Saturday, November 29, 2008

Vernon 3 Penticton 1

Vernon 3 Penticton 1

Was at tonights BCHL game as Vernon defeated Penticton 3-1 in front of 1,850 fans at the South Okanagan Events Center.

1st Period: A slow start to tonights game as both teams looked very cautious, playing very tenative with the puck. Vernon atleast was getting the puck in deep, and getting some long shots towards Jordan White where as Penticton looked a little slow breaking out of there own end. Not much action in the first half of the 1st as the Vipers were up in shots early 4-1. The play picked up in the second half as the Vees had the best scoring chance, as Travis Oullette picked up a nice pass, and then wired a quick shot from the slot, but Andrew Hammond was set and focused coming up with the tough save. Vernon played physical to start the game but laid off the checking as the period carried on. Penticton started skating, really moving the puck well late in the period, getting a few odd man rushes, creating some chances in the Vernon zone. The Vees carried the better of the play in the final 6-8 minutes as the Vipers didnt record a shot on net in the final five minutes of play. Vernons defence was having all kinds of trouble making the first pass breaking out from there own end, causing for alot of turnovers. I also noticed problems with the ice surface in the 1st as atleast 3-4 Vipers and one Vee player fell as nobody was near them. Penticton had a great three on two scoring play late but Hammond made the blocker save. Vipers struggled in the 2nd half but excaped without giving up a goal. It was scoreless after 20 minutes of play. Shots were even 8-8.

2nd Period: Just 2:35 into the 2nd Sahir Gill made a nice play at the Vees blueline, keeping the play onside, then getting the puck downlow to Cole Ikkala, Ikkala waited and then made a nice saucer pass through the crease where Vernon product Rob Short just beat White as Vernon was up 1-0. Shortly after the goal the Vees would get an early powerplay with some solid penalty kill and great forecheck the Vees were forced into taking a minor. With some late four on four action the Vipers would get a late powerplay but couldnt manage to take a 2-0 lead. Kevin Kraus was checked from behind by Ryan Viselli in front of the teams benches, with no call on the play, Steve Tresierra jumped Viselli and the two dropped the gloves. Penticton would come out of the fight with a powerplay and after some nice passing, Denver Manderson set up Curtis McKenzie who had a wide open net, tying the game 1-1 with 12 minutes still to go. Vernon stepped up with some physical play and seemed to have the better of the play for the remainder of the period. The Vipers strong forecheck and hard work down low, was relentless. The Vipers were punishing the Vees with some solid checks, Penticton on the other hand didnt play the body much and was having all kinds of trouble with the strong forecheck of the Vipers. Vernon out worked and out skated the Vees in the 2nd half, with the Vipers winning all the races. The Vipers had some chances in close but White was there to make the save. With just under 8 minutes remaining, & the Vipers on a powerplay Sahir Gill out hustled his man, feeding Kevin Kraus who made an unreal pass over to the side of the net, where Cory Kane was left all alone. Just as the powerplay ended, Kane waited for White to go down, and then hit the empty cage as Vernon went ahead 2-1. The Vipers looked very strong offensivly and defensivly in the last 10 minutes. Vernons defence was unbeatable, keeping the Vees to the outside, as Penticton had one shot in the final 5-6 minutes of the period. Vernon dominated most of the 2nd and was up 2-1 after 40 minutes of play. The Vipers outshot the Vees 9-6.

3rd Period: This was one of the best periods the Vipers have played all season. The Vipers dominated the 3rd with a relentless forecheck and solid defensive play. Vernon got the puck in deep and then out muscled and just simply outworked the Vees down low, as the Vipers forecheck was too much. Vernon was just the stronger hockey club and seemed to want it more then Penticton. Any chance the Vees did touch the puck, Vernons defence shut down Pentictons offence. The Vipers carried most of the play deep in the Penticton zone in the first half and with under the midway mark the Vipers would get a powerplay. Bryce Kakoske would set up Captain Chris Crowell in front who beat White on the PP, as Vernon got the insurance goal they needed, going up 3-1. Penticton tried getting in across the Vipers blueline but the Vipers d-men did a great job at keeping the Vees to the outside, not giving them any space to move or create chances. The Vees didnt record a shot on goal till midway through the final frame. Late in the 3rd Adam Thompson with a bad turnover seemed to give the Vees some life, as Penticton stepped up there play, buzzing around the Vipers net. Curtis McKenzie was robbed by the glove of Andrew Hammond, who was wearing Chris Fairlies old jersey #1. On the next draw, the Vees won the faceoff and then with a mad scramble in front of a down and out Hammond, Penticton couldnt lift the puck over Hammond, as the shot was low and on the ice, as Hammond somehow managed to find the loose puck and stop the play. Penticton would get a late powerplay but the Vipers penalty kill was super, not allowing the Vees with any pressure down low, Penticton would get just one shot on the PP as the Vipers would kill off the minor. Vernons defence was huge late in the game coming up with two big block shots along with not giving the Vees any room, to get a shot off. Shortly after killing off the minor the Vees would get another chance, as they went back on the powerplay, Jordan White would go to the bench for the two man advantage but once again Vernons penalty kill was unreal, Vernon showed alot of hustle, winning the races for the loose pucks, and simply winning the battles along the wall. The Vees had a few late chances but couldnt beat Hammond who looked very confident between the pipes. In the final few seconds of the game Braden Pimm dropped the gloves with Travis Oullette. Vernon would defeat Penticton 3-1 winning there 6th in a row, moving to 3-0 against there arch rivals this season. Penticton now makes the trip up to Vernon Friday night in the rematch. Vernon outshot Penticton 10-8.

