Friday, September 12, 2008

Thoughts On Aquiring DePape:

Im looking forward to watching DePape play tonight in Westside. At 6'2 and 216 lbs I really like his size and Jr experience. With being a former captain, he will add alot of leadership on & off the ice. Mark Ferner basically picked up Greg Beller last year for nothing as he added alot to the Vipers lineup, will DePape do the same this year? I think with his size and toughness-hard work heres a kid Vernon was missing last year, these kind of kids are warriors come Playoff time. So far I think this will be a good addition to the Vipers roster. It will be interesting now to see who the odd man out is? The Vipers have 25 kids, so two have to go. It will be interesting to see if Ferner makes any other moves soon.

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