Friday, October 21, 2016

Trail 4 Vernon 3

For anyone who could not attend or watch tonight’s Vipers game here are my thoughts and views from tonight’s game. You may agree or disagree but we all have our own view and opinion on any game we watch. This is my opinion and my thoughts on how I saw tonight’s game. I try to be unbiased and give a fare recap on both sides. Thanks for stopping by & visiting my blog.

I was at tonight's Vipers-Smoke Eaters game as Trail defeated Vernon 4-3 in front of 1,837 fans at Kal Tire Place.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Cole Demers
Trail: Linden Marshall

1st Period: The Vipers would get an early powerplay just fourty three seconds into the opening period. Vernon with two good quality chances couldn't capitalize with the man advantage. Shane Kelly stepped into a hard shot from the point that just missed the far corner about halfway through the PP before Christian Cakebread at the end of the powerplay couldn't beat Linden Marshall down low in the dying seconds as Trail would kill off the minor. A few shifts later Kale Howarth lead a Smokies two on one attack but missed the net. A few shifts-plays later the Vipers would open the scoring, Jimmy Lambert ripped a low shot along the ice that beat Linden Marshall giving
Vernon a 1-0 lead at 5:22 Michael Ufberg and Brett Stapley collected the helpers. The Vipers with good pressure early carried the better of the play had a 6-2 lead in shots at this point. Just past the halfway the Smoke Eaters would get their first look with the powerplay. Troy Ring with a great look at the open cage hit a body in front couldn't tie the game as Vernon would kill off the penalty. A few plays later Spencer McLean with a parcial breakaway couldn't handle the puck before losing it in close on a missed opportunity by Trail. Shortly after captain Riley Brandt surprised most fans in the seats after beating Linden Marshall from a weird angle even looked to fool the referee and goal judge went high and beat Marshall from an impossible angle that somehow found its way into the back of the net, giving Vernon a 2-0 lead at 14:14 Brandt and the Vipers celebrated as the play continued before the referee's stopped play. Both referee's gathered in front of the penalty box to talk about the play-goal. In the mean time the goal light didn't come on after Brandt's shot-goal while the goal judge was shaking his head behind the goal as if to say the puck didn't go in. After a short discussion the referee called the goal on the ice a goal. Brandt would get credited with the goal at 14:14 with Sol Seibel & Jesse Lansdell picking up the assists. Shortly after Kale Halwarth and Luke Santerno broke out on a two on one rush, Howarth tried setting up Santerno who couldn't handle the pass on a missed chance in front. The Smoke Eaters stayed with the play-puck before Howarth and Santerno would both get grade a chances in front both denied by Cole Demers before former Salmon Arm Silverbacks forward Josh Laframboise on a third attempt was stopped in close as Trail with three solid chances couldn't beat Demers who stood tall between the pipes for Vernon. Trail playing much better in the second half, was now the better of the two teams and carrying a lot of the play. The Vipers responded late getting some pressure in the offensive zone. Jimmy Lambert with a great chance couldn't give the Vipers a three goal lead was stopped by Linden Marshall. It was 2-0 Vernon after 20 minutes of play. The Vipers got off to a good start, opened the scoring just over five minutes into the period carried the better of the play and were the better of the two clubs in the first half. Trail even though down 2-0 battled back and played much better in the second half, carried the play and were the better team in the final ten minutes. Vernon outshot Trail 14-13.

