Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Life Of Adam Thompson:

This is posted on the website:

Thompson/Ikkala: Vernon Viper Editorial

The Life of Adam

By : Adam Thompson

Adam Thompson Number 28 Blog Entry

Hey Viper’s Fans! My name is Adam Thompson, I’m one of the defenseman for the reigning National Champion Vernon Vipers. Fortunately or unfortunately, your stuck with my fellow teammate Cole Ikkala and I for the year as we blog our lives during the season. First things first, I am from the beautiful province of Alberta and in the best city in Canada, Calgary. If you don’t believe how awesome it is, ask Cole.I started playing hockey when I was around 3 years old and played Minor Hockey in Calgary for the duration of my youth until I came to Vernon. My biggest influence in hockey had to be my two older brothers who both played hockey when I was young and my Mom and Dad who encouraged me to do something I loved and to be physically active. Both my brothers played Defense and taught me a lot about the position. We always had competitive family games out on the lake in the winter time and of course my Dad and I always won. My Dad coached my team when I was younger and my Mom was always there to drive me to the rink or help me out in any way she could, so I give a lot of credit to my family for the hockey player I am today. If I was asked to describe myself, I’d have a hard time, so I usually just impress people by saying I’m ambiguous, which means open to many interpretations. I like to think I am a nice, friendly and a caring guy. More often than not, I am overly competitive which is good but also can be bad, so combined with my pessimistic attitude those two make up my least favorable traits.A list of my favoritesMy favorite numbers are 2 and 7. Which makes people wonder why I am number 28?! I got stuck with 28 at the start of last year, but I’ve grown accustomed to it and my signature looks pretty awesome with 28 beside it. I am proud to wear the Vipers Jersey regardless of the number on it. My favorite food has to be grilled cheese because of how easy it is to make. I went to Maui, Hawaii with my family when I was really young, at age 6 or so, and at the resort we stayed at, there was a walk up food shack/restaurant where I only ordered grilled cheese. I must have had over 20 grilled cheese sandwiches on the trip. I have been to Mexico several times too, which accounts for my love for Pina Colida’s. It may be a girl’s drink, but I secretly enjoy them, virgin drinks obviously.My favorite chocolate bar has to be Reese Peanut Butter Cups or Mars Bars. I can never get enough chocolate or candy. My sweet tooth is overwhelming and I give in to it a lot, but its good to treat your self once in a while.I don’t really have a favorite genre of music because I like all types of music, or all the popular/generic types at least. Can’t say I enjoy Jazz or opera very much. My favorite band is Anberlin, which is a according to Itunes a “Pop/Rock “band. But I also like R&B and Hip Hop a lot. I can almost always find a good song from my fellow teammate Graeme Gordon in that field of music.Lastly, my favorite team is and probably will always be the Philadelphia Flyers. I have liked them since as long as I can remember. Every year I enjoy cheering for the “Broad Street Bullies”. Being from Calgary I obviously cheer for the Flames as well which is the reason why Jerome Iginla is my favorite player. He is a great captain and one of the best power forwards in the game. I love how he does it all on the ice and is a nice guy to all the fans, etc. Anyhow, until next time….Be sure to come to the Vernon Vipers games this weekend, we need the support!

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