Sunday, December 13, 2009

Penticton 3 Vernon 2 (Double Overtime)

I was at tonights BCHL game as Penticton defeated Vernon 3-2 in Overtime in front of 4,522 fans at the South Okanagan Events centre.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Graeme Gordon
Penticton: Sean Bonar

1st Period: Both teams looked to be feeling one another out in the first few opening minutes as the game got off to a bit of a slow start. Garrett Milan with a quick snap shot from the slot just missed the far corner on a good scoring chance from in close. Just under four minutes into the game Vernon would get a two man advantage after the Vees ran into some early penalty trouble. Just seconds into the two man advantage Connor Jones fed Jonathan Milhouse at the side of the net, who beat Sean Bonar at 4:19 on the powerplay putting the Vipers up 1-0. Jones & Dan Nycholat drew the assists. Vernon still on the powerplay couldnt go up by two goals after the Vees would kill off the minor. The Vipers kept coming with some strong forecheck down low, moving the puck well buzzing around the Penticton net. The Vipers were really skating hard all night, with several odd man rushes coming through the Penticton zone. Cole Ikkala with the breakaway was stopped by Sean Bonar. Ikkala and Dylan Walchuk later on with a two on one were once again stopped by Bonar who kept the Vees in the game early as the Vipers were up 9-1 in shots and full control of the game. Just before the midway mark Penticton come up with some good pressure getting some chances. Garrett Milan was flying all game, come up with a few good chances for the Vees. Joey Holka was stopped at the side of the net by Graeme Gordon. Logan Johnston with a chance from the slot was stopped by Gordon who had to be sharp on the play with traffic in front. The Vees now clawed back in shots getting some good chances. Braden Pimm late in the period carried the puck down low, with a chance at the side of the net was stopped by Bonar. Vernon was by far the better of the two teams, looking very strong on the trancision game and with some strong forecheck down low, winning most of the battles and races. The Vipers had the better of the scoring chances but could only manage one goal. Vernon was up 1-0 after 20 minutes of play. The Vipers outshot the Vees 13-8.

2nd Period: Penticton come out strong to start the period getting the puck in deep, with some strong forecheck down low the Vees move the puck well but couldnt get a shot on goal as the Vipers defence did a great job at keeping the Vees to the outside. Garrett Milan with a burst of speed down the wing, got by the Vernon d-man and with a quick shot from the circle beat Gordon but hit the outside of the net coming close to tying the game. The Vipers would weather the storm and get their third powerplay of the night just over five minutes into the 2nd period. Curtis Gedig with a shot from the slot got through traffic but couldnt get by Bonar who made the pad save. The Vipers moved the puck well but only managed a few good scoring opportunities as the Vees killed off the minor. Once again Sean Bonar was keeping the Vees in tonights game as the Vipers were again the better of the two teams outplaying Penticton for most of the period. Garrett Noonan with a shot from the corner was stopped by Bonar who stood his ground not giving up a rebound off the tough shot from a bad angle. The Vipers defence played very well in the 2nd period only giving up three Penticton shots, as it took the Vees almost the first thirteen minutes of the 2nd period to record their first shot of the period. Cory Kane got away with a brutal highstick Derick Johnson after both players were sent to the box. Shortly after the Vees would get their first man advantage of the night, just after Vernon would kill off the minor Penticton with a great chance to tie the game had a man left all alone in front but was robbed by Graeme Gordon who come across the crease to make the big pad save covering up the rebound. Late in the period Jonathan Milhouse with a breakaway was stopped by Bonar. In the final two minutes Penticton poured on the pressure moving the puck well in the Vernon zone as the Vipers had troubles clearing the zone as the Vees couldnt get any good quality shots towards the net, as the Vipers managed to excape the period with a 1-0 lead after 40 minutes. Again Vernon was the better team in the 2nd period outshooting Penticton 10-3.

