Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Rob Short Recovers At Home:

This was in my RBC Cup Newsletter e-mail:

RBC CUP 2014 The Excitement Returns!

A publication of the Vernon RBC Cup Host Committee

November 22, 2013 Volume 2, I ssue 5

Rob Short Recovers at Home

After suffering a severe neck injury on October 15 at the Peoria Rivermen training camp, Rob Short is back home looking to put his life back together.

The injury, which at first didn't seem really serious, was revealed to have destroyed disks and caused three fractures in Rob's upper spine. He was taken to hospital where surgeons worked feverishly for 10 hours to repair the damage.

Rob is philosophical about the incident: "I'm just very lucky that I'm not paralyzed. Probably, the extensive muscle tearing helped prevent worse results. I could possibly recover to play again, but I'm not sure that I want to because three vertebrae are now fused and a similar incident could leave me in really bad shape.

Then the Viper fan favourite and the Louisiana Ice Gators fan favourite for the past three years laughs, "when I think about all the head first falls I've taken, it's a wonder this hasn't happened before!"

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