Thursday, March 12, 2009

Game 4 Vernon 7 Penticton 2

Was at tonights BCHL Game 4 as Vernon defeated Penticton 7-2 in front of 1,391 fans at the South Okanagan Events Centre.

Starting Goaltenders:

Vernon: Andrew Hammond
Penticton: Sean Bonar

1st Period: Vernon got off to a good start, getting the puck in deep, really forcing the play. The Vipers first line of Sahir Gill, Connor & Kellen Jones really cycled the puck well down low, creating some chances in close. Vernon had the early jump carrying the play for the first three minutes before the Vees would get the games first powerplay. The Vipers penalty killers were solid killing off the minor not giving up a shot while on the PK. Shortly after with the Vees on a three on two, Ryan Viselli picked up the pass through the slot but was robbed by Andrew Hammond who come across the crease making a huge pad save. Penticton seemed to gain a little momentum after the powerplay having the better of the play for a few minutes but didnt generate much offence other the the Viselli scoring chance. Vernon would take control of the play once again, with some of that strong relentless forecheck really cyclying the puck well down low and in and around the Vees net, getting some good chances. Vernon was up in shots early 9-3. The Vipers would get their first powerplay of the game after Ryan Santana did all the work carrying the puck through the zone, then cutting towards the net before being hooked on the play. Mike Collins beat Sean Bonar fivehole on a soft powerplay goal at 10:52 putting Vernon up 1-0. Braden Pimm & Chris Crowell collected the assists. In the 2nd half Penticton did manage to get some chances but couldnt sustain any real solid pressure in the Vipers zone for a good period of time, before Vernon would break up the play and come back the other way with a chance of their own. Kevin Kraus broke up a Vees scoring chance after a great defensive play, sliding in front of a Penticton player to break up the play. Ryan Johansen had a good chance but was denied by Hammond. Kellen Jones would put the Vipers up 2-0 at 17:42 with another soft goal wich beat Bonar fivehole. Sahir Gill & Adam Thompson picked up the assists. Bonar didnt look good in the opening period giving up two soft goals. The Vipers were the better team having the better of the play and were up 2-0 after 20 minutes of play. Vernon outshot Penticton 13-5.

2nd Period: Vipers got off to a quick start once again going with the cycle down low. Vernons relentless cycle and forecheck down low was too much for the Vees as Vernon was all over Penticton for most of the 2nd period. The Vipers were buzzing around the Vees goal getting some good chances in close. Cameron Brodie with a shot from the point somehow beat Bonar who looked confused on the play. Bonar went to glove the puck and somehow the puck went over his glove and into the back of the net. Cory Kane & Rob Short picked up the assists. On the next rush and under a minute later with some nice passing, Bryce Kakoske beat Bonar down low at 5:40 putting Vernon up 4-0 and in full control. Rob Short & Cory Kane collected the assists. Kakoske was in the crease at the side of the net, sliding the puck past Bonar into the empty net. The Vipers owned the first half of the 2nd period, Vernon really stepped up their play, playing physical, taking the body and playing with that agresive forecheck down low wich the Vees were having troubles with all night. Penticton couldnt get anything going, having all kinds of trouble with Vernons forecheck, physical play, as the Vees were getting beat to the puck, along the boards and being outplayed for most of this period. The Vees would finally get control of the play in the second half when Garrett Milan snapped a quick shot from the circle but was stopped by Hammond. Vernons defence played an excellent defensive game all night, Cody Ikkala made a great defensive play at the blueline to stop a Vees player from breaking into the zone two on one. Mike Leidl with the pinch in the neutral zone broke up a Vees two on one with another solid defensive play. Penticton would get their 2nd powerplay of the night and took advantage. Garrett Milan would beat Hammond down low at 14:17 getting the Vees on the board, cutting the lead to 4-1. Max Grassi & Zac Josepher getting the assists. Sahir Gill had a great chance on the breakaway but was stopped by Sean Bonar. Vernon would answer right back just four minutes later when Rob Short & Cory Kane went in two on one, Short made a nice pass over to Kane who beat Bonar as Vernon jumped ahead 5-1 late in the period. The Vees were starting to get frustrated, now getting in the faces of some Vipers, taking a few shots here and their after the whistle wich resulted in Captain Curtis McKenzie dropping the gloves with Kyle Bigos. The Vipers were up 5-1 after 40 minutes of play. Vernon outshot Penticton 12-8.

