Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Volunteering For The 2014 RBC Cup:

This was in my RBC Cup Newsletter-Email:

Volunteering For the 2014 RBC Cup

A publication of the Vernon RBC Cup Host Committee

June, 6th 2012

Over 250 volunteers in about 30 different task committees are needed to run a successful national tournament like the RBC Cup.

Mike Lane is confident that “lots of qualified, enthusiastic people will volunteer. As soon as people heard of the bid, they were offering their services. Vernon is known for its excellent volunteers.” Betty Klepp, who has volunteered in a variety of capacities for several cultural and sporting events in Vernon, shares Lane’s assessment. “Our only real challenge will be placing the right people in the right roles,” she says. “And potential volunteers have to understand that they may have to put in some less
desirable shifts, so they might not get to see every game they want to see.”

She hastens to add that “there are considerable rewards when you contribute to the success of a largescale community event. You get a real sense of belonging to the community and you meet lots of really good people, too.”

Benefits. In addition to the satisfaction and camaraderie involved in being part of a successfull event, the Volunteer Program offers these benefits:

 Attractive Volunteer Apparel (Jacket and Shirt) Retail Value $150
 Pre‐event Volunteer Rally and Orientation
 Volunteer Lounge access while on shift (a punch card will be issued for beverages and snacks)
 Post‐event Volunteer Appreciation party
 Standing room access to games

Conditions of the Volunteer Rewards Program. In order to ensure that volunteers are indeed committed, the following conditions will be in place:

 Volunteers will pay a $50 Volunteer Rewards package fee, payable to Vernon 2014 Bid / Host Committee Society. This fee will be collected during volunteer registration.
 Volunteers will provide a minimum of 24 hours volunteer time, except for the set-up and takedown crews, who will work the day prior to the event and the day following the event.
 Where appropriate, volunteers will authorize the Host Organizing Committee to perform background checks.
Volunteers will adhere to conditions outlined by the RBC Cup Volunteer Manual.
 Photo identification will be required, where appropriate.

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