it up with Jack LaFontaine and Mason Snell. Kjemhus was giving the facewash to the Vees goaltender as all three were engaged in the altercation all with just six seconds left in the contest. Both Snell and Kjemhus were tossed from the game. One more faceoff with no altercations at the buzzer as Penticton comes away with the 3-0 victory. The Vipers carried the better of the play for most of the 3rd didn't really generate or create any real quality chances. The Snakes may have had more puck possession but struggled offensively. The Vees went at least eight or nine minutes without a shot on goal, didn't have much time with the puck, didn't create or really generate much for chances other then a few. Penticton saw a lot of action in their own end, played very well defensively. Penticton held the Snakes to the outside, blocked a lot of shots, didn't let the Vipers get to the front of the net or anywhere near Jack LaFontaine. A very chippy 3rd period as tempers heated up somewhat after three controversial hits by the Vipers. Both benches exchanged words while several scrums-altercations took place on the ice through out most of the frame. Vernon outshot Penticton 9-7.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

Alex Swetlikoff I thought was the Vipers best forward/player in the loss. The second year Viper played with a lot of hustle, had some energy and tried getting some kind of offence going.

Max Palaga (30 saves) Making his Vipers debut after coming over from the Kamloops Blazers September 25th Gave his team a chance to win. Palaga played very well in the loss, was quick on his feet, made some big saves through out the contest.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

The Vipers struggled offensively all night. Vernon needed just over seventeen minutes to record their first shot of the 1st period, were outplayed in the opening frame. Max Palaga made some big stops or this could have been a much more lopsided score. I thought the Snakes played a little better in the middle frame but again struggled offensively. With just three shots in the 2nd period Vernon was having troubles getting pucks to the net and creating/and or creating chances. Your not going to win hockey games with just thirteen shots on goal. One thing I have noticed so far this year, the Vipers take way too many penalties. Vernon with eleven penalties tonight, five in the 1st period. The Snakes go 0-3 with the man advantage. Once again specialty teams is a difference. I thought the Vipers got a little better as the game went on but this team is having troubles scoring goals. The Snakes with no offensive weapons are goal challenged. The Vipers have only scored four goals in a game, once this season. The Snakes have scored three or less goals in a game in six straight games. Vernon has only scored five goals in their last four games. The Vipers were kept to the outside and along the wall most of the night. The Vipers made life easy for Jack LaFontaine. The Vipers need to try and get traffic to the net, go to the grey area and fight for your space and pucks. I thought the Viper penalty kill was pretty good, given the amount of penalties they were forced to kill off. So far this season the Vipers recruits have been inconsistent and it showed again tonight. Where are the Viper veterans? These are the guys that need to step up. Jesse Lansdell returned to the lineup after serving his four game suspension. Kjell Kjemhus made his Vipers debut tonight and other then his scrum-altercation in the dying seconds, I never noticed him once tonight. Vernon needs to be much better tomorrow night. The Vipers have just one win in their last six games are struggling. Heading into the preseason I thought this team looked good but now I have to wonder. Will we see more changes? With the loss Vernon falls to 3-4-2-0 sit last in the Interior Division.

Top Player's: (Penticton)

Kenny Johnson I thought played very well on the blueline.

Cole Sheppard Isn't the biggest kid but plays hard, can skate, move the puck and played well in the win tonight.

Andre Ghantous I thought was one of if not the Vees best player. Recently acquired in a trade with the Alberni Valley Bulldogs, looked strong all night. Was creating/and generating chances, moving the puck, was hard to defend against/play against.

Ryan Sandelin (1 goal) Looked good, scoring once, had his chances in and around the goal.

Jack Barnes (1 goal) Opened the scoring for the Vees, Was one of the better forwards. Made things happen in a hurry, very shifty, gave the Vipers troubles all evening. Had a very strong game until being hit in the 3rd period. Was lying on the ice, not moving, needed help from the trainer, was very woozy getting up, could barely stand on his own two feet. Didn't return to the hockey game.

James Miller (1 goal & 1 assist) Was another d-man that looked/played very well on the backend. Has a quick shot, played well at both ends of the rink.

Jack Lagerstrom (2 assists) Played very well on the Vees blueline. Was involved in the play, played well at both ends of the rink.

Game Thought's: (Penticton)

It took both teams about the first three or four minutes to feel each other out before the Penticton Vees slowly pulled away. Penticton was by far the better of the two teams in the 1st were all over Vernon but only managed one goal. The Vees with a ton of good looks-quality chances in the 1st and 2nd periods only managed two goals after the first two periods. With a two goal lead heading into the 3rd it was the Vipers who carried the better of the play but it was Penticton's defence that was solid all night. The Vees defence shutdown Vernon's offence, limiting the Vipers time and space, keeping the Snakes to the outside/along the wall. The Vipers had all kinds of trouble getting pucks and traffic to the net. Jack LaFontaine made thirteen saves for the win-shutout, had a fairly easy night in goal, wasn't tested much through out the game. I thought the Vees were the better of the two teams, can skate, move the puck up ice in a hurry and created/generated several good looks/quality chances. Penticton like we have seen in past years, plays disciplined hockey. It will be interesting to see if any of the controversial hits from tonight will have any effect in tomorrow's game in Vernon? I thought with the Vipers in town, I was expecting a much bigger crowd. Only saw three other Viper fans at the game, was expecting much more. Tonight was just the Vees second home game of the season. With the win the Vees move to 5-3 and sit 3rd in the division are two points back of 1st place Merritt. I have only missed one Vipers game in Penticton since the 2008-09 season. Next time your at a Vees game, try one of their hamburgers. The best!



Brendan Kim
Trey Taylor


Massimo Rizzo
Cassidy Bowes

Energy Player of the Game:

Mason Snell

Three Star's:

1st Star: Ryan Sandelin (1 goal)
2nd Star: Jack LaFontaine (13 saves-Shutout)
3rd Star: Cole Sheppard

Boxscore-Game Summary,

Game Report,

Text Boxscore,

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