Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vipers Lose Longtime Season Ticket Holder:

I would like to take this time to send my condolences out to the Zaitsoff family.  On Friday afternoon the Vernon Vipers lost another diehard long time Vipers season ticket holder after the passing of Phil Zaitsoff. 

Phil moved to Vernon in 1996 and became a Vipers season ticket holder that season.  Phil and his wife Evy instantly became diehard Viper fans going to every game.  I first had the chance to meet Phil & Evy in the brand new Vernon Multi-Plex in 2001 and we became good friends ever since.  Phil and myself always enjoyed talking hockey especially about the Vipers.  Phil was always asking me questions about hockey and the Vipers.  He also enjoyed telling stories of his famous hunting and fishing trips as well as talking about his hand crafted guns and knives he made.

Phil was always asking me to e-mail him the minute I found out about a trade or new player.  Phil visited my blog daily and always enjoyed reading where former Vipers were playing these days as well about any news regarding the team.     

Since 2001 we would always see each other at the Viper games and even exchange e-mails after the Vipers played on the road talking about the game.  A few years ago Phil got sick and had to miss the entire 2010 Vipers playoff run.  The following season he was back at the rink but then needed hip surgery, wich forced him to miss most of last Vipers season and this season.  It was very hard for him to get around.  He missed going to the games and was missed by everyone at the rink.  Going to the games just wasnt the same without Phil & Evy there. 

Phil you will be truly missed by all especially your friends and hockey buddies at the rink!  Going to the games wont be the same without you!  I will miss our hockey talk and e-mails. 

R.I.P Phil


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