Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Former Vipers Head Coach, Mark Holick Press Conference:

Lindsay Kramer from was at yesterdays Anaheim press conference, where the Syracuse Crunch introduced former Vernon Vipers head coach & gm Mark Holick to the media.

The Ducks waddle into town with a good first impression

Published: Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lindsay Kramer/The Post-Standard

I have way too much good stuff from this morning's Anaheim press conference to fit into a single story, which is coming later. So here are some outtakes from Tuesday gathering to introduce new Crunch head coach Mark Holick and assistant Mike Stapleton.

For whatever first impressions are worth, and sometimes they are worth very little, Anaheim got it right. I was a little leery at first about the lack of experience in the combination of Holick and Stapleton, neither of whom has ever coached in the pros. But the eyeball portion of the test is over, and both new guys score very high.

Share Holick, 41, is sharp as a dagger, with a piercing look, a strong chin and a presence that says, hey, listen up. I'd hate to be the linesman who blows an offsides call and then stations himself next to the Crunch bench. Or the opponent who cheap-shots a Crunch player. Or a Crunch player who makes a bad turnover.

Stapleton, 44, is out of that classic assistant's mold, a calmer sort whom the players can go to for a softer ear. He is said to be a wit, although he was a little reserved Tuesday.

"I call him the voice of reason right now,'' Holick said. "I tend to get a little excited. I'm sure he's the voice of reason who will calm me down.''

Holick has never played in the NHL. He has that underdog, scrapper's edge to him. Ducks GM Bob Murray said the first thing that caught his eye about Holick was the way he can make teams with less talent play above their heads.

"It's instilling the belief that your team can compete with anybody. At the end of the day, there are no excuses here,'' Holick said.

Stapleton skated 697 games there, playing for a roll call that includes Glen Sather, Scotty Bowman, Mike Keenan, Bob Crawford, Jim Schoenfeld, etc. He also has a great resource in his dad, Pat, another long-time NHLer.

"I bring some experience,'' Stapleton said. "I've been through a lot of what these kids are going to go through. I have an understanding of this game, playing at a higher level.''

"I did my homework,'' Murray said of the hirings. "There was nothing but great things said by people I trust in the business.''

The final standings may tell a completely different story, and really it's the only one that matters. But on a beautiful day in the middle of June, the 2010-11 Crunch looks to be in good hands so far.

- Murray said there's been a minor reorganization of duties in the Anaheim front office. The upshot for Syracuse is that Bob Ferguson, not David McNab, will be the Ducks' official most hands-on with the Crunch. His title will be Syracuse assistant GM. Ferguson will spend a lot of time here, in-between his scouting duties. Ferguson was at Tuesday's gathering and Murray pointed him out as the man Crunch fans should go to with their issues.

"If you see him walking around, (complain) to him,'' Murray said.

Later, Murray added: "We're all involved. We have a presence, where people come through. We like to be around.''

- Holick said since he was named head coach of the Crunch a few weeks ago, he's chatted with pro coaching buddies of his such as Cory Clouston, Bill Peters and Curtis Hunt.

"This advice I get is you got to where you are doing what you're doing,'' Holick said. "Don't change. We're not here to try and re-invent the wheel. We're trying to get the best out of the players and help them get to the next level. And hopefully we win more than we lose.''

- Murray, of course, would not comment on any possible minor-league personnel moves, such as bringing in a veteran third goalie or re-signing Jon Mirasty. He just referred to the traditional staples of success, being strong up the middle and in net.

"Money is, as always, an issue,'' he said. "We'll do the best we can. It's business. We have to run it like a business.''

- Murray joked, or maybe he wasn't joking, that he is thankful Anaheim wound up in Syracuse instead of Springfield.

"We didn't want to go to Springfield at all,'' he said.

He said Syracuse is an attractive place to play in the eyes of free agents.

"Players like to come and play here,'' he said. "They like being here. They like the atmosphere here.''

- County Executive Joanie Mahoney was on hand to lend her support. Syracuse owner Howard Dolgon presented her with a framed picture of the crowd from the outdoor game, which Mahoney supported from Day One. She told the Ducks folks that if they need anything to stop by her office.

"This organization is very important to the community,'' she said of the Crunch. "We are doing everything we can to make this facility (the War Memorial) something to be proud of.''

- Caught up with owner Howard Dolgon on a few things:

- The team's home opener vs. Lake Erie on Oct. 9 is a throwback night, part of a special series the AHL is holding to commemorate its 75 anniversary. Dolgon said the Crunch is pondering an Opening Night II, where it can bust out its new jerseys, retooled with Ducks colors.

- The Crunch's golf tournament is July 14. The team has approached Brandon Sugden, Zenon Konopka and Brent Sopel, among others, about attending.

- Dolgon is still interested in playing a game in the Carrier Dome in 2010-11. He said he'd consider another outdoor game, but not this year.

- The team had about 100 applications for its open radio job and has narrowed it down to six or seven. All the remaining applicants have either AHL or ECHL broadcasting experience.

- The leading contender for the team's theme song this year is the Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations.'' Dolgon likes the tie-in with the themes of a fresh start and California connections.

He said GM Vance Lederman came up with the concept. I asked poor Vance if he is taking a vacation this summer.

"He takes vacations all winter,'' Dolgon chirped. "Why should he go anywhere in the summer?''

Lindsay Kramer

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