3rd Period: Jordan White come out to start the 3rd in favor of Sean Bonar who was pulled after giving up five goals in the first two periods of play. With the Vees on the man advantage wich was carried over from the 2nd period the Vipers were back on the penalty kill. The Vees did get a few chances but couldnt beat Hammond. With Vernon up by four goals the Vipers sat back for most of the 3rd and final period as the Vees carried most of the play. Adam Zamec had a great scoring chance in front but was robbed by Andrew Hammond who come across the crease to make the big pad save. Penticton didnt quit their, Ryan Viselli had another great chance but was once again stoned by Hammond on almost the exact same save Hammond made on him in the 1st period. Hammond played very well making some big saves down low. Vernons defence was doing a good job at keeping the Vees to the outside, as Penticton was having troubles getting shots towards the net, this resulting in the Vees driving to the net, trying to get one past Hammond down low. Even though the Vees were carrying the play, they looked tired and not really in the game, making some poor decisions. The Vipers offensive attack wasnt done for the night, after Mike Collins beat Jordan White for his 2nd goal of the game at 8:20 putting the Vipers up 6-1 and in full control. The Vipers didnt lay back on the physical play, Cameron Brodie had the biggest hit of the night and the season after levelling Ryan Viselli in the Vipers zone, sending him to the ice. Viselli took his time getting up after struggling to the bench. Both teams exchanged minors a few times as the play slowed down a little at times. Vernon let off the gas and the offence most of the 3rd as Mark Ferner was playing his 3rd and 4th lines for most of the final frame. The Vees would get another powerplay and once again capitalise scoring their 2nd PP goal of the night. Zac Josepher beat Hammond from the point at 13:49 Max Grassi & Garrett Milan collected the assists. The Vipers would round out the scoring late in the 3rd when Kellen Jones beat White at 18:42 putting Vernon up 7-2. Assists going to, Connor Jones & Sahir Gill. The Vipers would rag the clock down killing off the final few minutes coming home with a big 7-2 victory and a 3-1 series lead. The Vipers outshot the Vees 9-8.

Top Players: (Vernon)

Kevin Kraus played a solid game on the backend.

Cody Ikkala looked very strong defensivly. Ikkala played physical in front of the net.

Cameron Brodie (1 goal) Laid out a few solid checks. Played well defensively.

James Kerr played with alot of energy, was skating well all night.

The line of Connor Jones (1 assist), Kellen Jones (2 goals) & Sahir Gill (2 assists) played very well for the Vipers. When this top line gets down low and cycles the puck, they are almost unstopable. Very shifty down low, creating all kinds of havoc on the other teams d-men. Connor Jones fired the puck in deep in the 3rd, going after it, Jones took a huge hit inbehind the Vees net, but still managed to come up with the puck, and then fought hard to get out front for a scoring chance. This line works very hard and showed alot of hustle and determination all game.
Cory Kane (1 goal & 2 assists) Played very good. Kane was very dangerous cutting through the neutral zone, this kid can dangle the puck. Very skilled at times.

Rob Short (3 assists) Has played well against Penticton all season. Short another kid who plays his heart out, game in game out. Played very well tonight. Showed alot of hustle. Setup a few nice goals. Was really seeing the ice well tonight.

Bryce Kakoske (1 goal) Played one of his better games in a very long time. Nice to see Bryce play well. The Vipers need him to get back to his game he once played when he was with the Westside Warriors.

Andrew Hammond played his 2nd straight solid game. Hammond looked very good once again for the Vipers. Played his angles very well, was a rock down low. Hammond come out of his net alot tonight to play the loose puck. Made three big saves with his left pad robbing Ryan Viselli twice and Adam Zamec once.

Ryan Santana looked very impressive for the 2nd straight night. Once again carried the puck alot tonight, was very hard to get off the puck.

Top Players: (Penticton)

Ryan Viselli played well, battled extremely hard all night. Viselli took a pounding in front of the Vipers net on several occasions. Got levelled by Casmeron Brodie in the 3rd.

Game Thoughts: (Vernon)

This was one of the better efforts of the season. A very well played game by the Vipers. Vernon really come to play tonight and it showed they were by far the better of the two teams tonight. Going up 2-0 after the 1st period was big, due to getting off to some bad starts the last two meetings. The Vipers dominated and took over in the 2nd outplaying and outworking the Vees scoring three goals. Vernons physical play, and relentless forecheck-cycle was just too much for the Vees. The Vipers punished the Vees with the body and cycle down low for most of tonights game. Vernon won most of the one on one battles and races to the pucks. A very strong and well deserving victory.

Game Thoughts: (Penticton)

This wasnt the same team I seen in Games 1 & 3. Penticton did manage to get some good chances tonight but overall were outplayed, outhit, and outworked. The Vees looked tired and didnt seem to have their A game going tonight. Goaltending let them down after giving up atleast three soft goals. You have to wonder why Sean Bonar wasnt pulled sooner? The Vees didnt look very good for most parts of the game, making some poor decisions. If they want to go anywhere in the Playoffs, they need to play physical and get in the face of the Vipers. Vernon was allowed to run circles down low in and around the net with their cycle and forecheck. The Vees are also going to have to try and solve Andrew Hammond who has played very well this series. Penticton has a long ways to come back if the expect to knock off the Vipers. Was suprised to see such a small crowd tonight. Give them credit they make more noise then the bigger crowds at the Wesbild Centre.



Kory Roy
Nick Amies
Steven Weinstein


Kaare Odegard
Matt Ridley
Denver Manderson (Injured)
Brad Reid

3 Stars:

1st Star: Rob Short (3 assists)
2nd Star: Cameron Brodie (1 goal)
3rd Star: Cory Kane (1 goal & 2 assists)

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