Friday, November 7, 2008

Salmon Arm 4 Vernon 3

Salmon Arm 4 Vernon 3

Was at tonights game as Salmon Arm defeated Vernon 4-3 in front of 2,714 fans at the Wesbild Center.

1st Period: Tonight was parents weekend for the Vernon Vipers. Off the opening faceoff just 4 seconds into the game Captain Chris Crowell dropped the mits with Matt Wray. Salmon Arm got off to the quick start getting the puck in deep and really forcing the play down low, with the Vipers back on there heels the Backs moved the puck well, generating all kinds of chances down low. Andrew Hammond had to be alert and ready as the Silverbacks were buzzing all over in the Vernon zone. Salmon Arm with there strong skating and quick puck movement had some good chances in close but couldnt find the back of the net. Vernon was having all kinds of trouble getting the puck out of there own end. Shots were 4-0 early in favor of the Backs. The Vipers finally got out of there own end and across center with there first scoring chance of the night, John Digness cut wide and then turned towards the goal getting the Vipers first shot on net 7 minutes into the game. Vernon come close to scoring again as Rob Short burst down the wing, but Greg Noyes hustled back, making a solid defensive play, clearing the puck away from Short. This seemed to turn the tables as Vernon finally got there legs going, getting the puck in deep and some good cyclying down low paid off as the Vipers were buzzing around Bryan Gillis, Gillis was solid making 4 huge saves down low one right after another before "AP" Kory Roy wearing Les Reaneys old jersey #23 banged home the rebound past Gillis to put Vernon ahead 1-0 and now it was the Vipers who took control in shots 5-4. This was the first stopage in play since the opening fight to start tonights game. On the next play the Backs would go on a powerplay and just seconds into the man advantage some quick passing down low from Kennan Desmet & Justin Cseter set up Christopher Hoe who beat Hammond tying the game 1-1 just seconds after the Vipers took the lead. The Vipers seemed to carry the play more in the 2nd half of the 1st but couldnt seem to get any solid chances down low. Salmon Arm would get into some penalty trouble with under 5 minutes remaining in the period. Bobby Lipsett was tossed from the game after a check from behind and on the same play Zac Rasmussen was called for tripping. Vernon would have a two man advantage but struggled in the early goings on the PP, Vernon moved the puck around well but didnt get off any shots wich killed alot of the two man advantage. Chris Crowell was stoned in front after Gillis stopped the Vipers Captain in the slot with a nice save. Late in the two man advantage the Backs would get called for another minor and would now be down three men but with the Vipers only getting one shot on goal while on the two man advantage the Backs would kill off the two man advantage but couldnt kill off the final few seconds left on the 3rd powerplay. Kellen Jones beat Bryan Gillis with just 59 seconds remaining in the 1st. A very quick paced 1st period with the Vipers up 2-1 after 20 mins of play. Vernon outshot Salmon Arm 12-7.

2nd Period: Once again the Silverbacks started out strong getting to the puck first, getting it in deep and then really forechecking Vernon down low. With Salmon Arm on an early powerplay once again special teams would kill the Vipers as seconds into the man advantage and some quick passing, the Backs would tie the game 2-2. Colin Lidster would beat Hammond down low on a nice shot from in close. Just minutes later Salmon Arm once again forced the Vipers deep into there own end as Colin Lidster & Captain Matt Walters fed veteran Travis Briard putting the Backs up 3-2. Not much flow come the 2nd period with some scrambly play at both ends of the rink. Zac Rasmussen had a great scoring chance but was robbed by Andrew Hammond at the side of the net. The Vipers struggled offensivly for most of the period, having all kinds of trouble creating or generating any scoring chances. The Backs defence played solid on the backend not giving the Vipers any room. Salmon Arm was by far more the physical team laying out some solid checks. Late in the 2nd the Vipers would get into some penalty trouble after Kellen Jones went to the box for two minors, but the Backs couldnt capitalise on there chances as the Vipers penalty killers were solid killing off the 4 minutes and excaping any further damage. The Backs were up 3-2 after 40 mins of play. Salmon Arm outshot Vernon 15-6.

