Friday, March 27, 2009

Interior Conference Finals: Game 5 : Vernon 3 Salmon Arm 0

Was at tonights Game 5 of the Interior Conference Finals as Vernon defeated Salmon Arm 3-0 in front of 3,306 fans at the Wesbild Centre.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Andrew Hammond
Salmon Arm: Bryan Gillis

1st Period: Both teams had lots of jump, skating hard with the play going back and forth. Some good cycle by both teams in the early goings getting some good chances in close. The Vipers would get the first powerplay of the night but for the second straight game would struggle as the Silverbacks would kill off the minor. Vernon with good puck movement in the Backs zone created some good chances down low as Vernon was up in shots 8-2. Once again Salmon Arm continued with the high hits, Matt Walters with two big elbows and then Brent Vandenberg with a very questionable hit on Mike Collins. Vandenberg rushed up ice, and charged towards Collins who's back was towards the play, Vandenberg's feet left the ice as he blindsided Collins who went down and didnt see another shift. Collins left the hockey game and never returned. The Vipers would come to Collins rescue with some pushing and shoving as Vernon would come out on top with its second man advantage of the night. Salmon Arm would kill off the minor as the Backs would now generate some offence in the Vernon zone, getting some chances. Keenan Desmet with a chance in close was stopped by Andrew Hammond. Kellen Jones would open the scoring at 8:20 after tipping Cody Ikkala's shot past Bryan Gillis putting the Vipers up 1-0. Ikkala would get the lone assist. This goal was the result of both Connor and Kellen Jones hard work and determination. Kellen Jones kept the play alive making a big check at the blueline, the puck would get fired back in front, where Connor Jones was in front of Bryan Gillis. Gillis was paying more attention to Connor rather then watching the play, Gillis gave Connor two taps with his stick, seconds later Ikkala's shot was tipped past Gillis by Kellen Jones. A great hard working shift by the Jones twins. The Backs would battle back getting some pucks towards the net, as Salmon Arm come back in shots as it was now 10-9 in favor of Vernon. Braden Pimm come close to putting Vernon up 2-0 after a shot went off Pimm's shins in front as the puck just steared wide of the goal. A very physical period with both teams laying some good hard hits, the Silverbacks have played a very physical series where as this was by far the most physical period we have seen the Vipers play. Vernons defence turned over the puck in their own end atleast four different times, as the Backs come close to scoring. Braden Pimm with a big shot block hobbled off the ice in some pain but stayed in the game after walking it off. Both teams played with caution as nobody wanted to make a mistake in a very entertaining period. Vernon was up 1-0 after 20 minutes of play. The Vipers outshot the Silverbacks 12-11.

2nd Period: Connor Jones with a good scoring chance early was stopped by Gillis. The Vipers would get an early powerplay but once again couldnt control the play as the Backs would kill off another minor as the Vipers would go 0-3 on the powerplay. A bit of a slower pace period with lots of whistles and stopages in play in the first half of the period, some four on four play would open the ice at times. Salmon Arm would get its first powerplay of the night, the Backs with a solid powerplay, moved the puck well but couldnt beat Hammond. The Silverbacks would get a second man advantage but couldnt capitalize as the Vipers penalty kill looked good. Vernon would kill off the minor. The Vipers would get a scare as Kevin Kraus went down on one leg, Kraus couldnt get off the ice, Kraus would finally hobble off on one leg after a stopage in play. Kraus stayed on the Vipers bench for a few minutes but would return to the ice on his next shift. The Silverbacks continued with the cheap shots as Andrew Hammond would take a slash in the back of the leg with traffic in the crease. Hammond would stay down as the teams trainer would come out to check him over, Graeme Gordon started getting out his equipment, but didnt need it as Hammond would get up stay in goal. Over the next several minutes Hammond looked to be favoring his left leg, as the period went on Hammonds leg seemed to be fine. The Silverbacks looked very good generating all kinds off offence this period. The Vipers seemed to be hemmed in their own zone for most of the 2nd as the Backs outplayed the Vipers. Hammond had to be sharp and ready making some key saves keeping Vernon in the game. The Silverbacks would carry most of the play, as the Vipers would only get three good scoring chances, one of these was Cole Ikkala on the breakaway but was stopped by Gillis. Conor Morrison was stoned by Hammond at the side of the net after the Vipers couldnt clear the zone. Travis Briard in the slot had a glorious chance with three and a half minutes remaining was robbed by the left pad of Andrew Hammond. Vernon looked very tired in the later parts of the 2nd. Salmon Arm couldnt seem to get any bounces go their way as they were still down 1-0 after 40 minutes of play. The Vipers outshot the Silverbacks 14-12.