2nd Period: Vernon would jump on an early powerplay just twenty eight seconds into the middle frame. But it was the Smokies penalty kill that went to work. Trail was outshooting Vernon 2-0 on the penalty kill didn't give up any real good chances were able to easily kill off the minor. The Vipers carried the play early on but were a one man team, were getting stopped at the Smoke Eaters blueline every time. The Vipers tried doing it all themselves were stood up at the line. The Smoke Eaters defence was solid, shutting down Vernon's offence early and often. Trail did a great job at clogging up the neutral zone limiting the Vipers time and space. It didn't take long before Trail changed the momentum of the game and took over full control. The Smokies would get an early powerplay and capitalize. Josh Laframboise with a clean draw setup Ross Armour whos shot was redirected in front by Kale Howarth cutting the Vernon lead to 2-1 at 5:02 Armour and Laframboise with the helpers. The Smokies kept coming were skating circles around the Vipers who were standing still. Trail with lots of jump-energy was by far the better team and it showed. The Vipers quit skating, were basically standing around watching the Smoke Eaters make plays. Trail who carried the majority of the play, had troubles generating any real good chances. Vernon on the other hand was having all kinds of trouble getting into the offensive zone, were taking most of their shots from well outside the zone. Smoke Eaters starting goaltender Linden Marshall was seeing everything with no traffic in front. The Vipers one and only real quality chance come just past the midway mark off the stick of Ryan Brushett who went high after a quick shot from the circle that was either stopped by the shaft of Marshalls goal stick or just missed the far corner. Shortly after Kevin Chernenkoff's shot from an almost impossible angle beat Cole Demers high tied the game 2-2 at 12:31 on a goal Demers would like to have back. Luke Santerno with the lone assist. A few plays later Demers made a big pad save off a shot from in close couldn't control the rebound before stopping Kale Howarth on the second opportunity. The Smoke Eaters would eventually take their first lead of the night after a goal mouth scramble. Josh Laframboise was able to bang home the loose puck with a ton of traffic in and around the Viper crease gave Trail a 3-2 lead at 16:59 Luke Santerno with the helper. Vernon's defence didn't help out Cole Demers basically stood around allowed the Smokies several attempts at the loose puck before finding the back of the net. It was 3-2 Trail after 40 minutes of play. Brett Stapley's older brother Mitchell Stapley missed a few shifts after being looked at by the team trainer. Stapley was having his arm-elbow taped up during the game but stayed in the game. Connor Brown-Maloski took a big hit near centre ice was very slow to get up, couldn't put any weight on one leg, was helped down to the dressing room and didn't return. It was all Trail for most of the 2nd period as the Smoke Eaters dominated the play. Trail playing with a lot of jump-energy were skating, using their speed, outplayed and outworked Vernon this period. The Smokies didn't generate a lot for offensive chances, scored on their opportunities. The Vipers fell asleep and forgot to show up in the 2nd period were not very good. Vernon quit skating, were standing around, not playing as a team, were doing a lot of individual plays. The Vipers struggled offensively couldn't get through the neutral zone, were being stood up at the Trail blueline. Vernon with very little opportunities were shooting from well outside the zone. The Vipers blew a two goal lead now down a goal going into the 3rd. Vernon outshot Trail 20-15. There is no way the Vipers registered twenty shots on goal that period.

3rd Period: Inside the opening minute former Chilliwack Chiefs forward Jesse Lansdell with a great opportunity in front, couldn't connect on the loose puck in front of the Smokies goal, missing on a quality chance in front. A few plays later Kale Howarth with a great chance in close couldn't beat Cole Demers who extended his body to make a huge save keeping this a one goal game. The Vipers really stepped up their play and intensity come the 3rd come out flying. Vernon with several good looks-opportunities in and around the net couldn't get a bounce or break for the puck to go in. Either missing the net, having the shot blocked or Linden Marshall making the save. Jagger Williamson with a good look in front couldn't get enough on his shot, stuck with the play as the Vipers poured on the pressure. Chris Jandric's point shot would hit someone or something on its way to the net before going in and off Williamson in front tying the game 3-3 at 4:06 Jandric and Michael Ufberg drew the assists. Just 1:09 later Steven Jandric on a wrap around looked to give Vernon a 4-3 lead as the Vipers celebrated. But just like the Vipers second goal the referee's gathered near the penalty box before saying the puck didn't go into the goal, calling off the goal. The goal light was even turned on but it would stay tied 3-3. On the following shift Kale Howarth beat Judson Jack along the wall before roofing his shot past Cole Demers giving Trail a 4-3 lead at 5:21 This was another goal I think Demers would like to have back. Howarth's goal was unassisted. Jack the "AP" didn't see a shift after the goal for the remainder of the night. You think this goal would change the tides and the momentum would shift Trail's way. Well it didn't. Vernon responded with another strong forecheck, once again pouring on the pressure. Once again the Vipers with several good looks-chances in close, couldn't burry their opportunities. Vernon would get a powerplay at the halfway mark. The Vipers with atleast three or four quality chances couldn't beat Linden Marshall who was solid the final twenty minutes come up with some key saves. The Vipers with a strong powerplay, had their chances couldn't convert as the Smokies excape killed off the penalty. Luke Santerno and Kale Howarth would both get good opportunities couldn't give Trail a two goal lead. It was basically all Vernon as the Vipers played hard, couldn't find the back of the net. Several missed opportunities in tight as the Smokies were lucky on a few occasions. The Vipers would get Cole Demers to the bench with 1:17 for the extra attacker, couldn't seem to connect on a few plays in close. Trail come very close to sealing the victory just missed the open net at the other end of the rink. Mark Ferner would call a late timeout but the Vipers would run out of time as Trail hung on for the 4-3 win. The Vipers responded with a much better effort and performance come the 3rd stepped up their play, showing a lot of jump-energy couldn't capitalize on several quality chances. Vernon carried most of the play. The Smoke Eaters got some big saves and key blocks at times were a little lucky but hung on for the victory. Trail with a few chances of their own were outplayed most of the period. Vernon outshot Trail 14-10.