3rd Period: In the opening minute Vernon would get into penalty trouble, Cory Kane took a early penalty and shortly after Connor Jones was given four minutes for highsticking Vees Captain Denver Manderson who was down but got back up with a cut lip. Penticton moved the puck well getting some good shots off but couldnt hit the net, Vernon did well on the penalty kill before the puck would come back to the point, Joey Laleggia's shot just beat Gordon along the ice tying the game 1-1 at 2:06. Isaac MacLeod & Denver Manderson collected the assists. The Vipers were just three seconds away from killing off Cory Kanes minor. With the Vees still on the powerplay, some strong penalty kill by Vernon killed off most of the remainder of the man advantage. With just seconds left on the powerplay Mike Collins with some good hustle fed the puck to Jonathan Milhouse who went in all alone shorthanded beating Sean Bonar at 4:35 giving Vernon a 2-1 lead. Collins & Dan Nycholat with the assists. Minutes later a dumpin play from Kevin Kraus handcuffed Sean Bonar who put his stick out to stop the puck, as the puck took a funny bounce, jumping right back out front of his crease, as two Vees d-men were their to clear the zone. Just over five minutes later Joey Holka won the draw in the Vernon zone, Holka's shot would bounce off Dan Nycholat right in front to a wide open Garrett Milan who beat a diving Gordon as the Vees tied the game 2-2 at 9:45. Holka & Byron Sorensen picked up the assists. Some good back and forth action as the play really opened up in the second half of the 3rd. Both teams were skating hard but it was the Vipers who had the better of the scoring chances. Vernon looked very strong down low dominating the play along the wall, winning the battles. Rob Short with a breakaway with about six minutes remaining was stopped by Bonar who looked very solid all night. Cole Ikkala was stopped in front, then Dan Nycholat jumped up into the play and was stopped on the rebound. Any good rush coming back the other way by Penticton it was the strong defensive play from the Vipers d-men who were shutting down the Vees offence. Logan Johnston with a blast from the point was stopped by Gordon who made a huge pad save keeping the score tied. Late in the game Eric Filiou & Logan Johnston went in two on one, Filiou kept and shot but was stopped by Gordon. A very entertaining 3rd with both teams getting some chances. It was tied 2-2 after 60 minutes of play. Penticton outshot Vernon 12-11.

Overtime: Just under a minute into the extra frame the Vipers would get a great chance to end tonights game with a powerplay. Off the draw Dan Nycholat turned over the puck as the Vees come back the other way with an odd man rush but couldnt get a real good scoring chance as the Vipers come close to giving up a shorthanded marker in overtime. Vernon would get the puck back in deep and once again Nycholat would cough up the puck as the Vees penalty kill looked very strong on the attack. Penticton would kill off the minor. Jonathan Milhouse was robbed at the side of the net after Sean Bonar come across to stick out his right pad making the huge save as Milhouse was very close to scoring his third goal of the night. Beau Bennett turned really turned it up in overtime, looking very strong with the puck as he carried into the Vernon zone, getting two good chances. The Vipers had the better of the scoring chances as the game was still tied 2-2after the first overtime.

Double Overtime: Beau Bennett & Denver Manderson were very dangerous getting three real solid chances as Graeme Gordon had to be sharp. Ben Sexton with a shot from the slot just missed the net. The Vees moved the puck well early in the extra frame just missing the net on a few chances. Both teams looked very tired as Vernon was rotating two lines in overtime. Braden Pimm had a glorous chance to end tonights game after a nice move in front Pimm couldnt get the puck up and over Bonar as the Vipers come very close to ending the game, back come the Vees on the odd man rush, Beau Bennett and Denver Manderson with some two way passing setup Matt Paltridge who went high over a diving Graeme Gordon to give Penticton the 3-2 double overtime victory sending the 4,522 fans at the SOEc into a frenzy.

Top Players: (Vernon)

The line of Dylan Walchuk, Rob Short & Cole Ikkala played very well up front. Walchuk and Ikkala had several good scoring chances in the opening period alone. Walchuk looked very good with the puck, made several nice moves for some good chances. Ikkala was stopped on a 1st period breakaway, Short was then stopped on a 3rd period breakaway.