3rd Period: Vernon was now 20 minutes away from taking the 3-2 series lead as the Backs looked desperate but yet hungry basically manhandling the Vipers with their speed, skill, physical play and overall hard work. Salmon Arm come out flying getting chance after chance but couldnt solve Hammond. Keenan Desmet who played a strong game had two great chances. Conor Morrison was stopped in close. The Vipers were basically hanging on to the 1-0 lead as Salmon Arm was all over Vernon. The Silverbacks were winning all the races, one on one battles basically pushing the Vipers around looking like the much stronger hockey club. Kevin Kraus made a huge defensive play, clearing the loose puck out from the crease after Hammond was down and out, and had no idea where the puck was. Kraus was a warrior all game, basically playing on one leg. The Vipers looked very tired, and beaten up having all kinds of troubles generating any offence. At times Vernon would get the puck in deep and eat the clock, keeping the puck between their skates along the end wall, but couldnt seem to get the puck towards the net. On a broken play and huge determination local product Rob Short made a few nice moves and then beat Bryan Gillis at 14:05 upstairs putting Vernon up 2-0, Cory Kane and James Kerr collected the assists. This play all started with the strong play and great hustle by James Kerr. The Silverbacks didnt quit pouring on the presure, once again buzzing around the Vipers net. Vernon finally got the puck in deep and cycyled the puck down low, killing off some valuable time off the clock. Justin Cseter was moved up to the Backs top line in the 3rd after Mark Zengerle was taken off to the clubs 2nd line. Cseter added some jump and energy to Salmon Arms top line, but couldnt solve Andrew Hammond who made 20 saves in the final period. Salmon Arm would call a timeout late and with under two minutes remaining Bryan Gillis would head to the bench for the extra attacker, The Silverbacks with some good puck movement couldnt get any real quality chances before Rob Short would hit the empty net at 19:30 to get his 2nd of the night. Captain Chris Crowell with the lone assist. In the dying seconds Crowell would take a puck off the shins and hobble to the bench, on the same play superpest Zac Rasmussen wacked Hammond on the arm with another cheap shot on the Vipers. Vernon would hang on for the 3-0 victory taking the 3-2 series lead. Andrew Hammond makes 43 saves for his 2nd shutout of the BCHL Playoffs. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 20-7.

Top Players: (Vernon)

Kevin Kraus with basically one leg was a warrior on the Vipers blueline. Kraus went down twice tonight with a leg injury but yet stayed in the game and played. Kraus looked to have injured his leg in Game 2, before sitting out Game 3 but returned to the lineup for Games 4 & 5. Kraus made a huge defensive play in the 3rd clearing the loose puck from the crease as Hammond was down and out. I got to give this young man credit for staying in the game and basically playing on one leg, what a gutsy effort.

Cole Ikkala played a solid defensive game. Ikkala made one big mistake coughing up the puck from behind his own goal, firing the puck right up the middle as two Backs were alone in front but were stopped by Hammond. Ikkala settled down after this play and played very well in his own zone.

James Kerr played with energy, really looked good on the Vipers 2nd goal. Kerr played well all night.

Connor & Kellen Jones (1 goal) both were warriors tonight and all series. These two kids may not be the biggest kids but play with a ton of heart. Both boys take a pounding game after game, shift after shift but yet get back up and keep batting, both kids also arnt afraid of the physical play, dishing it right back. Connor especially has taken a beating all series and still is going. Both kids looked very good up front and in their own end.

Rob Short saw limited icetime but come through in the 3rd scoring both goals. Short scored a real nice goal after some nice moves before beating Gillis upstairs.

