Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fred Page Cup: Game 6: Vernon 2 Powell River 1

Was at tonights Fred Page Cup Game 6 as Vernon defeated Powell River 2-1 in front of 2,269 fans at the Wesbild Centre.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Andrew Hammond
Powell River: Carsen Chubak

1st Period: Vernon got off to a quick start, with the better jump. The Vipers carried the play but no quality scoring chances as the play was held in the Powell River zone. The Kings would get the first powerplay of the night, before in the final few seconds of the man advantage the Vipers would get their first powerplay as both teams played four on four, no real quality chances as both teams penalty kill would kill off the minors. Powell River looked slow and almost out of gas at times as Vernon really carried the play skating hard. The Kings defence didnt give the Vipers much room to create chances heming the Vipers in and along the boards. At the midway mark Grant Tyson was having troubles with his skates, after several stops to the Vipers bench to get his skates looked at, Tyson would finally head to the Vernon dressing room for repairs on his skates. Vernon would get its second powerplay of the night late in the period, just as the penalty expired Mike Collins & Cory Kane with two wacks at the loose puck in the crease before Adam Thompson would score on the Vipers third chance banging home his first goal of the Playoffs at 15:08 with Kane & Collins picking up the assists. Vernon looked very good in the opening period having the edge in play, but very few scoring chances as the Vipers were up 1-0 after 20 minutes of play. Vernon outshot Powell River 11-3.

2nd Period: Some good flow to start the 2nd period with both teams going back and forth, Neil Chambers with a great chance early in front was stopped by Andrew Hammond. The Kings really stepped up their play, playing with alot of intensity and energy. With Powell River on an early powerplay, Cameron Brodie made a nice pass up ice to Braden Pimm, Pimm snuck in behind the d-man and then slid the puck fivehole past Carsen Chubak putting the Vipers up 2-0 at 5:47 with Brodie getting the lone assist on the shorthanded goal. Shortly after Powell River really took it to Vernon moving the puck well, carrying the better of the play for most of the period. Chad Niddery tried setting up Darcy Oakes on a two on one, as Oakes couldnt connect on the crease pass. The Kings with a ton of presure had some of their best chances of the night. The Kings with some undisaplined penalties lost two key players for most of the 2nd period. Jordan Grant was given two minutes for unsportsmanlike and given a ten minute misconduct, along with Kyle Leahy who picked up a ten minute misconduct as well. The Vipers who quit skating, were having all kinds of troubles getting in across the line, as the Kings really shut down the Vernon offence. After the first few minutes it was all Kings as the controlled most of the period. Kyle Bodie was stopped in close by Hammond. After a close chance in front, on the next faceoff Vernon couldnt get the puck out of the zone, Neil Chambers with a quick shot in on Andrew Hammond, Hammond made the first save but couldnt control the rebound as Drew Pettitt beat Hammond upstairs at 14:33 with Chambers picking up the only assist. Powell River didnt quit, some hard work and determination had several chances in the final few minutes but couldnt beat Hammond. Vernon was headed into the 3rd leading 2-1. Shots were even 10-10.

3rd Period: With the Kings season on the line, Powell River played hard all 3rd. The Kings with all kinds of presure couldnt get much pucks through the Vernon defence. The Vipers seemed to be sitting back on a one goal lead as the Kings were going for the game tying goal. A shot from the corner hit Kyle Bigos in front and just about got past Hammond as the Kings come close. Vernons defence was solid in the final 20 minutes shutting down the Kings offensive players, keeping the shots to the outside. Once again Vernons offence had troubles getting into the Kings zone, as Powell Rivers defence also played solid defensivly. The Kings really moved the puck well, but couldnt get shots through the Vernon defence. A very tight checking 3rd with both teams getting very few shots. Anytime Vernon managed to get the puck in deep, it was the strong forecheck in and along the end wall, where the Vipers ragged some time off the clock. Both teams played a tight defensive 3rd with very little scoring chances. Powell River would call a late timeout to try and rally the troops. The Kings would get the puck in deep as Carsen Chubak would head to the bench for the extra attacker, with some good presure down low the Kings couldnt get pucks through to the front of the net. Powell River really poured on the presure in the final two minutes, in the dying seconds a nice pass from the point, to the corner as a Kings player had a great shot from the circle but was stopped by Hammond. Powell River would get one final faceoff in the Vipers end with 7.1 seconds remaining, the Kings would win the draw and get the puck towards the net but the buzzer would sound as the Vipers poured onto the ice celebrating their BCHL Fred Page Cup Championship. The Vipers would defeat the Kings 2-1 winning the BCHL Fred Page Cup in 6 games. Shots were even at 3 each.