Top Players: (Vernon)

Ryan Santana was a work horse for the Vipers, especially in the 2nd period. Santana was very hard to get off the puck, dominated the play down low with some relentless forecheck. Played with alot of hustle, playing well at both ends of the rink.

The line of Rob Short, Sahir Gill & Cole Ikkala was by far Vernons best line. Short (1 goal) played very strong and has been playing his best hockey as of late. Short worked hard, played with alot of hustle, was great on the penalty kill all night. Gill (2 assists) Looked very strong with the puck, always seemed to know who was open and when to make the right pass. Read the play well all game, played well cyclying the puck down low and inbehind the Vees net. Ikkala (1 assist) looked very comfortable on the ice tonight, played very well for not seeing a regular spot in the lineup. Didnt get involved in the play much, but was very noticable on the ice.

Connor & Kellen Jones once again played well in the offensive zone, both kids were hard to get off the puck, cycled the puck well down low, creating all kinds of chances out front. Took a few solid checks, but still come out on top with the puck.

Kevin Kraus (1 assist) Played a solid defensive game. Kraus has really improved his game, coming along ways from the start of the season. Was very impressed with the strong defensive play in his own end, was involed offensivly, jumping up into the play alot tonight. Was skating well.

Andrew Hammond didnt have much action in the first two periods but looked very solid in the final few minutes of the game. Hammond had to be sharpe with a late surge by the Vees, coming up with some big saves with bodies in front. Looked very confident, played his positions well. No rebounds, was quick covering up the loose pucks.

Chris Crowell (1 goal) Played very well. Crowell has also impressed me as of late, stepping up his game. Crwowell played with that edge the Vipers need him to play with game in, game out.

Top Players: (Penticton)

Curtis McKenzie (1 goal) was by far the best Penticton player. McKenzie was all over the ice, involved in most of the Vees scoring chances. This kid saw alot of icetime, looking very solid up front. Played at both ends of the rink, showed alot of hustle.

Travis Oullette had two or three good scoring chances. Was another Vee who stood out, was involved in the play for most of the night. Good skater who can read the play well.

Jordan White played alot better compared to last weekends Overtime loss to Vernon. White had much better control with his rebounds, wasnt out playing the puck as much and seemed a little more confident between the pipes. Didnt stand on his head but played well. Made a few nice saves.

Game Thoughts: (Vernon)

The Vipers played an excellent road game, coming up with a big 3-1 victory. I was very impressed with the physical play in the 2nd and 3rd periods. Vernon really punished the Vees with some solid checks. The Vipers were very relentless at both ends of the rink, in there forecheck and gritty play along the wall and in the corners. The Vipers were by far the better hockey club who seemed to want this game more, winning most of the battles, showing alot of hustle, beating players to the puck on 2nd chances. The one thing that stood out for me, was the solid defensive play by the Vipers, late in the 2nd and especially in the 3rd, they basically shut down Pentictons offence, keeping the Vees to the outside, not giving them any time or space to create any chances. A few mental lapses late but played very well tonight. Vernon seemed to get those timely goals, when they needed them. Overall a solid team effort and well deserved win. Since lossing to Salmon Arm, in not such a great effort the Vipers have lost just one game, playing there best hockey of the year. Mark Ferner has done an exceptional job with the defence, & penalty kill keeping the goals against down (best in the league).

Game Thoughts: (Penticton)

This was a much different looking hockey club compared to last weekends Vernon-Penticton game. Off the opening draw the Vees didnt seem to have that jump they usally have, almost looking lifeless at times. Not much energy coming from there top lines. Had some chances late in the 1st with a few nice plays and then had a late surge in the final few minutes of the 3rd but basically that was it, not much threat coming from the Vees tonight. This was the first in a long time I have seen the Vees out worked and out played for most of the game, this club was almost afraid of hitting, as the Vipers were walking all over them down low and along the boards. Had two great chances late in the game with two powerplays but struggled. This wasnt one of the better performances Ive seen from Penticton, was very surprised. Love the Vees new 3rd set jerseys, very sharpe!



James Kerr
Trent Dorais
Kory Roy
Steven Weinstein


Nicholas Goyens
Ryan Johansen

3 Stars:

1st Star: Andrew Hammond
2nd Star: Curtis McKenzie (1 goal)
3rd Star: Sahir Gill (2 assists)

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