Monday, August 18, 2008

Whats In Store For The Vipers This Season?

Whats In Store For The Vipers This Season?

By the looks of things, it dosnt look like the Vipers did much recruiting, other then the three recruits who have commited back in the spring. The Vipers had troubles in the scoring department last year and knew they were lossing Hunter Bishop, Travis Brisebois & Scott Zurevinski, you think they would have been on the lookout for some scoring this year? With 15 possible returning players coming back from last years team, The Vipers are going to have to rely heavy on the Jones Twins for most of the teams scoring. I think the Vipers can expect some good numbers from Braden Pimm, & may get some decent numbers from Rob Short & John Digness who all showed much improvement as the year went on last season. But the remainder of the group are your average 3rd & 4th line checkers. Goaltending will be interesting, is Andrew Hammond capable of being the teams #1? Hammond was (15-14-1) with Surrey last season before being traded to Vernon, & went (6-3) looking average at best in his 9 games with the Vipers. Hammond stepped up his play during the Playoffs but can he play like this all season? With only three 20 yr olds, Vernon still has some room to add that veteran experience that is needed come Playoff time. With seeing most of the other BCHL teams making some key trades over the off season and then bringing in some young recruits to the mix, you have to wonder why Vernon has sat back & hasnt tried to upgrade there team? It will be interesting to see what kind of talent will be at the Vipers training camp this week.

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