Top Player's: (Vernon)

The line of Brett Stapley (1 assist), Jimmy Lambert (1 goal) & Steven Jandric was by far Vernon's best line-unit going tonight. These three played with a ton of jump-energy, were flying all night. Lambert was really going, winning several races to the puck, created-generated chances through out the game. Stapley was in hard along the forecheck, not backing down while Jandric was going to the net often. It looked to me like Jandric's wrap around-non goal went in. Even the goal judge turned on the goal light. Tough break for the Vipers on that play.

Carter Stephenson played very well on the point. Was involved in the play, made some smart plays tonight.

Game Thought's: (Vernon)

I liked the start tonight, thought Vernon played very well in the first half of the opening period, didn't play as well in the second half but overall looked-played well in the 1st period. Just like the game vs Chilliwack Wednesday the Vipers decide to take a period off. The Vipers took the 1st period off vs the Chiefs Wednesday decided not to show up in the 2nd period tonight. Up 2-0 after the first twenty minutes, you think this is where you hit the gas and put Trail away. Your playing at home and facing a team that had to make the long bus ride into town. You have the Smokies right where you want them. Don't give them a sniff. The Vipers give up three goals in the 2nd looked pretty bad. Vernon quit skating, weren't hitting, showed a lot of individual play, didn't play like a team, had troubles getting through the neutral zone and creating-generating chances. The Vipers recorded twenty shots in the 2nd period (I find that hard to believe) but most if not all of those shots were from well outside. Vernon needed to push back with a strong performance in the 3rd but ran out of time. The Vipers cant take a period off and expect to still win the hockey game. Vernon basically handed Trail the win in that 2nd period. This is when and where the Vipers need to put teams away not let them back in the game and then give away the win-two points. If Vernon plays a full sixty minutes like they played in the 3rd this game is over and the Vipers win. The Vipers responded with a much better effort come the 3rd and poured on the pressure, getting a ton of chances couldn't catch a break or burry their opportunities. "AP" Jack Judson struggled almost every shift. Was more of a liability and cost the Vipers the game winning goal in the 3rd. I'm wondering why was he even on the ice in a 3-3 game at this stage of the game? I also thought Cole Demers didn't have one of his sharpest games tonight. Seemed to be fighting the puck a few times and would like to have Trails 2nd and 4th goals back. Why does newcomer Jesse Lansdell still missing his name bar on the back of his jersey? He was traded to Vernon last Saturday, giving the team a whole week to get his name on his jersey. All the other newcomers from this week have their names on their jerseys. Hmmm...  This team has been very inconsistent as of late and cant seem to play sixty minutes. Vernon has yet to put together a strong of wins-strong performances this year. This weekend is a big weekend for the Vipers who travel to Trail tomorrow are just a single point up on the Smokies for 3rd in the Division. The Vipers need to come ready to play for all three periods.