3rd Period: The Silverbacks got the early jump and once again controlled the play early with some strong puck movement and quick passing in the Vipers zone. Just over 4 minutes into the 3rd Andrew Hammond made the first save off Ashford McMaster but couldnt control the rebound as Zac Rasmussen jumped all over the loose puck and burried the rebound past Hammond putting Salmon Arm up 4-2. The Backs carried the edge in play for the first half of the 3rd having all kinds of room to move. The Vipers would turn things around come the 2nd half stepping up there play. Vernon finally generated some chances in close and played some of there best hockey of the night late in the 3rd. Gillis had to be sharpe as the Vipers were throwing everything towards the goal. Cory Kane made some nice moves in close, going around two Salmon Arm defenders but couldnt find the back of the net, as Gillis come up with the pad save from the slot. Late in the 3rd Vernon would call a timeout and shortly after get Hammond to the bench for the extra attacker, with some good presure down low and time winding down, Kellen Jones fed Braden Pimm at the side of the net, who beat Gillis high shortside cutting the Silverbacks lead to 4-3 with still 47 seconds remaining. With time running down and Vernon breaking into the Salmon Arm zone, the play was stopped wich looked like an offside call but then the faceoff went back to center ice, so it seems like the ref blew the play down by mistake wich cost the Vipers a great scoring play. Vernon couldnt get the puck back into the zone as Salmon Arms defence stood tall at the blueline, getting the puck out deep into the neutral zone as the buzzer would go to end tonights hockey game as the Silverbacks defeated the Vipers 4-3. Vernon outshot Salmon Arm 16-10.

Top Players: (Vernon)

Chris Crowell (1 assist) played with that edge that has missing in his play for the longest time. Crowell started off the game with a big fight with Matt Wray. Crowell was a horse in front of the Backs net all night, trying to cause traffic in front of Bryan Gillis. Made two big plays to block two shots from the point while on the PK.

Andrew Hammond played well, looking very solid down low. Hammond seemed to have some troubles with his rebounds on the long shots but played well, giving the Vipers a chance to win.

Ryan Santana looked very impressive in the 3rd.

"AP" Kory Roy saw loads of icetime, skated well, showed lots of energy. Rob Short played with lots of energy, showing lots of hustle all night.

Top Players: (Salmon Arm)

Bryan Gillis was very impressive in tonights 4-3 win making 31 saves. Gillis was solid come the 2nd half of the 1st and the 2nd half of the 3rd period. Gillis played his position very well, not giving up many rebounds.

Justin Cseter (1 assist) Played an excellent game. Cseter was all over the ice for the Silverbacks. A very good skater and smooth with the puck. Has 12 pts in just 13 games with Salmon Arm.

Colin Lidster (1 goal & 1 assist) Played a solid game. Lidster is one of the biggest kids in the league with some nice hands down low.

Zac Rasmussen (1 goal) Always plays Vernon tough. This kid is smaller but isnt afraid of backing down from anyone. Was chirpping all game, getting in the face of many Vipers but also looked strong up front. Always buzzing around the net.

Matt Walters (1 assist) played a physical game, always involved in the play, an aggresive player who likes the rough stuff.

Matt Wray played physical and didnt back down from the pushing & shoving. Another Salmon Arm player who was getting involved in the after the whistle activities. Played well for most of the game.

Game Thoughts: (Vernon)

The Vipers struggled from the get go having trouble in the early goings, clearing the puck from there own end. Vipers looked sluggish and disorganised at times in there own zone. Played well and looked good in the 2nd half of the 1st. Vernon struggled to start all 3 periods but did manage to play a little better in the 2nd half of all 3 periods. Vipers need to play with more of an edge, were not very physical through out tonights game. Struggled on the powerplay as special teams was the difference. On a two man advantage Vernon waisted alot of the time passing the puck, instead of getting off some quick shots. Trying to get too fancy with neat passing plays down low. For most parts of the game I didnt think the Vipers played all that well, some weird passes when others wernt open and then when they had a solid scoring chance in close, they passed the puck off. Vipers need to play the whole game like they showed in the 2nd half of the 3rd period, played with alot of energy, showing lots of hustle and speed. This was no where to be seen in the first two periods. Steve Tresierra & Adam Thompson saw very limited icetime.

Game Thoughts: (Salmon Arm)

I was very impressed with the play of the Backs. The Silverbacks own Vernons number this year with just the one loss to start the season. A very quick pucking moving hockey team, wich likes getting the puck in deep and jumping on the other teams d-men, making them turn over the puck. A very strong skating team wich is solid defensivly. The Backs were by far the more stronger team carrying the better of the play for mosy of the game. The Silverbacks like to get involved in the play after the whistles. Alot of pushing & shoving trying to get under the skin of the Vernon players. Very impressed with the clubs powerplay, very quick passing. Give Salmon Arm credit, a team with most of there veteran or more offensive players not in the lineup as well as the teams head coach, and some "AP"s added into the roster, this team come up with a solid performance getting a big 4-3 win moving 5 pts up on the Vipers for 1st place.



Ryan DePape
Cole Ikkala
Trent Dorais
Steven Weinstein

Salmon Arm:

Matt Grassi
Levi Hantula
Sam Mitchell
Mark Zengerle
Travis Statchuk
Conor Morrison

3 Stars:

1st Star: Justin Cseter (1 assist)
2nd Star: Matt Walters (1 assist)
3rd Star: Chris Crowell (1 assist)

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