Monday, March 31, 2008

The Official Launch Of Vipersdiehardfan Blog:

Welcome all hockey fans to Vipersdiehardfan blog.  As many of my followers and hockey fans know I have been posting all anything related towards the Vernon Vipers hockey team on the BCHL message board for the last seven years.  I was born and raised here in Vernon and grew up watching Junior hockey as a child before getting my first set of season tickets in 1990 since then I have missed just 42 home games.  Ive missed just two home games since the 1999 season. I worked with the Vipers back in 2003-04 as colour comentator helping out with a few games over the internet.

I first heard about the BCHL message board in January of 2001 at first I use to just read all the postings-comments before not too long on the fourm a parent of one of the Trail Smoke Eaters asked if anyone was at the Vipers-Smokies game last night, as he or she wanted to know how her son looked and how was the game.  He or she listened to the game over the radio but wanted to get a fans perspective of the actual game.  I was the first one who wrote a small paragraph on the game and how her son did in the hockey game.  He or she was very thankfull and asked if I could post a little write up on the game anytime Trail was in town so he or she could follow her son.  It wasnt too much longer when a few other fans-parents started asking me to give a write up on some of the Viper games.  & this is how I became vipersdiehardfan.

At first it was just a quick little paragraph on the game or on a player someone was wanting to know about.  It wasnt much longer where I started getting creative and getting into more detail before you knew it I was doing full game recaps on every Vipers game.  I really enjoy it so I kept going with it, next thing you knew I was posting all Viper trades, Alumni updates, and basically anything news related to do with the Vernon Vipers.

A few years ago some fans for whatever reason disagreed with some of my comments, game recaps etc and made note of it.  It didnt bother me at the beginning but over the last year several fans got very upset, called me names, called me out and even said I knew very little about the game I had just watched-commented on.  As I see it everyone sees and watches the game of hockey differently wich means every fan, hockey player, coach, broadcaster and scouts see the game differently.  My game recaps and comments on trades etc are just my own opinion and mine only.  This is what I saw or see and thats the way I look at it.  I know not everyone is going to agree with me but this is what I like about sports and the game of hockey, everyone has their own opinion.  Anyways after taking alot of critisism over the years on the BCHL message board, one long time Vipers season ticket holder was the one who suggested to me one year why dont I make-create my own Vipers blog.  Well during the off season I took some time and looked into it and well here it goes.

I hope most of you who followed me on the BCHL message board will find me here on my blog and continue to follow me.  I hopeto keep everyone and especially all Viper fans informed with any news regarding the Vernon Vipers.

On my blog you will find my game recaps after every Vipers home game as well as the odd away game, Vipers trades, Morning Star newspaper articles, and Viper Alumni updates. 

Thanks to everyone who follows me and appreciates what I do.  Without you this blog would never be around.



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