Top Players: (Vernon)

Mike Leidl played very well defensivly all night. Leidl looked very solid in the Vipers zone.

Kevin Kraus played well on the Vernon blueline.

Cameron Brodie (1 assist) who hasnt looked the same since injurying his foot in the Salmon Arm series, played very well defensivly. Brodie laid out a few solid checks. Brodie made several first long passes out from his own end.

Connor Jones was a work horse for the Vipers in the 3rd period, getting a ton of icvetime. Jones had two huge checks on one shift in the 2nd period. Really worked hard all night.

Braden Pimm (1 goal) Was one if not the best player for the Vipers tonight. Pimm was skating hard, really looked good at both ends of the rink. Scored the game winner shorthanded early into the 2nd period.

Chris Crowell Was one of the better Vipers tonight. Crowell looked very determined all night, played with an edge, played physical for most of the night. Really looked focused all night. Was in the face of many Kings players during and after the play.

Adam Thompson (1 goal) Played a heck of a game on the backend. Thompson looked very strong defensivly. Nice to see the kid get his first BCHL Playoff goal.

Andrew Hammond didnt have many big saves to make but made the saves when called apon. Looked very good on the long shots and shots from in close.

Top Players: (Powell River)

Reid Campbell played very well on the Kings backend. Really stepped up his play over the last 3 games.

Kyle Bodie played his best game as a King. Another Kings player who I thought stepped up his game in the last 2-3 games.

Neil Chambers (1 assist) Had a few chances in front. Was skating hard, was in and around the net all game.

Chad Niddery looked good and has looked very good all series. This kid came to play, had a two on one with Darcy Oakes in the 2nd period. Hard worker and nose for the net.

Mat Bodie played a heck of a game on the Powell Blueline. Bodie played very solid defensivly, was all over the Vipers top lines. Real strong skater. Didnt give the Vernon offence much room down low.

Carsen Chubak didnt have any real big saves to make like in previous games but played very well. Once again gave his team a chance to win. Chubak was the difference in this series, keeping the Kings alive. A solid goaltender.

Game Thoughts: (Vernon)

Vernon looked very good in the 1st period, having the better of the play but just couldnt seem to get many quality chances. Vipers were skating hard, moving the puck well just couldnt create many chances. In the 2nd the Vipers were outplayed as most of the play was in their own end. Vernon couldnt seem to break through the Kings zone and were having some defensive let downs in their own end. In the 3rd the Vipers sat back on a one goal lead, a nail biter of a period as Powell River really poured it on. Give the Vipers defence credit, they played extremly well in the final period, blocking shots, closing up the middle and the shooting lanes as the Kings were held to trying to get shots through coming from the outside. Vipers didnt win many draws and looked tired in the 2nd and 3rd periods. Id personally like to thank the Vernon Vipers hockey club on winning their record 10th BCHL Championship. (1970,1972,1988,1989,1991,1992,1996,1999,2003 & now 2009) The Vipers will now move onto the Doyle Cup (BC/Alberta) Starting Friday in Vernon.

Game Thoughts: (Powell River)

First off Id like to thank the Powell River Kings hockey club and their fans for a great series. This was just the second Playoff meeting between these two teams as Vernon has now defeated Powell River in two league finals. Id like to wish the veteran 20 yr olds, and the players who wont be back next season all the best in their hockey careers. Id also like to thank the Kings fans who come on this message board and have kept me informed on all the Kings news, trades and scores and also for the many much appreciated updates during any Vernon-Powell River games. Now back to the game, With their season on the line, the Kings emptied the tanks. Powell River gave it their all coming one goal short. Down 2-0 losing both games on home ice, the Kings battled back, showing a gutsy effort making this a great and entertaining series. I noticed as the series went on, Powell River found ways around the Vernon defence and ways at beating Andrew Hammond. The Kings improved as the series went on, finding different ways to get the job done. Powell River played extremly well tonight, really forcing the Vipers for most of the night. Got off to a bit of a slow start and didnt look all tha great in the opening period, but really stepped up their play in the final two periods. The Kings with all kinds of presure had some chances, but had troubles getting pucks through the Vernon defence. Both teams with very few shots and limited scoring chances. Powell River won alot of draws, and looked very good all series on the faceoff. In the end the Kings top offensive players who lead the league and the team with big numbers were shutdown and didnt produce when needed.



Steven Weinstein
Nick Amies
Ryan Santana (Injured)
Trent Dorias (AP)

Powell River:

Derek Hills
Alex McDougal
Ryan Green

3 Stars:

1st Star: Braden Pimm (1 goal)
2nd Star: Cameron Brodie (1 assist)
3rd Star: Carsen Chubak

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