Top Player's: (Trail)

Luke Santerno (2 assists) Played with a lot of energy, was always involved in the play. Going to the net, was creating-generating opportunities through out the contest.

Kale Howarth (2 goals) Was by far the Smoke Eaters best player tonight. Played with a lot of jump-energy was flying all night. Was dangerous with and without the puck, always on the attack, lead the attack for Trail tonight.

Spencer McLean played well up front for the Smokies.

Josh Laframboise (1 goal & 1 assist) The former Salmon Arm Silverback picked up two points in the win, had a strong game. Was another kid who was going to the net, battled in and around the goal, played hard through out the game.

Linden Marshall (45 saves) Wasn't tested often in the first two periods saw most of his action come the final frame. Marshall made several key-big saves giving his team a chance to win. Was very solid on the penalty kill making some big stops on the Vipers lone powerplay of the 3rd period. 

Game Thought's: (Trail)

Give full props to the Trail Smoke Eaters who improve to 500 with the victory tonight. The Smokies facing Vernon for the first time, give the Vipers a good run. I didn't think the Smoke Eaters got off to a good start but improved as the opening frame got going. Trail played-looked much better in the 2nd half of the 1st period, played their best in the 2nd taking it too the Vipers. The Smokies with a ton of pressure in the middle frame come all the way back from down 2-0 to heading into the 3rd with the lead. The Smoke Eaters give up an early goal to start the 3rd then look to fall behind on a non goal call a minute later, respond with a quick goal of their own just seconds later, hold onto win a hard fought game. Give credit to the Smokies defence who were very solid in the 2nd and 3rd periods. Trail's defence did a great job at clogging up the neutral zone in the 2nd period really took away a lot of open ice from the Vipers who struggled offensively. Come the 3rd the Smokies defenders saw a lot of action were hemmed in their own end for most of the period, come up with several big shot blocks as well as strong defensive plays down low. ie tying up a guys stick in front of the net etc. This team has some size this year and can move the puck. Trail has some speed up front and a few kids that look to have some skill. Give this team credit, down 2-0 on the road in a rink they have struggled over the years could have easily folded the tents and took a beating but hung in their, got some timely goals, come back for the victory. Trail has now won five of their last six games and five of nine road games this year. The Smokies get just their ninth win in Vernon since the 2002-03 regular season. Since the 2002-03 regular season Trail is 9-35 in Vernon.



Cooper Watson (Injured)
Derek Osik
Nicholas Rasovic (Injured)
Connor Clouston (Injured)


Tyson Slater
Jeremy Lucchini
Jack Sitzman
Dominic Dumas

Energy Player of the Game:

Jimmy Lambert (1 goal)

Three Star's:

1st Star: Kale Howarth (2 goals)
2nd Star: Michael Ufberg (2 assists)
3rd Star: Linden Marshall (45 saves)

BCHL Boxscore-Game summary,



  1. Your "Game Thought" hit the nail on the head. The "AP" should have been given limited duty, if used at all. He struggled every shift and directly cost Vernon 2 goals. He is clearly not big enough or strong enough yet to compete at the Junior level. Playing him so much & then benching after the winning goal will hurt his confidence going forward. Defensive Coach Kraus must take the heat for this loss as he made very poor decisions. In a "not hitting" game like this rotating five defensemen should have been the choice, for at least the last half of the game. Don't blame the kids for this one.

  2. The 48 shots on goal was very miss leading. Most of the shots the Trail goalie was able to see or were from the outside wall. No traffic in front of the net or an aggressive Ford check t o sleek of. And what was #22 Lansdell doing on the ice in the last minute..a complete waste of a roster spot

  3. The 48 shots on goal was very miss leading. Most of the shots the Trail goalie was able to see or were from the outside wall. No traffic in front of the net or an aggressive Ford check t o sleek of. And what was #22 Lansdell doing on the ice in the last minute..a complete waste of a roster spot