The line of Mike Collins (1 assist), Braden Pimm & Jonathan Milhouse (2 goals) was another line that played very well. Pimm & Milhouse both worked and played extremely hard down low and in and around the net. Pimm & Milhouse had several good scoring chances. Milhouse was stopped on a 2nd period breakaway and then robbed in the first overtime. Pimm was again a real work horse and very hard to knock off the puck, had a great chance to give the Vipers the win in the 2nd overtime but couldnt get the puck up and over Bonars pad. Collins worked very hard down low and in the Vees zone, played very well on the penalty kill. Made a smart heads up play to feed Jonathan Milhouse who scored shorthanded in the 3rd period.

Dan Nycholat (2 assists) Played very strong on the Vipers backend until overtime when he had troubles with the puck, causing two turnovers in the extra period. But other then that, played a very defensive game for Vernon.

Top Players: (Penticton)

Sean Bonar (37 saves) Gave the Vees a chance to win, without Bonar this game would have never gotten to overtime. Bonar has played well against Vernon all year, made some unreal saves tonight. This kid is very quick on his feet, very hard to beat down low. Dosnt give out many rebounds and plays his positions and angles very well.

Matt Paltridge (OT Winner) Was very solid on the Penticton blueline. Here's another kid who always seems to play well against the Vipers. A very solid d-man.

Logan Johnston had several good chances through out tonights contest. Ive been very impressed with his play this season. A big kid that goes to the net.

Garrett Milan (1 goal) They say Milan got the Vees game tying goal but I thought it was Milan who took the shot off the draw. (I could be wrong) Anyways Milan was Pentictons best player other then Sean Bonar. Milan had lots of jump, was flying all night. Milan gave the Vernon defence troubles at times with his smaller size and speed, was buzzing in and around the Vipers net.

I didnt see much of Beau Bennett until later in tonights game but thought he played very well in the 3rd and both overtimes. Bennett another big kid had some good chances.

I also thought Ben Sexton played well tonight.

Game Thoughts: (Vernon)

First off Id like to thank the people and Penticton businesses that went to all the work for tonights game-charity. Wow what a great job! Tonight was the biggest crowd I have ever seen and been apart of for a BCHL game, what a great feeling-atmosphere all night. I have yet to miss a Vernon-Penticton game in the new SOEC and have to say in previous games it was pretty quiet and uneventfull. Its always nice to see any rink almost full and with a great atmosphere. A very tough loss for the Vipers, tonight was a game they should have won. I thought Vernon was by far the better of the two teams atleast in the first three periods. Dont get me wrong Penticton is very good and had some good chances, I just thought the Vipers were a littler sharper, quicker, worked a little harder, won alot of the battles and races down low and had the better of the scoring chances. Ive said this many times this season, Vernon gets way ahead in shots and outplays a team in the opening period but yet only has a single goal or the game is tied. The Vipers need to start burrying their chances, If Vernon scores two or three first period goals this game is a totally different game. Vernon has really struggled on their powerplay latley. I was very impressed with Vernons defence, for the second straight game the Vipers defence has looked very solid. After playing so poor last weekend in a 4-1 loss to Penticton, its nice to see the guys give it their all tonight and give the Vees a good run.

Game Thoughts: (Penticton)

Give the Vees credit, they didnt back down and fought hard to tie the game early in the 3rd and then once again battled back to tie the game midway through the final period. Penticton had some good chances but for the most part were outplayed tonight. The Vees had troubles containing the Vipers strong forecheck down low. I thought the Vipers did a great job at shutting down the Vees offence, clogging up the neutral zone not giving Penticton much time or space. Penticton is now 3-1 against the Vipers this season. Overall this was a great hockey game, both teams played very well and should deserve a pat on the back. Nice to see a large crowd on hand for tonights game.



Eric Soderlund
Kellen Jones (Injured)


Bo Dolan
Ryan Viselli (Injured)

3 Stars:

1st Star: Sean Bonar (37 saves)
2nd Star: Jonathan Milhouse (2 goals)
3rd Star: Matt Paltridge (OT Winner)

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