Thursday, October 6, 2011

Former Viper Volpatti's Amazing Journey From Third-Degree Burns To Fourth-Line Spot With Canucks:

Here is an article that was in Tuesdays Vancouver Province newspaper. Volpatti played three years in Vernon (2003-2006).

Volpatti’s amazing journey from third-degree burns to fourth-line spot with Canucks

October 4, 2011

Burn marks remain visible amid skin grafts on his right hand, arm and legs. And the mangled skin on his abdomen is a constant reminder of how Aaron Volpatti’s hockey career was put in serious jeopardy.

It’s not the kind of story the Vancouver Canucks fourth-line winger is eager to tell because the chapters include bravado, stupidity, adversity and the resolve to turn the recklessness of youth into the maturity of a purposeful and well-educated NHL player. However, in the summer of 2005 it was more about a wide-eyed kid and his buddies playing with fire during a Vernon Vipers postseason camping trip. Volpatti not only received burns to 35 per cent of his body in the process, the Revelstoke native spent five weeks in hospital and was told that his playing days may have come to an end.

“It was a real eye-opener,” Volpatti recalled Tuesday. “Teenage kids sometimes think they’re invincible and I learned the hard way. I was 19 and we had lost out in the [BCHL] final against Surrey and we went camping as a team and one thing led to another. We were being a little bit stupid and I spilled a little bit of gas on myself and the next thing you know, I got badly burned.

“It’s pretty emotional when you’re told there might not be a chance of playing and I was lucky because somebody was watching over me. I didn’t get any scarring over my joints and my face was burned, but it’s fine.”

Those who know Volpatti will tell you there’s something special about the guy who’s in the final year of a two-year, free-agent contract. The 15 NHL games Volpatti played last season only strengthened his resolve to become a mainstay and not an afterthought when all the preseason hype was about newcomers Steve Pinizzotto, Mike Duco and Mark Mancari plus departed veteran Victor Oreskovich vying to be Maxim Lapierre’s wingers.

Far from brash and boisterous like many fourth-liners, Volpatti punched his ticket to roster prominence with a memorable preseason effort in San Jose on Thursday. It included four hits, four blocked shots and a quick one-sided decision in a bout with Brad Winchester. That wouldn’t have been possible if Volpatti gave up six years ago. Many would have. He didn’t.

“At that point, they said you’re definitely a couple of years away from playing again and if you play again, I may not be able to use my right hand again,” recalled Volpatti. “It was pretty cool to come back that fall. I only played 25 of 60 games just because it was a little too much at times. The burns on my legs were bad enough that I had some muscles issues.”

That’s a Cole’s Notes version of what really occurred. Because of his humble nature, Volpatti doesn’t dwell on the long road he’s travelled from Junior A, to captain at Brown University and lining up with Dale Weise and Lapierre when the Canucks start playing for keeps on Thursday against Pittsburgh at Rogers Arena. The longer version of the tale is one of pain and perseverance because there was nothing ordinary about his long climb back up the career ladder. There were skin grafts and soreness and wearing a pressure suit 24 hours a day to control scarring. And as much as Volpatti has improved his skating, there was a time when he wasn’t even mobile after leaving hospital.

“I couldn’t walk for another month,” added Volpatti. “It was a process and I didn’t get much training in. It’s funny how it worked out. I was in the hospital when I heard from Brown to get my scholarship and I committed to them that November because my goal at the end of that season was to get a scholarship.”

Volpatti majored in human biology at Brown and isn’t sure how he’ll apply that degree in the future, but his offseason focus was power skating to improve a decent stride. In searching for a fourth-line identity, coach Alain Vigneault wants equal parts of ability and aggression.

“I felt like I had a good camp and not only physically — which was pretty obvious in a few situations — but I was comfortable with the puck and I thought I made good decisions,” said Volpatti. “And my skating has improved. I feel a lot quicker and faster.”

Vigneault believes Volpatti’s willingness to bring a physical dimension while working on his game is what has brought the rugged winger to this point. After all, Volpatti didn’t really get noticed until his senior year at Brown and playing pro in some league at some point was always a goal.

“Like any other player, you’ve got to be able to play,” said Vigneault. “Those two or three-minute players, we don’t want them and I don’t think the NHL wants them any more. You’ve got to be able to play in different situations and Aaron is very mature. I see progression and a lot of excitement there for our team.”

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