Adam Thompson played one of his better games on the blueline this Playoffs. Thompson looked good in his own end.

Andrew Hammond (43 saves-shutout) What can you say about Andrew Hammond, the teams regular season MVP has played solid in these BCHL Playoffs. Hammond was by far the Vipers best player, especially in the 3rd making 20 saves for the win and the shutout. Hammond looked very confident and very focused all night. Was very good with his rebound control.

Top Players: (Salmon Arm)

Matt Grassi played a solid game on the Backs blueline. Looked very good defensivly as well as offensivly.

Keenan Desmet was by far the best Silverback tonight. Desmet was flying all night, getting some good scoring chances. Desmet was skating hard, was very dangerous with the puck, really buzzing in and around the Vernon net.

Ashford McMaster looked very solid once again on the backend. A very tough kid to play against, very strong in front of the net.

Colin Lidster looked good up front, played physical all night.

Conor Morrison looked very impressive tonight. Has really stepped up his play over the last 2-3 games. Had some good chances all night, was another player who was skating hard, creating some chances down low.

Game Thoughts: (Vernon)

This was almost a carbon copy of Game 3 in Salmon Arm. A good 1st period with both teams getting chances, some good flow at both ends of the rink before the Backs took over and basically dominated in the final two periods. The Vipers could have put tonights game away before the end of the 2nd period but once again couldnt capitalize on the powerplay, going 0-3 tonight. Up 1-0 and then getting the next three powerplays, the Vipers could have burried the Backs early. Vernon really needs to work on the PP, whats with all the passing, get more shots towards the net. A gutsy effort tonight pulling out the 3-0 win. The Vipers basically hung on to the 1-0 lead all night, riding the strong performance from Andrew Hammond. If it wasnt for Hammond this game would have been over way before the final period. Vernon looked very tired in the 2nd and 3rd periods, this team is very banged up and injured. The Vipers are without Ryan Santana (Injured) Cameron Brodie (Injured) and after tonights game, may be without Kevin Kraus, & Mike Collins. Who both were hurt in tonights game, Chris Crowell and Andrew Hammond also looked to have been hurt-injured so will see how they are. This is a depleted looking Viper team now.

Game Thoughts: (Salmon Arm)

The Silverbacks played very well tonight, played with alot of emotion and intensity. This club never backed down, battled hard all night, getting some great chances but ran into a strong goaltender. A very physical team who won most of the races and one on one battles tonight, looked very good with the puck. Salmon Arm dominated the 2nd and 3rd periods. The Vipers were having all kinds of trouble with the strong forecheck of the Backs. Vernon was basically getting pushed around for most of the night. Salmon Arm's season is now on the line and now must win the next two games if they want to move on to the next series. You can bet tomorrow nights game the Vipers will expect nothing but the best from the Backs. I have full respect for the Salmon Arm Silverbacks, this is a very good hockey club and has been all season. All year they have battled and played hard against the Vipers for 10 games, heading into these Playoffs this team has really started playing some not so clean hockey with a ton of high hits, lots of stick work and cheap shots during and after the play. I know not everyone player or team is perfect, and yes even the Vipers have their players who give out the odd cheap shot or dirty hit once in a while, but not game after game, shift after shift. This was the talk around the arena tonight. The Backs have been taking high hits towards the Jones Twins all series, Ryan Walters delivers some of the best elbows. Zac Rasmussen who is a heck of a hockey player, and one of the best superpests in the league, thats fine but dont like the cheap shots through out this series. Tonights another example, two handed a Vernon player over the head in the 1st period and then wacked Andrew Hammond in the arm in the dying seconds of the game. In Game 2 it was Rasmussen who pushed Mike Collins into Andrew Hammond at the end of the game and then went after Andrew Hammond knocking him down.



Cameron Brodie (Injured)
Nick Amies
Ryan Santana (Injured)
Trent Dorias (AP)

Salmon Arm:

Mike Puddifant
Levi Hantula
Christoper Hoe
Bobby Lipsett

3 Stars:

1st Star: Rob Short (2 goals)
2nd Star: Andrew Hammond (43 saves-shutout)
3rd Star: Kellen Jones (1 goal)

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